No, that's definitely too much for a feature request. I'm focusing on other projects right now.
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Hi AllusionAtelier,
Have you enabled "Exceed Party Limit?" in the Plugin Manager -> Summon? Unfortunately, this feature has a higher potential to cause trouble with other plugins due to how RPG Maker is programmed. As this plugin is entirely free, I'm afraid I will no longer maintain this feature.
What could work for you is to make a tiny plugin with any name, put it below MK_Summon, and insert this:
Window_BattleStatus.prototype.maxCols = function() { return 1; }
Hola juanelcai,
gracias por tu mensaje. El instalador incluido es solo una herramienta muy pequeña que a menudo, pero lamentablemente no siempre, funciona de manera confiable, pero no es un problema en absoluto.
También puedes instalar el proyecto sin este instalador. Por favor, sigue esta breve descripción:
Download and Import minimal RPG Maker Projects – Aerosys' Blog
(translated with ChatGPT)
Hi emogal,
I cannot confirm that the alignment options would not work; I checked them in MV and they work for me.
However, I can confirm that RS Message Align overrides my plugin's alignment, so when using RS Message Align, you would need to always write \TA[x] for each line. This way, it worked for me.
Remember: In the script box, you need to escape the \ symbol with another \, so instead of
I quickly checked their code but it's unlikely that I will make a patch here given how my and their code is written, I'm afraid.
Hey Rhaw757,
Thanks for your feedback!
And yeah, that sounds like a cool addition to the plugin. I need some time to think about if and how to implement such a feature because, right now, I would not know how to integrate it in a way that will not overcomplicate the gameplay and also the eventing for the game designers.
Hi Dzonsi,
Sorry for the late reply, I've been a bit busy the last days.
When using the snippet-based technique, then the width and the height of the generated map is defined in the chosen template. You can inspect and change them in Plugin Manager -> MK_RNGMaps_withSnippets -> Templates.
When using the snippetless technique, then there's nothing to do. The generated map will have the same sizes as the space map itself.
Hi Ancient Eagle,
This is called the "zoom" feature in this plugin and comes with the paid version. You can try a preview here:
Hi ShadowChorus,
I'm very sorry for the late reply; I didn't get a notification for your post :(
I don't think this is a problem related to this plugin. A window appears when the eventing tells it to appear, so it's in the game dev's hands after all. I understand that the RPG Maker engine makes it a bit hard to display speech bubbles in sequence without freezing the game.
What you probably want is to use parallel process. Wait events inside events running on parallel processes do not freeze your game.
Hi kfisk93,
the commands are explained here: Minimap – Aerosys' Blog MK.Minimap.hide()
GALV Layers lets you choose a "character" to bind a layer, that is either the player or an event. When you leave it empty the layer sticks with the map.
Right now, the minimap supports only static layers that are bound to the player or an event, so I suggest making an invisible event where your layer should be. I'm already planning to support static layers that are not bound to a character, too, so you can also wait a few days until I release the next update.
Hi Niniann,
Thank you for your feedback!
1. To allow the player to customize keybindings, you probably want to look for a plugin that enables you to bind keys and to call Common Events or custom scripting, and then you could look at the public functions offered by the minimap from here: Minimap – Aerosys' Blog
2. Your procedure looks good so far. Right now, only a few people (or maybe even none at all) are using GALVLayerSupport, so it may be possible that my code has some errors in it. Please try it again with all other plugins deactivated besides GALV and Minimaps? (Yes, also deactivate any other MK plugin, too)
3. The same as for #2, please disable any other plugin and let me know whether that affects the minimap. I also would like to know whether your game's FPS stays at 60 or whether there is any bottleneck (either in mine or any other creator's plugins) - You can display the FPS by pressing F2 when running the game.
Hi CoolAvocado,
Sorry, I cannot follow. Do you want to stretch the minimap so it covers the whole screen and kind of substitutes the map screen? Feel free to write me on Discord (.aerosys) or mail (, and maybe include some drafts or mockups for me, and then I can give you the answer that you need! :)
You can put anything! When you use it to display the time, call it "time", when it's a short "Hello stranger!" speechbubble then call it "hello". The identifier helps you to change a window later so you can tell which window you are referring to. Therefore the identifier should be unique across your game but besides that there are no rules
Hi LupinosLionhart,
Ja, du kannst einstellen wie viel aufgedeckt wird, sogar abhängig davon ob und in welchem Fahrzeug sich der Spieler befindet.
Das Zoom Feature zoomt immer auf den Spieler und läuft auch mit diesem dann mit. Hier findest du mehr dazu:
When you are using the snippet-based technique, you can adjust the change of "dead-end" removal in the plugin manager -> templates. Alternatively, when calling the generator, you can choose the template "classic maze".
When using the snippet-less technique, then go to plugin manager -> template -> *a template* -> when: cave, forest, ... and set "max number additional paths" to 0, that will also increase the chance of dead-ends.
You can try to download a sample project from here:
Furthermore, please verify that you have the latest version of the Minimap (1.3.4); I don't always update the sample projects so the plugins could be outdated when copy-pasted from there.
Yes, the full version allows you to choose different rendering modes (e.g. Icon) for every Event or not to display it at all, based on Event Pages, just as you describe.
Well, that's not supposed to happen. Can you track down what other plugin could cause this issue? Is it also happening in a blank new project?
Yes, you can show/hide the minimap by using small scripts, as described here: Minimap – Aerosys' Blog
Hey, I tested the Minimap with MZ3D and couldn't reproduce your issue, so I need some more details. Can you track down a little bit in what situations this happens? Maybe by providing screenshots or videos?
I also need to know whether you are using MV or MZ.
Feel free to mail me at or add me on Discord: .aerosys