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A member registered Jul 24, 2022 · View creator page →

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Great game! easy to understand, realy hard to master!

Nice game! I had some issues with the mouse activating and couldn't aim, and the turrets seemed to not do damage.

good work for 7 days. shooting mechanic was very nice and smooth

Very nice game idea and implementation. Only the difficulty scaling is an issue (gets hard fast). Other than that great Job overall!

Realy great idea and nice flight controls! It looks very promissing, with an intresting story this can go far! keep at it, i'd love to see more!

Realy nice and smooth game! Nice graphics and music. I wish it supported keyboard mouse too.


Nice graphics and music! The story also, just the typewriting was a bit slow for me


Very Intresting! There is more than meets the eye! Secrets were awesome!

I just think that it is very easy to miss for many people and didn't know when it was going to continue the story or if we had to collect more coins again.

Nice idea for a remake! i enjoyed it and reached around 4000 score

Some thing you may consider in the future:

  1. Progression: i think at around 2600 in the first part it is too fast to play, i don't think anyone could get more than 3k ever.
  2. Namings: it was wierd playing the second part after "game over". also lossing "bullets" when getting hit.
  3. Design: having the dino be a little more to the right and not on the edge will make it feel a lot better.
  4. In game music: maybe add something ambient
  5. controls: may want to add ducking and on jumping have it small jump with tapping and higher jump with holding the key.

It was really nice however and GJ!

Really nice idea and music. I liked it a lot. My only suggestions is that sometimes monsters where on top each other and i couldn't feed the one i wanted, and maybe reduce the tutorial text to only the not intuative things or add images.


Very nice idea, Great animations and SFX!

The controls are a bit too hard and the fact the skills are changing each round make it so hard to master.


Thanks for playing!

Great game! A bit hard to grasp at the beggining but quickly found a strategy  an "won" on my first try. Pretty sure i can skip all days to eternity and not lose with this build. Maybe storms scaling in strength would add challenge and an arrow to show where their next move will be to increase player strategizing. GJ overall!

Thank you for playing! There is a locked camera mode in the settings but we didn't have time to change the controller to like you said. i absolutely agree it is hard to move around and will add that controller in a later version

It is fully understandable and i don't write these reviews to diminish the game! It was very well done and most importantly COMPLETED! Even without the ending at wave 5 the core game loop was done so GJ.

Hey! What an amazing mini story that everyone can relate! Here is my review:

  1. Game Design:
    1.  Nice mini games and design of the game progression
  2. Fun: 
    1. The funniest "s*!t" i have ever seen XD!!!!
  3. Innovation: 
    1. Amazing!
  4. Theme:
    1.  Very interesting!      
  5. Graphics: 
    1. Nice. Just a note that the camera photos don't match the rest of the style. (understandable if it is due to time)
  6. Audio:
    1.  Really great choices of music!!

GJ Overall! I Enjoyed it! Keep it up!

Hey! Congrats on submitting, this is success by itself and will make you better overall! Here is my review:

  1. Game Design:
    1.  GJ overall, i would just point that some dinosaurs stay close and eat tourists.  Even when i was just chasing tourists and didn't gather anything i got down to 6. I feel like it should be even very slightly possible to save everyone.
    2. also a minimap, arrow, or warning when a tourist leaves should exist cause you can't see them all the time to gather the supplies.
  2. Fun: 
    1. This is a bad criteria cause fun depends on who you target.  What i found fun was the voice in the start, the whistling to get tourists back.
  3. Innovation: 
    1. Has similarities with other games but i found it refreshing! Gj
  4. Theme:
    1.  I feel like it misses the storm part. Maybe if the environment lighting changed as you get close. to the meteors and even small meteors fall.   
  5. Graphics: 
    1. Very good, I loved the Dome effect.
  6. Audio:
    1.  Nice. Could have more sfx like meteors, running, dinosaurs eating and a background music.

Extra: make intro skippable to replay.

GJ Overall! I Enjoyed it! Keep it up!

Hey! Congrats on submitting, this is amazing for your first game! Here is my review:

  1. Game Design:
    1.   Loved: Great weapon system, spawning circle indicators, upgrade system etc.
    2.  It's hard to know when melee enemies hit you and how much.
  2. Fun: 
    1. Very enjoyable.
  3. Innovation: 
    1. Classic game but very good implementation! Gj
  4. Theme:
    1.  Nicely fitted, only thing is that the blank upgrade screen cuts immersion with the battle. It is the calm part but would feel more like it if you could stay in the arena.
  5. Graphics: 
    1. Nice cartoony cute art. GJ
  6. Audio:
    1.  Great! Like the fast paced tempo fight.

Bugs, (eg. dagger didn't hit many times) etc you probably know and they are understandable for a gamejam

GJ! Keep it up!

Thanks a lot for your feedback. We have the replay bug and performance issues due to the tight deadline yes. 

We also have 3 camera views you can toggle (fixed, follow, center rotate) but yes we plan to have strafe for the controller too in the future.

Hey! Congrats on submitting, this is success by itself and will make you better overall! Here is my review:

  1. Game Design:
    1.  Consider your feedback loop. There should be some feedback to understand what is going on and if i do something good or bad. eg. i didn't know where i was supposed to push the clouds, I didn't know how much close  to losing or winning i was. For winning i got it only after winning.
  2. Fun: 
    1. This is a bad criteria cause fun depends on who you target.  What i found fun was pushing  a bunch of lined up clouds all at once.
  3. Innovation: 
    1. Don't know other games that push the clouds to get rid of the storm! Gj
  4. Theme:
    1.  Not much to say. It has a storm, and some calm in the very beginning. 
  5. Graphics: 
    1. Pretty good pixel art. GJ
  6. Audio:
    1.  Nice. Could have more depth like storm sounds slowly get closer/louder as you get close to losing.

GJ! Keep it up!

Hey! Congrats on submitting, this is success by itself and will make you better overall! Here is my review:

  1. Game Design:
    1.  I like the exploration part to find the chests though by wave 3 i had found everything and just waited for the storms 4-5.
    2. The enemies were too easy. It's ok to have easy enemies in wave 1 to get the idea but the scaling not enough especially with the powerups from the chests. Moreover there are so many hearts around but barely needed a couple.
    3. I think there should be only running by default cause slow walking didn't have a purpose (like needing small adjustments). It was just a key i had to press during the whole game.
    4.  I also liked the labyrinth design. just maybe make it more expanded so you don't see all other paths when trying one
  2. Fun: 
    1. This is a bad criteria cause fun depends on who you target. However what i found fun was the exploration part.
  3. Innovation: 
    1. Not much to say really, it is a common concept but that doesn't mean you shouldn't make it for a jam to learn and evolve! Gj
  4. Theme:
    1. Fits nice with the switch between fight and explore. I would like it more intense in the storm part (consider sfx, vfx, difficulty)
  5. Graphics: 
    1. Nice use of assets, and fine character to match them. Gj
  6. Audio:
    1.  Nicely implemented. (tip for improvement: sfx for walking on grass, wood etc really immerse you in the game, also monster death sounds)

GJ! Keep it up!

Thanks a lot for playing! I 'll let you know when we fix the bugs after the jam to fully enjoy the mayhem!

Very nice chill beutigull game. i played it for so long i got dizzy XD. Great job!

A very nice and chill game! Love the music and the art. some of the mini games were confusing to me at first. especially the one with the popup windows

An incredible game overall! Very polished very enjoyable! i could stop playing to defeat the boss but it was really hard cause there is also some movement bug for example when i press W and A simultaneously to shoot that way, then jumping doesn't work.

Even with that though personally i think this is the best game in the jam from those i have tried out

Thanks for playing! Yes the upgrades need adjustments

A very beautiful quick game with a very interesting mechanic! Well done!

Hi there!

First off, the pixel art looks great and the music was good– really good job on that front!

However, I did notice a few areas that could use some improvement:

  • Music: It didn't feel like classic bartender games music but definitely matched the halloween style. 
  • Gameplay: While it’s got potential, I felt it was like most bartender games and could benefit from some unique mechanics or twists to make it more engaging and distinct.
  • Controls: I found the keyboard controls a bit unintuitive. Streamlining them could improve the overall player experience.
  • UI: I think there is room for improvement. In the brew scene, some elements were out of their panels and the text of the igredients bonuses was sometimes hard to read on top of the background text. When I placed a beer and a weird purple drink appeared, I initially thought it was a bad drink and had to remove it. Changing drink models was confusing because the UI at the bottom left always showed beer. Don't get me wrong, they looked cool just maybe ease them in to the player in some way. Lastly didn't even notice until some nights later that there was a clock at the bottom right, but i found it didn't have any meaning to me cause i had to pay attention to the customers and i was gonna serve them no matter the clock.
  • Themes: I understand that mixing ingredients for the drinks is the "alchemy" aspect, but I wasn't sure how it fits with the shadows theme, apart from having zombies and vampire customers.

Overall, you've got a solid foundation and of course i understand that no game can be perfect especialy in such a sort time. But addressing these points could make the game even better. Keep up the good work and happy developing!

Thank you for your detailed feedback and thanks for playing!

Great game overall! 

Its a nice mechanic and interesting puzzle. my initial thought was that shadows would play more of a role like be solid and where it is lit it is air and you have to guide the potion that way. GJ!

Great Art and story! personally i just wish it had a little more action. Some animations and SFX as other suggested. GJ overall

Great goffy music and liked the idea of mixing. It feels impossible to lose but a funny game. 

It is awesome that you managed to hand animate all these in such a short time! GJ

Great Idea and loved the challenge! I will also agree with the rest of the reviewer that there should be other ways to lose too, like lose money when you fail an order and go in dept or the animals attack you and take your upbrella after all fields are full.

Took me a little bit to understand i had to drag and drop the herbs in the garden to grow.

But it was very chill and fun. Great work!

(1 edit)

Daamn 5k enemies? We did what we could, now have to fix a lot for optimization and bugs, so be prepared!

Thank you for playing! We ll see what happens with the jam cause we also want to continue this game

Lol that's true! Thank you for playing!

I like the SFX and the art. I got stuck unfortunatly on a pit by accident. Nice and challenging level design

Great music, very polished and fun gameplay!

Thank you so much for your detailed feedback! We're glad to hear that you enjoyed it.

Regarding the issues you mentioned:

  • Visibility of Platforms: We agree, it's challenging to see the platforms. We had to rework the level and should have made some brighter and larger platforms, but we ran out of time.
  • Difficulty and Health Regen: Dying is quite easy, but constantly moving, especially in the air, helps avoid getting swarmed by enemies. Take advantage of the endlessness of the level to get around enemies or below, to get back near the crystal you have to break. You'll definatly need some upgrades to break it though.
  • Sound Effects: The sound effects were literally completed 1 hour before the deadline, so we didn't manage to adjust the volume properly on all. We'll definitely work on this.

As for the bug you mentioned about the triple jump being gifted without unlocking it,  it is interesting cause it never happened to us on tests but we'll investigate it.

Thanks again for playing and sharing your thoughts!

The TrustTheProcess Team
(1 edit)

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