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A member registered Oct 31, 2018 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

The inconsistency lies in the mix of pixelated and high-resolution elements, such as the pixelated main character versus the non-pixelated background. This creates a visual clash, disrupting the overall visual coherence. Other than that, it was cool.

Thanks for the feedback. I'll try to polish up a little bit more from next time.

I forgot to switch off the oven fr.

Yuppp I should've conveyed about minor twists in each levels clearly. Also, in level 3 the mausa will go down one unit after some amount of time which does not count as movement so in this level you can use the help of gravity to reach down without increasing mausa's size.
Thanks for playing!!

Nice game. Cool mechanics. There was slight inconsistency in pixel art but other than that it was an enjoying and mind blending experience. Hope to see more of you in future!

I'm glad you enjoyed the game! Thanks for the feedback...

The size of mausa also changes with time in some levels so that's what you are missing in level 5 and 6. I should have conveyed it clearly :(.

Ya I also thought of some of these ideas but wasn't able to implement (I didn't think of naming the levels based on the abilities). Thanks for the other ideas and feedback tooo!!!

It took me some time to get hang of aging mechanic but other than that it was cool to use perspective of age as scaling. Art style was spot on love the color palette and sound design.

One of the most fun and challenging but not so challenging game. Puzzles were short and clear visual feedback for the player's abilities were such a nice mechanic. Overall, the game was fire!!! Hope to see it getting it reiterated and fully released soon!

That was a beautiful game. Nice art and soothing music. It would've been nice if the flowers automatically get harvested. Had fun playing!!

The game was hard and frustating but it was fun to play.

thanks for your advice!!!!

Yes my PC is just so bad that I can't tell you, that's why an earlier version of unity was used in making this game!!!!

thanks for your feedback!!!!

I'll try to fix all these issues in my future games!!!!

thanks a lot!!!once again!!!

thank you very much for playing!!!!!!

Graphics were good and gameplay was not easy though. Great work!!! Perfect for good bad Jam!!!!

thank you so much!!!!!

thanks for playing game!!!!

About this Game : This game is a skill based platformer where you play as a robot. Playing this game could be frustrating sometimes so if you are not a skill based platformer player.Play this game for fun and tell me about any glitches or bugs.

I made this game just for fun and i hope that you'll love it.

This is the first devlog of my game The Unsaved!

I hope you'll support my work.

I've changed the obstacles which were red originally and looked like corona virus. So i've changed their texture and colour to blue. I hope you'll like it. And if you haven't tried the demo then try it out :

Then :

Now :

thank u so much for that!

i'll fix all that issues.

thanks for the time that you've given to my game. I will correct all those mistakes step by step as you've mentioned.

I liked that line that minor things are the major part of a game, so thanks once again for these feedbacks!

keep supporting!

Thanks for your opinion!!!!

Okk I'll make that "get rid of dark side" clear as well.

I am working on the enemies too. They would not be just shooter they will also have magical powers to match with the magic setting of the game.

Thanks once again!

And I hope that you'll support us till the full release of the game!

Hey Guys!
The Unsaved contains a mysterious tale, calm soundtrack and soothing gameplay.

It is a game about the journey of a man who is possessed by some devilish side of his own. Explore the magical world and find a way to free him from his devilish side.
Go give it a try here :

Follow  to stay updated,share if you like.
Demo Trailer:

#gamedev #indiegamedev #indiegame #unitygame

(1 edit)

Hey Guys!!!!

How you doin'????

I've posted here to show you my stuff and ask for feedbacks!!!

The Unsaved is a game about the journey of a man who is possessed by some devilish side of his own. Explore the magical world and find a way to free him from his devilish side. Go give it a try!!!!

It is a platformer game with cool soundtracks and magic as your friend. Be sure to check it out!

Do Follow me and share this stuff to everyone you know!!!!


Watch the trailer below!!!

He(@40wattstudio) is absolutely right the demo should contain 15-25% of the game with hook of the game that may be an artwork, a good story, ,great actions, soothing environment, great puzzles etc. And that would raise the interest of the players to buy the full game!!!!

but the greatest motivation is that age does not matters at all if your motivation behind the game is bigger then you'll cross over every hurdles. But if you are having any trouble(physical resources) then you collaborate with others would be great!

yess I can understand well!!!

you can cut it down to like 20-30 minutes cause if anyone likes your game they'll play for the whole duration but if they encounter any issue with that they'll surely leave that. Keep the key features in that 15-20 minutes session of the starting to make an impact and the rest would be the normal gameplay!!!!

And the second question(actually the first) I also don't have any idea about the collaboration cause I am solely developing this game.

But you can find people which are relevant to the genre of your game contact them and if they are interested they'll surely collab with you.

I am just a Student not any marketing expert. I am making games for more than three years. So to balance between A and B is to just give the audience a good glimpse of one or two key features that the game would extend later on, and for this a demo gameplay of 5-10 minutes is a perfect timing or if it had various levels then show them the intro of the story and the first level. Show the players that the features have possibility to be extended and do not get bored over time. Show them interesting things also like artwork, illustrations or music that also enhances the quality of the demo. I hope you've got your answer. 

By the way I am a solo developer doing all the things alone.

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Yes! Demo should give a glance of your work. It should not be too lengthy or contain too many levels. A clean and short demo is a perfect option as audience tells you about what they like and dislike in your game so that you could fix those things. Demo is just like the foundation of the game, if foundation is not good then the building  collapses!!!! As you have mentioned, the demo should be perfectly fit in between A and B.

btw thanks for reading this article!!!!

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The demo or prototype is the first thing you have to show to your audience, so that they can react to your game and tell you about glitches and bugs and crashes etc. If you don't publish a demo and Launch your game directly and if you receive a ton of glitches and bugs and you'll feel depressed and you'll likely lose the hope. So before launching your full release give your audience a try!!!!!!

I've also uploaded the demo of my game!!!!

Go give it try!!! Give me feedback, follow, like, share, comment give me advice,tell me about bugs and glitches........

I hope you will stay with me till the end of this project

Thank you very much...........

And pray that this corona virus ends as soon as possible!!!!!

This is only a demo. I am currently working upon this project!!!

Please give it a try and give me feedbacks!!!!

The Unsaved is a game about the journey of a man who is possessed by some devilish side of his own. Explore the magical world and find a way to free him from his devilish side.

The Unsaved is a game about the journey of a man who is possessed by some devilish side of his own. Explore the magical world and find a way to free him from his devilish side.Go and give it a try!!!!


I've started a new project. Basically it is a platformer game but there is also an interesting story which i hope you will like it.

Follow to stay updated with the development. It is a screenshot of a dummy level and a dummy character.

I will share the progress of my game as soon as possible or in two or three days.  So, please support me by giving your feedbacks and ideas and answer of the question that i will ask to you because the players are the most valuable asset of the game. :)

Thanks a lot!!!!

I'll implement that.

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