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A member registered Mar 21, 2020 · View creator page →

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No problem. This is great feedback in any case !
If players are thinking that it is random then it means that there is something that we weren't communicating well and should improve on :)

What randomness are you talking about ? The dice sides aren't actually random (after the first one) but follow the actual physical sides of a dice (with the sum of each going to 7, 1 in front of 6 for example)

So if you are careful and attentive enough there is a way to manipulate the boss

We though about making hand crafted levels rather than randomized ones. This would allow for a simple tutorial area then increasing complexity with maybe various special terrain types.
Glad you liked it :D

Oh, glad you liked the dash recovery feedback ! We were not sure it was clear to the player that it worked like that
Yeah, time counter would definitely have been good to have and the UI was the last thing we tried to adjust before submitting but we lacked a few minutes to tweak it sadly.
Footsteps while idle... Damn I was sure that I fixed it before submitting :x

Thanks for the feedback :D

Yeah, ways to fight back would be an interesting way to go from here. But it was definitely out of scope for the jam x)

Hum... sorry, it's been hours now, I don't remember what happens. I suppose it was something forcing me to restart or something like that that I interpreted as a death ^^'

Ok then, fair enough ^^
I guess that the options "not made by me" or "we made most of the stuff" are too restrictive in cases like yours

It looks like you are using the same assets as this game :

Is the art really done by your team ?

Really perfect for a jam game ! Maybe a bit too fast on the rythm though ? But that's just a matter of taste and it's my only criticism ^^
Great job ! Full five stars !

I like the core mechanics of dice "deck"-building. The enemies do a bit too much damage to be able to continue in the adventure. I died really soon without much possibilities to act
There seems to be a bug when restarting the game. I respawn with 0hp and die again

Love the art style. The puzzle mechanic is simple and I'm not too fan of it but the theme of getting a dice out of the monster swallowing it is cool :D

I like the ideas of missed bullets coming back :D

But I really dislike your implementation of the theme. Having powerups being randomly bad just breaks the system for me. This is not really a fun choice to make and might just randomly punish you for nothing

Presentation is nice but I find that the gameplay is really broken.

The randomness of cactii spawning means that I ended up getting stuck. Plus I don't get the mechanic with pressing C and ending the level and I couldn't climb up due to the camera switching to the other stage and then going back with gravity

It's a nice idea but I feel like the controls are way to much to handle. Rotating along the Z axis instead of Y would have been better in my opinion. It's the hard to correctly rotate the dice (for me at least, I might just be bad... ^^) that when I needed to move it I was lost and couldn't press the keys in time.
But it's a creative spin on endless runners with a fun casino esthetic so that's nice :)

I didn't enjoy this game much. I feel like the art style doesn't fit at all with the look of the guns.
Also the fact that you can randomize at wish and that there is no ammo allows to just pick the best gun (the machine gun seems by far the best) and stay with it.  The other weapons just feel pointless.
Plus at some point I died with no enemies on screen and no idea what hit me

Creating a board game as a jam is an ambitious task but I feel like you are going in the good direction. I couldn't really play it correctly as I'm alone and the controls are a bit weird (why not just move with the mouse ?)
But it still quite creative, well done

Really cool looking !
The gameplay feels like the start of a good concept. It could be really nice to refine it a bit to add a bit more player agency but for a jam game it's impressive stuff :)

I think that the idea of having each room on the side of a dice is fun. But apart from the esthetic impact I don't really understand how it affects gameplay.

Also I find the platform jump controls really clunky...

But well done on the technical challenge of projecting the levels on a 3D object

I don't feel like the stat roll is affecting anything... This might be a bug or the values just being tuned too low...
I assume that the number in the top-right corner is supposed to be a life counter, right ? It's always stuck at one. Plus it seems I always need to pause and un-pause in order to start a new game

I also find it weird for a game themed around dices to not use the "6" face

But I like the concept as a simple arcad-y game

Wow, really ? Thanks, glad you liked it so much :D

Yeah, we considered adding ways to "fight back" using terrain early in brainstorming but we had to cut it to limit the scope of the game to stay in 48h time frame

That's something we considered. The idea keeping dots was to have players remember "ok 1 is on the opposite side à 6" to give them a chance for side manipulation. But this would have needed more playtests I think

Thanks for the feedback ! 
Which were the abilities killing you each time ? We didn't have much time to balance them but it's clear that some are weaker (especially 5...)

Yeah, more explanation was the plan but sadly we were short on time