This is pretty fun. Very arcadey, which is appropriate for a jam. Good job!
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Chroma Chroma's pageResults
Criteria | Rank | Score* | Raw Score |
Gameplay | #65 | 3.750 | 3.750 |
Sound | #125 | 3.341 | 3.341 |
Art | #169 | 3.455 | 3.455 |
Creativity | #185 | 3.659 | 3.659 |
Ranked from 44 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.
Were the art assets made during the 48 hours?
Was all the music/sound created during the 48 hours?
Very fun game! One of the more polished ones from the jam for sure, and another one which I’d say is a contender for top. I do have a few suggestions though:
The main complaint I have is that the game feels a little bit easy, mainly due to the green shield. Maybe I haven’t gotten deep enough to reach the hard levels, but it did eventually get to a stage where id simply keep replenishing the green shield and the game was a cakewalk from there. My suggestion would be to either make the shield reduce bullet damage by a certain % (such as 50% reduction), or make the shield randomly stop or not stop a bullet (eg 66% chance the bullet stops, 33% it leaks through).
The other complaint I have is in the controls, oddly enough. I definitely enjoy the fact that you got both keyboard and controller working, but I kinda wish the switch colours were on the triggers rather than the buttons (or mapped to both trigger and buttons). Maybe it’s the way I hold the controller, but I find that the triggers are a lot more natural to press than the buttons.
At one point the game zooms out, and due to this the movement feels somewhat slow. I think making things faster as the game progress would help the pacing a little, while also adding to the difficulty.
The last thing, and this is more minor, is it wasn’t really obvious that blue == refill mana lol. It took me a while to figure that out, and I feel like it could have been included, maybe as a blurb text the first time you run out of mana, for instance.
Beyond that, the game is very solid for a 48 hr production time. There’s lots of polish, including attention to detail regarding the menu and pause screen. The graphics are simple yet effective, and the sound effects, though slightly “muffled” were satisfying all the same. The background music fit the game and was at a very good volume. The art style was consistent, which also helps with immersion.
Overall a satisfying production and stellar game for a 48hr jam. Well done!
Thanks <3
It's the first time I hear someone says that green shield are OP xD, but I get what you mean...
tbh I didn't have allocated time to use for balancing the weapons, I did a soft balance, but wasn't enough.
Add triggers to the change color too, yeah makes perfect sense! Both could be used no problem.
This zoom one no one said before but was something that I felt too, I've already fixed it but I can't upload there yet :b
This one was a really bad mistake, a lot of people in here have the same problem as well... I've changed the text, for something more literal... Not sure if works, but it's better than before.
This jam I lost the first 12h, so everything here was in a 36h production time... And makes me really happy when someone really identify every single aspect of care and polish that I add to the game.
Thanks a lot for your feedback! :D
A few things. This has a ton of potential and is pretty fun when you get the hang of it. Style, sound, and feel is pretty good. I played with an xbox controller and would occasionally end up not facing the way I expected after I stopped to turn and fire red. Took me awhile to figure out how to refill mana, but when I started to get upgrades the whole thing really started coming together. Overall an easy like and good entry!
Just got wrecked! lol Cool colours and stuff though.
A super cool game! I really like the gameplay part, I overabuse of the red and blue weapon xD, it's really cool! Great job! Hope you will update it!
The game is polished, and the idea with mixing colors is interesting. I also liked the effects, but controls are not convenient. You can make it so I can move or target with mouse, because that would be much easier. The game is cool, I can see that you worked on it hard, but please, change the controls
Feels like a polished game! It was very strange to me to control with arrows, but I found out I can also play with WSAD :)
Idk why, I had problem with mana, almost all the time it was on 0
This is actually a pretty polished game. I really like the mechanics that you built around the different colours, especially the two colours that you choose on the sides of the character mixing to create a different colour (eg. blue and red made magenta). The UI was also really nice visually which is always nice for players.
Gameplay was fun and interesting with all the different weapons. I think what could be improved (maybe you didn't have time for this), but maybe a tutorial or screen explaining what the different weapons are because I didn't know how to get mana at first haha. Overall great game though!
Howdie! Is there any way I can play this game with Mac OS? I'm not able to open the file on my iMac. :( I can't wait to play it and give feedback! (It looks cool in the thumbnails!)
Not sure if it works, but here you go:
This was actually fun to play. However, the game seriously needs a tutorial about the different weapons. I like that you allow the player to experiment, but not telling them that blue refills their mana is a bad idea XD.
The weapons were cool, though I didn't really use some of them. I didn't really need to use the light blue weapon to destroy enemy projectiles since it was easy enough to dodge. The yellow bombs are only kinda useful when there are a lot of enemy projectiles headed your way. The ship was also a little clunky to control
The other powerups were cool and very useful. Lining up a shot with the red weapon was very satisfying and then using the pink weapon to kill off any stragglers was cool. Overall it's a good game man, just desperately needs a tutorial and maybe a few more enemy types XD
Really loved and kept a while playing it and I think its a great game.
Just as a feedback.. bc I repeat I loved the game, The upgrades felt a little random, and I end prefering the first ammo causing to be afraid of upgrading my weapons bc of loosing my first weapon that I ended loosing it anyway. But I repeat I enjoy playing it!
Here's my feedback about the game: (The feedback may sound negative, but the game is actually great: I had a blast with it!! That's just how i give feedback)
- Visually, the game is very appealing, even before starting playing!! Good Job!!
- There isn't any clear tutorial
- There isn't (at least in-game) a proper explanation of what the different ammo do
- Some ammo combination are pretty imbalanced (Shield + Homing (Magenta) + Red & Black Upgrade = The enemy can't damage you. Plus the mana, with the red upgrade charges soo fast that you feel like a god)
- The cyan and yellow ammos feels pretty powerless. The yellow one i thought it was a bomb, but it kinda disappeared (and i felt really confused), and the cyan one i didn't get the effect until i read it up
- It's hard to recognize the "Left" part of the ship from the "Right" part of the ship. Every time i had to look at the indicator in the bottom left of the screen, getting distracted about what's actually going on in the screen, and most of time getting hit (no HP loss, thanks to the shield, but still...)
- The movement, for a spaceship, is unconventional and unintuitive. i have quite a few trouble to adjust to it
- You can travel really far in the map, and lose sight of the enemys. An indicator would be nice
- The isn't any enemy variation, and the enemy feels boring after a while
- There should be a way, other than taking the white power up (and using the cyan ammo, i guess, that i didn't know) to heal up the ship imo
- Same thing for the mana, i guess
- The sound effects are... weird (not bad, just... weird. idk how to expalin propelly)
Thanks for your feedback! Even if it's negative, can be useful, so don't worry xD...
- Thanks, was made all with simple shapes in unity, only the background I made outside!
- Yeah, indeed x.x;
- True, I would solve this with a proper tutorial;
- True also xD, the plan was to add more enemies so the other weapons could be more useful. In any case, I didn't spent a good time with balance;
- The yellow was supposed to be used vs enemies with huge HP and with a lot of bullet spamming, the cyan was supposed to heal you, but since you can't really take damage if just dodge, this get useless;
- First time someone talks about this... This is new, thanks! <3
- Usually you move ship games with steering and forward acceleration, with some momentum... But I like to do more precise gameplay controlling in my games... Can you specify more what kind of trouble you had?
- In this one, the map is literally infinite, the enemies always follow you and they are spawn with this in mind... Even knowing this, you still think a minimap would be viable or something?
- True true, my bad x.x;
- With the other types of enemy in mind, would be easier to heal with cyan weapon... Maybe fix the cyan weapon logic as well, as it is, is not working 100% intended;
- Not sure if I agree, but it's ok o/;
- Actually in this part I was pretty lazy, and got some sfx from past games x.x.
I didn't thought it was negative feedback at all! There's a lot of gold here... Some stuff I will definitely add to the next version, so thanks for saving a time to help me with that! <3
BTW, if you need more help with jam participating problems, count me in o/
Oops, i forgot to reply!! 😅 (Sorry)
Yes, ik, i say that pretty much to everyone because there are some people can't get negative feedback right, so i'll always remind that, just in case...
I've tried again the new ammos that i missed out in my first playtrough, and i've got to say: i seriously think the yellow one should be a bomb, because righ now there isn't really a way to deal with a lot of enemys other than spamming the magenta ammo (the red ammo is usefull becuase of his piercing ability, but not that much really, an AOE would be more usefull). Dealing with enemys with more HP instead, with the tools that you have, i think it's much easier
Also, the cyan needs to give more feedback of his utility, it isn't really that clear that it heals you (i missed it soo many times): doing something like the blue one, when they collect a bullet it should fix the problem imo. And it seriously need some balance, because healing only 1 to 3 HP in a game where you can have 600+ HP i'd say is a pretty low amount.
(These last two point is just my opinion on how i'd improve the game. Obviously you know the game better than i do...)
Like we said, the moviment of the ship is not conventional: usually in this kind of game the ship it steeres to the direction you pressed, instead of moving in that direction right away...what i've said is that, because of this thing, and the fact that i've played many games that use that kind of moviment (the steering one) i had to adapt myself to your pattern of moviment... That's not really a problem, nor did it caused trouble, it's just a thing that you need to be aware, especially without a tutorial... I hope i explained myself propelly
I was thinking more like an indicator than a map, like the one you gat in an FPS game when you get hurt, especially because doing a minimap of an infinite map dosen't sounds right to me, but yes. i think the game needs an indicator: if you continua running ina d irection, or you need 10 enemys to complete the lever, dometimes finding that enemys it's pretty hard to do...
About the second last and third las point, not that i really think about it, there isn't really a need for that: i was saying that because you currently have only one way to heal/regain mana, and i tought that having only one way to heal isn't really a good thing, especially if the player can miss hoe to do it... But that sould be fixed with a tutorial
(And yeah, you're about the mana one, it shouldn't exist: Regaining mana is much more easier than regaining life)
I should be probably the one to thatnk you for helping me and for making an awersome game!! I'll take you on my mind in case i'd need help on the future!! 😊
Makes sense xD
But "good feedback" feeds your ego. "Bad feedback" feeds your project, which actually truly feeds your ego, as long you can take the "punch".
The way I thought about the weapons was the following:
- Red means damage;
- Green means defense;
- Blue means utility;
So the yellow weapon was supposed to be a damage/defensive weapon, that's why is the way it is... I could make it explode on contact and dealing damage based on the size... Could work, I will keep this in mind :D... But after doing some fixes, now the enemies increase in health, and now suddenly every weapon got useful, but still need some touch!
I thought of doing that, but actually didn't ;-; , the balance part, well... In late game you can have a lot of cyan active, so you can regen pretty fast, but I couldn't have time to do some full playthrough to actually look at this x.x... One way of dealing with cyan I thought off after some feedback was: making the cyan being like satellites that when a bullet appear, it moves there and "kill the bullet and collect the healing", this could work better.
I understand this, and makes perfect sense! I can try to see how enjoyable the mechanic would be with this mechanic in mind. But one thing that is definitely making thins worse is the "parallax", because I couldn't make it work properly, so sometimes it seems like you are so fast.
This is pretty clever! I will do this :D... Last 10 or something it start to show "Arrows" pointing towards enemies.
Yeah, a well made tutorial and a improve in the cyan mechanics should be enough :D
Sure, feel free to ask me so whenever you want! :D
Man, this discussion is really getting out of hand!! XD (But we're enjoying it, so it doesn't matter...)
Yes, i agree: "negative" feedback is better than the "positive" one (i don't think there is an actual good/bad feedback). Ego aside (i think the impact on ego depends on the way you take feedback), Highlighting the bad part of a game helps improving the game and you as a developer (Plus it's much honest and easier to do, at least for me), where "positive" feedback doesn't really "improve" the game, but only strengthen the already good part of it.
Oh, i think you should make that more clear to the player then... 😅 If that's the direction you're going for, i think you should strengthen the categories of the weapons a little bit... Not in actual power, that other than the yellow one is done right, but in feel: make the screen shake a little when you fire the red ammos, maybe a green aura when your using a green ammo, idk... those are just some ideas
Well, so far, i don't agree that much: If i understood correctly how the cyan ammo works, it heals you of a percentage based on the bullet power and the green powerup level (I say that because i didn't see more cyan bullets spawn when i get the green power up), and once it gets in a contact with the bullet, the both of them disappeared. Did i understand it properly?? Anyway, in the end game (Unless if you decide to group or push them, a tactic i don't think many players will go with, since it's more risky than just run and shoot, and it probably produce more bullets that the player, and the cyan ammo, can handle) there is a max of 3? 4? Maybe 5? projectiles on screen at time, most of the enemys won't shoot at you. Plus, cyan ammo is pretty expensive and risky to do, but this isn't really a negative (Rather, it's a positive. for balance reasons) but is still one of the causes why i think cyan won't heal you that much in the end game
I mean, is the parallax, or being fast THAT bad?? I'd say, I've kinda enjoyed that...
The problem doesn't just occur when they are a few enemys on screen, but also when you travel far from the enemys (btw you should try to encourage the player to not escape, if it isn't your gameplay intention). Plus I'd suggest to go with a percentage instead of a fixed amount of enemys (10% of the total enemys remaining, instead if just the last 10 remaining)
Again, thank you for everything!! (Maybe i should send you a friend request on discord or something?? idk)
PS. Sorry if in the last post they were so many errors, i wrote it on my phone that has a small "keyboard" with no auto corrector :/
It's fine, as you say, if we enjoy... Whatever xD
Feedback is a really important discussion, because what (unfortunately) lack a lot in the industry as a general is some true feedback. I've seen a lot of people in a lot of places already saying something just to make the dev happy, and this can't be helpful. x.x
Makes perfect sense. Since everyone that played couldn't figure this out, I guess it's useful to say it.
Yeah, I totally agree. I still have to play around with some of the values, to see how well it can works. But right now, it heals you x * blue level * green level (amount of bullets that can absorb.
Well, if you move diagonally when there are some enemies around, you gonna understand what I mean xD
Hmm never thought about a player trying to escape, makes perfect sense... And the 10% thing makes sense too!
Sure! Mine is: Suikou#6294
PS: it's fine, don't worry
Wow the visuals are really nice! but i couldnt really understand how to regain mana, so i dont have too much to say about the gameplay, but it looked really juicy with good effect and particals, Great job! but maybe next time add a small explnation to the tutorial.
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