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A member registered Jul 25, 2020 · View creator page →

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Very high production value on this one! The art, the vfx, the music is all absolutely amazing! Like a lot of people I completely missed the grey notes and found the game very difficult. It did feel a bit off to have the gameplay pushed off to one side of the screen as though it wasn't meant to be the focus of my attention.  Great work!

Really creative take incorporating the theme into a rhythm game. It seriously felt like a mini-game from Rhythm Heaven. I do wish it was a little easier to tell when the trash is going to be thrown, it felt random and was difficult to get the right timings.

This game sounds great, looks great and feels great to play. It ticks all the boxes for me. The atmosphere definitely felt like I was in a club (I wouldn't say disco but close enough ¯\_(ツ)_/¯). Loved how the music was dynamic and reacted to how I played the game. The difficulty curve was very well balanced at first, just wish it got harder (I got to a score of 1,000,000 very quickly)!

Your game was a blast to play, we'd really appreciate it if you checked our out too (gotta have that shameless self-promotion somewhere).

My inner OSU player loved this. It took a while to get the hang of judging when the shadow hit the the monsters because it doesn't contrast as well as it could but once I had that down I got to experience a very well mapped level! The timings were on point making the level feel really awesome to play! Menus felt nice to interact with generally, just would have loved to have a little more feedback when interacting with buttons and shooting (especially in terms of SFX).

Here's the part where I plug my own game, it would be really awesome if you gave it a play!

Congratulations on making your first game (with Unity at least)! I'd say this is a pretty solid effort for having never used the engine before during a gamejam. I quite liked this ships movement, it felt pretty nice to fly up and down. The parallax background really helped with the atmosphere (as well as most of the visuals and audio in the game, itcreated a very eerie atmosphere).

It would be really awesome if you checked out our game!

Loved the art style on this one as well as all the animations (falling into pits is hilarious!). Took me a while to figure out moving with the rhythm but the bgm being as simple as it is really helped with that. Really wish there was a way to skip dialogue (maybe there is and I didn't figure it out) as I just wanted to get back into the level as soon as possible which I think is telling of how you nailed the fun factor!

Would love it if you could find some time to check out our game too!

(1 edit)

Cute visual design (loving the little rabbits!) and was well synced to the music. The difficulty curve probably needed a bit more balancing (easy and hard felt a bit too similar - in fact "easy" felt quite difficult).

If  you have time we would love for you to check out our game too!

I've never experienced that issue. Is the .pck file in the same directory as the .exe?

Found this game quite hard. Managed to get it to uncapture my mouse somehow but otherwise it controlled nicely!

It would be great if you checked out our game and rated too!

Pretty good art and the movement felt nice. 2nd mobile targeted game I've played this jam, which isn't a lot but it's weird that it happened twice.

Gave me Super Meat Boy vibes, felt like a perfect game to speedrun! With some minor adjustments (maybe turning down the coyote time and making the collision boxes for spikes smaller) it could be a really neat fast paced platformer. Stopping to think and strategize before the lights went out felt good too setting this platformer apart.

Have to agree with other comments, best part was the spinning bunny.

I had absolutely no idea that scratch could export to html like this! A very literal interpretation of the theme that fits nicely. In terms of game design,, I probably would have the darkness enemies only do one damage to the player than disappear. You could then give the player just a handful of lives and then avoid the messy business that happens currently when they attack. Given some more time, this could become an interesting take on a tower defense or clicker game!

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Very solid gameplay loop, I appreciate being able to control the gun while running in a different direction.

Would be great if you could take a look at our game!

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Did not expect this game to make me nervous, I half expected Death to be annoying rather than scary but it genuinely had my heart racing when I was on the run and feeling relieved to find light!

Would love it if you would check out our game!

(1 edit)

Loved it was super fun game to play. Waaaay too hard for me lol. It would be great if it were made so that enemies could not spawn on a spawner when the player is in a certain radius of it. Those insta kills when you happen to be over it are rough.

Really cool and fun to play. (Would have liked to go full screen lol).

Share your best runs (ideally with screenshots)!

A board for reporting of bugs and discussion about the latest release of Walm's Hatchery.

Thanks for playing. Glad you enjoyed it :)

In hindsight we really should have supported controllers likely to arrive in v1.1 patch.

Team of 2 one of us dif programming and the other art and sound.

Got to 156 and my only 2 bits of critical feedback really are the title screen is a bit lacking and the games difficulty doesn't increase maybe a scrinking wall could have added just a little more interest to the game to keep it fresh, count clicks not seconds and have some sort of egg splat when it hits the ground. Cool premise would be good to see it developed further :)

Really good game the art was amazing and so were the coordination controls. I would say its a tad slow for my likings in the penguin movement but thats a nitpick. There were some issues with the viewports that if you update it you might consider fixing up but overall really good. 

Cool game the movement had a unique take on it with the sliding mechanic a few noted bugs were; the music didn't loop very well (it faded then back to the loop point), and there was some funny business going on with friction and the sliding sometimes you would slide a long way with almost none and sometimes you would slide a small distance. But once I got over the learning curve of the movement really cool game.

Neat little concept maybe would have liked simply no collisions on the trees (or just at the very bass of the stumps) opposed to the awkward way you have to walk past them and the apples just add up. Maybe increase the amount of apples that need to be collected each time and not have a limit but let the player continue to collect apples. A function like, y = a * sqrt(x) + b, where b is the amount for wave 1, a is some sort of multiplier (you could mess around in desmos,, x is the wave number and y is the number of apples you need. This would just add some more complexity to the game and make it a bit more difficult. Other things you might want to consider for future updates are different maps (like maybe night ex..), some form of NPC that is also collecting apples (where trees they visit can no longer be harvested by the player), and visual cues to say what trees have been harvested (just more visual interactivity in general). Finally if you're looking to make a full release (just my speculation from the comments) maybe consider commissioning a composer to write some custom tracks moving away from the chiptune aesthetic (if you want me to point you in the right direction I'll be happy to help). Overall it's got potential but might need a lot of tweaks to be as good as it can be. 

Thanks for the tip I didn't even realise they were there oops!

I wish I had time to make more polished levels but I decided to sacrifice more so I could sleep lol. I wanted to make sure what I had was intuitive enough so you can get a taste of what it could be given the time :)

Nice little game with a well designed difficulty curve with the puzzles. Maybe a bit more polish visually could have done wonders and some arrow key controls for computer users just for convenience. Great game overall.

I guess if you wanna check my game out I would much appreciate it :)

Very difficult and quite similar to Celeste. The movement feels so good in every aspect! Although after that I don't see any connection to 'There and Back' yet. Some of the level design is a obviously bit rushed because it can be very vague what you're supposed to do to progress to the next section, especially after the introduction of the dash. It increases the difficulty very fast and checkpoints would be nice as well.

Simple premise very well executed and super addictive and I think the difficulty definitely was about right, not insanely difficult but hard enough to be similar to those arcade games you took inspiration from. So beautiful and nice choices of audio they fit right in! Only feedback is I don't think it fits the theme super cohesively with the game which is a shame because I really enjoyed playing it.

Wow this is such an amazing concept, its simple but sooooo fun! Please expand on this in the future!

Would you please consider having a peak at my game :P

I liked this game a lot (the Llamas (oops I noticed a typo in your title) are so cute. Basically the only feedback is the controls are weird but honestly with a bit of work that could be all part of the fun where it becomes a full game where baby llamas are launched everywhere (ragdolls would be funny and so would a multiplayer mode with paint to make the llamas messy) like an obstacle course. Would love to see a full game of this one its got promise.

Please take a moment to have a look at my game. (I don't like self advertising like this)

I really liked the minimalistic colour pallet one thing about it though. Using some other colours for coins and the player (could be complementary could be a triad ex...) I use ColorHunt ( to help me find pallets that have variety while still maintaining the minimalistic feel of monotone pallets. Finally the difficulty. I would suggest respawning at the beginning of each level instead of all the way back at the start for the reason of its a game jam people typically won't want to spend nearly as long mastering mechanics and movement as you, the designer will have through testing. 

Feel free to check out my game as well :)

Very addictive I played for ages trying to beat it. A few quality of life things though: it may not seem like it but moving between each area instantly would be a massive help maybe if the game were 1st person and you simply clicked where you want interact with (also would save time with sprite you mentioned you we're working on aspects of game dev you are uncomfortable with so avoiding unnecessary art can help especially on a deadline); keyboard shortcuts - clicking can be tedious and arrow key movement as well as enter to progress text and space to select and deselect the tool would have been welcome changes. Overall fun game just missing a few small quality of life changes that make playing really tedious.

I guess now is when I ask you to play my game?... please do its always appreciated.

Very pretty little game but leaves a little bit too be desired in terms of polish. Maybe making a few less levels and lore and really concentrating on the polish in things like making the camera glide to each new tile, arrow key movement and maintaining consistency as much as possible (at least in any given room) could take the game just that little bit further. Just an overscoping issue and despite what I've just said I really enjoyed it and thought it was a cute little game that would be cool to see expanded on.

I really dunno how to do this but here we go... be sure to check out my game too - also a puzzle game :)

The way to play each level is very vague and the movement isn't very polished - I could jump without being on the ground, got stuck in the ground, can be disorienting ex... . Although menu areas are super polished and I absolutely loved the art style (reminds me of Firewatch). I really liked the concept and the art style but the movement and lack of objectives really let you down. 

I guess this is the part where I say to go check out my game?

Thanks Robot, very DK inspired music yeah.

Just so goddamn fun and the music is just incredible

Amazing game don't mind me just gonna leave a positive rating on this

Really like those Unity after effects.

As a composer I really like the style of the music used and I think it fits well.

One nitpick I have is (something I see commonly) forcing a player into fullscreen instead of letting a player resize as they wish

Great job

Good game, the controls were really nice

Probably would have liked a hot key for the rewinds, some transitions and maybe not to be forced into fullscreen. But good game none the less :)