If you are stuck, try singing/humming these sounds to the microphone: https://voca.ro/1ogJ5pddH1wk
Alex Davies
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This game's great! The idea is nothing special, but the puzzles are soooo well made that it's ended up as one of my favourite games of the entire jam.
I did find a couple of bugs, though. When restarting the level, sometimes the food doesn't reset (it stays turned over when it wasn't originally), and you are able to undo a move without undoing a turn, meaning you can repeat this the completely control the state of the whole board, before any microphages have even moved.
A great infinite runner, but the link to the theme feels a little bit weak. I actually think that it would be fun to tone done the speed, and have one person control both cars in the multiplayer mode.
My only real qualm is that the hitboxes for obstacles feel a little bit too big. They're probably accurate, but I'd recommend making them (or the car hitbox) slightly smaller, so it doesn't feel unfair when you graze the edge of a barrel and then lose.