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A member registered Mar 23, 2023 · View creator page →

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Nice job, this was an interesting game!

Unfortunately, I encountered an error:

Other than that, this was a pretty fun game! I wish there were more things to do though. For example, maybe you can create new items from the packaged goods which would sell for more money if you made them properly.

I wasted 2 hours trying to make a walking animation for the first time 😭

I agree, the graphics could definitely have an upgrade

Yeah, that makes sense, it can be kind of surprising to people playing for the first time. Thanks for the feedback and thanks for playing my game!

Thank you for your kind words!

Really nice art and music, good job!

I had some performance issues though on my lower-end laptop. Specifically, the game lagged when I first loaded into the lawn and it lagged a second time when I first bought the scythe, although it didn't lag when I bought the last item for some reason. 

Oh, I didn't notice that 😅

After reading the first newspaper, I just clicked on shopping because I didn't know there were more

Nice job, I really loved the art!

I just wish that the news said more than just colors. For example, each clothing thing could have a vibe, such as stylish, formal, etc. and the news could include what vibe is popular.

Anyways, this was a really fun and well-polished game!

Nice job, this was pretty fun!

Some of the jumps were really hard to do, like the one with the first spike to the right of spawn, so I wasn't able to get them all.

Good job though!

Nice job, this was fun to play!

My only problem with this game is that the wolves farmed me 😭 I wasn't able to do anything because when I got back up they instantly hurt me again, so some invincibility frames would be nice! Also, great job on the sounds and art, they were really good!

Really fun game, good job!

And I replied to your comment 😅

Anyways, thank you for the compliment on my art, I personally feel like I'm not that great, but its reassuring to know that everyone doesn't think that. Also, yep, there should definitely be some sort of explanation at the beginning of the game, I completely agree with you.

Thanks for reviewing and leaving feedback!

Yeah, I agree. I was going to have a tutorial at the start where an agent you hired shows you what to do, but I didn't get time to implement it unfortunately, so I just made do with a red arrow pointing to the computer at the start.

Thanks for playing!

Nice game, it was pretty fun!

On problem with the game is that when I first hit play, I had a huge multi-second lag spike, and my laptop fans were blasting while playing the game, but I didn't experience any other lag spikes. I play on a low-end laptop btw. Also, something you could improve is the daily quota by making it harder because it was so low compared to how much I was making.

Other than that, nice game.

Nice game, it was really good for your first stealth game!

One thing you could improve was the other goblin's AI because their movement was really hectic.

Other than that, a pretty fun game.

This was a fun game! I wish I could go to the next day and use the rest of the machines!

The only issues I had with this game was that I had no clue what was going on at first, but lets be real, who has the time to make a tutorial for a game jam game??? Also, I found the clicking on machines/customers a bit unintuitive and I would've preferred to be able to drag the cloths/clothes to where they need to go, but maybe that's just me.

Anyways, great game! This definitely has potential to be expanded!

Great job, this was really fun to play!

At first, I didn't realize that you could walk through the gray tiles because I thought they were walls, so the first level was really hard at first, but I figured it out in the end!

Also, I think being able to keep the bullets/grenades and money from previous levels would be fun and encourage strategy from the player.

Other than that, this was a good game! Also, something funny I noticed is that the enemies can kill each other, so I abused that to get past the third level without using the grenade 😅

Great job, this was a fun (and difficult) game!

I wish I could also use my mouse to select the tracks instead of the number keys, but other than that, great game!

Good job, I liked the easy-to-use shooting mechanic!

However, some things could be improved upon:

  • Changing style does something in addition to adding style points. For example, maybe it could change the player's weapon and/or their walking speed
  • The difficulty of enemies. Their AI wasn't too smart (although it is probably very hard to make good AI in Scratch), and I think that it would be fun if more enemies spawned over time so that the difficulty keeps on increasing

Other than that, great job! Also, wow, I didn't know it was possible to upload a Scratch game on!

(1 edit)

I definitely got pretty scared by the skeletons when I opened the door, so great job!

The skeletons were really easy to dodge though, so I wish they were a bit harder. For example, maybe some of the skeletons could have a ranged attack? Also, a way to find coins and buy more things, such as speed or a weapon to fight the skeletons, would add some more strategy and be a fun addition, in my opinion.

Other than that, a pretty fun game!

(1 edit)

You created such a simple, fun, and hectic game, nice job!

If you want to expand this game, I think power ups would be a great place to start, such as super speed, temporary walls, etc.

Also, I got 83 seconds! 😝

I 100% agree, the game desperately needs some polishing, especially in the sound and art department. Thank you for playing!

Thank you! Glad you enjoyed :D

Here is my game:

It does eventually kill you... takes a while tho lol

Also it being vertical was not intentional I just don't know how to make the NavMeshAgent not do that

I’m really regretting not taking the time to add music lol

Thank you! I was going to make it bigger, but I decided against it because I thought it would take too much time

This is my first 3D game and 2nd game ever!

Wish I had more time, but I'm quite happy with the end result (I did not expect to make even a slightly functional game lol)

(1 edit)

I agree, I wish I had time to make music/sounds. Also, I tried using post-processing to make it seem underwater, but I just couldn't understand it lol. I'll try learning it later though.

Also, thank you for playing my game! It's really cool to see someone play and (hopefully) have some fun playing my game!

Overall, a pretty fun game. Other than the basic player movement, which would've taken a while to make it feel nice, I really only have on complaint with the current game: balancing. For example, I only bought one backpack upgrade and one oxygen upgrade but was able to beat the game relatively easily, and the un-upgraded player speed felt way too fast.

If you wanted to continue this idea, I think the following mechanics would bring this game to the next level.

  • Adding a health bar for the blocks would add a new challenge (along with upgrades for the laser damage)
  • Enemies that chase you around would add some more tension.

Of course, audio and better graphics would also be great.

Thank you! This was my first 3d game so it was quite challenging. I wish I could’ve gotten a health bar implemented, but my parents were not on board with me staying awake past 11 lol