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A member registered Jan 03, 2017 · View creator page →

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Yeah, I definitely considered switching with 1,2,3,4 or something similar but I wanted to try to replicate having to fast forward and rewind a tape player more, and originally I wanted the tape to unravel and a small mini-game would appear having to wind it back in.

It’s one of those things where multiple iterations would be awesome but I probably should’ve just went with ease of use/ fun as opposed to “make it similar to a real tape deck!” Live and learn!

Thanks for the feedback!

Thanks a lot! I think it was a fun idea that with a lot more time in the oven could be something interesting. I basically just got it up and fully "running" last night so I didn't really get to put any kind of polish on it. But it still sort of gets the point across :)

Totally understandable! I ended up not having as much time as I wanted at the end and didn't get to add some of the little details to try and make the path more clear. I actually wanted things almost outlined and color coded like the tracking is on the music to give you a clearer idea of what to use and how to progress. Thanks a lot for trying though! I appreciate it :)

thanks for taking the time to play it :)

I’m glad you enjoyed it! There’s a PC version of the game on Steam that’s a decent enough port. If you were a fan of JSR, I’d definitely recommend checking it out! 

It really captures the Atari-era well, despite it feeling way faster than those games. I was getting destroyed by being poisoned quite a bit lol. I'm also really impressed how big this game is for the jam. Great job!

Really feels like one of the most authentic games I've played in this Jam. Definitely brought me back to the 16-bit era. It's pretty brutal but fun. The sounds were spot-on. Great job. My only complaint is it brought back nightmares of playing the SNES version of Jurassic Park...

This was a ton of fun! Brought me back to my days of playing Midnight Club on the GBA with that top-down view.

Thank you for playing and for the feedback! I actually was planning on composing the music too but just ran out of time. So maybe if I go back to this I'll start with that.

Thanks for playing!

lol you say it's bad in the title but there IS something there. With a bit of refinement it could really turn into an addicting high-score chaser. I enjoyed it!

Slayaway Camp's such a fun game and I dig the direction you were going with this. I just wish those cops didn't have to get me!! Would love to see this expanded on even more.

Great job recreating such a classic game! You nailed the whole aesthetic of VVVVVV right down to the naming each room. Careful about putting hazards so close after screen changes though, there's a few moments that can be frustrating when you run straight into spikes without knowing what's coming up. 

I'd love another 100 rooms to play :)

nice! 6/8 is solid! It’s a little awkward but you can run off the side of the tram car and try dropping down to the platform below. It’s not the most readable but it’s possible :)

lol definitely too many. I used an “nes palette” and then just made a bunch of assets and once I started plugging them in I was like....woah this is way too much. But at that point it wasn’t like I had time to redo everything! 

fun stuff! I really appreciated you playing with gravity during attacks. DMC games are always so fun to do wild stuff and little things like staying airborne while shooting in your game really captured that! 

I got stuck at the bottom... lol I tried wall jumping but to no success

I love this game. It's a great take on the "It's dangerous to go alone" theme.

Fast paced, great music, nice upgrade system. This was the full package! You're game's an inspiration right now for me because I'm chipping away on a shoot 'em up. I'd love to see bigger and badder bosses in here if you ever decided to keep working on it.

"Say hi to satan for me"

Fun stuff! More please

Thanks for the feedback! I'm thinking I should fix up the issues before wiping my hands of it. Overall I had a great time making this and it feels like I'd be doing it a disservice to leave it as is.

(1 edit)

Just a couple of quick known issues:

You have to use the mouse on the Title Menu. I know Game Boy's didn't have mice but I couldn't figure out how to use the keyboard to select them. Probably an easy fix I'm just not aware of.

I wanted the villagers to follow you, and that would be your visual for how much life you have. Tried a lot of things but didn't get it working properly so that's why there's no UI for your health. Just not enough time!

If you die, you have to relaunch the game. Something with the player not respawning properly if you try to just load the game from the title again.

If you beat the game you can't go back to Title. This was one of the last things I did and had no time to fix before submissions, but I honestly don't know why the buttons don't work.  I felt like I did the exact same setup as the other buttons.

There's a few other "band-aids" in there but I won't bring them all up!

Thanks to anyone who gives this a try!

Thanks so much for checking it out! I'm probably going to shelf this for now to work on other ideas but I love this idea and it was always something I wanted to come back to after I've learned more and gained more experience.

I love the look of this

In it's current state, the game switches audio tracks when you switch to different dimensions. I also might try to add in hidden mixtapes so players can just have different tracks to listen to. I have bigger ideas that would incorporate DJing into the gameplay like "mixing" elements of a level together, or "scratching" to shake and effect the world in some way, but I'm trying to keep things as simple as possible for now while I'm still so new to game development. The goal is to get this prototype up for the Jam, work on new projects, and come back to this in a couple years with more skills at my disposal.

Thanks! I'd definitely say the main inspirations for this game are A Link to the Past, Earthbound, and Jet Set Radio. In the future, after I get better or meet artists, I'd love to come back to this and recreate it in a way that matches more of what I see in my head. But for now, I'm digging how it's coming together considering my limited skills

I started DJ Adam's Interdimensional Mixtape 2020 early last year in my free time. It's the first game I've ever really tried to make. I've been learning everything from Unity to coding to pixel art on my own. I'm pretty happy with my progress but I want to at least get this to some sort of prototype phase. 2019 I'm looking to grow as a developer and work on more projects! Anyway, here's some pics of the game so far...