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A member registered Jan 18, 2024 · View creator page →

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that was pretty nice, thought theres a bit of jank here and there its understandable as a game jam project, gotta say i enjoyed it, also the dreamaspect is pretty well done it does remind me a bit of loop dreams ive had

honestly all i wanna say is that the character designs are kinda raw and i really liked them, does the dev have any socials or art stuffs?

that was really fun

It was pretty good i belive, really reminds me of those really old freeware games were you had to click things in the right order to build a society, anyways tip for those playin is to always put clean energy next to mountain/water

love the game, im a sucker for western settings, the music is fantastic and the intro, simply magnific, love the character design and such too, but i found a couple issues and nitpicks
first a big one, (image relevant) after the tutorial when you land the last shot on the scarecrow i got stuck in the fence the moment the scenary changed, had no way to get out so i had to restart the game and go through the intro and tutorial again, kinda annoying
the second one is that the ledge collision is quite annoying, i think it should only instantly trigger if you are crouching and otherwise take like a second or so, third one is simply askin for controller movement to be a bit more smoother, specifically the aiming, for some reason the aim helper is VERY BIASED towards props, like bushes and crates, that was really annoying and would mean a high chance for quick shots so waste ammo.
lastly il say i remenber very long time ago the weapon simulation being bigger and more detailed, i am aware this is a change in direction i understand, but as a petty please if posible in the future MAYBE an alternate ui with the bigger weapon simulation thingie, thank you for readingImagen

nevermind it works now

it actually download twice because of it so now i have 2! good deal

damn i cant download the game

it says "invalid upload"

its alright, thought i was a tad bit disappointed it wasn a splitscreen madness like "man enough" since the thumbnail reminded me of it, games are solid but i feel like they would work more in conjuction than in warioware type separation

its pretty fun! reminds me a lot of those games you would get on your phone in like, 2014, thought one problem i have with it is that theres no gameover so when you lose it just keeps going on and on infinitly so it feels a bit meaningless

thank you! the first levels are mostly for you to learn the movement and gameplay, there will (probably) be more stufff post jam!

i am mindblown by this game, honestly could be its whole thing, sadly could not get much into it, while relitavely simple its too slogish and complex to me so i never figured out what i had to do.

GUTSSSSSSSSSS, jokes aside i like teh gameplay, thought enemies get pretty annoying later on so i was unable to beat it

its a pretty neat concept for a lil rpg. i like it

oh boy this game gets EVIL fast!, but i did enjoy it, through the later parts are so absurd i was unable to beat it but still i get the gist, pretty good game, would make for a good rage game back many years ago (this is a compliment) :D

i dont quite get what you mean on that last part? you mean like spelunky type level design? sadly in that case we would have to start all over cus that stuff is pretty complex to change, but decorations and stuff yeah those are fair game posibly in the future, thanks for liking the game!

oh you can slow your fall by shotting your flamethrower down, and landmines have small hitboxes and have a delay so you could walk through one without issue as long as you keep moving, thankfully we decided agaist fall damage but still its not reccomended to just fall.

understandable, the more you advance the more you will be using your flamethrower more frequently so the closer you would be to "finding out" the theme, thats how you lose the game thought so i guess it just means you did very well!

hehe idk if grunge is the word but thank you so much! making first hte player sprite was like i suddenly got hit by a spirit of inspiration in a state of overdose, afterwards i kinda just winged it to try to make the rest of sprites come close to it but i am happy with the end resutl!

to do a propel jump you have to sorta time it and jump and shot at the same time, cheese told me someone had a similar problem so idk if its something hardware specific but hope not, i mostly get close to the overheat when i get surrounded and start to panic and just shot everywhere but it is relatively easy to manage, thank you for liking the art!!!

You can thank cheese for that! yeah jetpack weaponry is always a fun have! no plataforming shooter should be left without recoil jumping!

Thanks! :D its still on "posible develoment" so if you ever check it post jam we might put more things into it! thought probably reworking the health system making far far more harder so you cannot just take a run for it each time you are close to the end of the level

you are the first person ive seen saying something positive about the art, it may sound pathetic but i actually teared a sligth by in real life thank you so much :D

ah i see theres a mouse now, cute detail, missed it during gameplay

i love the aesthic with like stuff like the heartbeats and just how stuff was stylized, but like, it dint feel like the theme part was done pretty well, i thought it had something to do with the plushies but i realized later than these are merely decorations, so yeah, love it doesnt fit the theme very well

best part is the audio, good ost and the REALLY BIG BACKPACK intro is a instant classic material, but the actual game is a bit eh, sprites feel mismatched (i see you robot from nuclear throne) and gameplay is just, another vampire survivors clone, otherwise solid game


the first word that comes to mind is "delightful", pretty nice busy game, althought it runs pretty slow, the simple design and charismatic artstyle that reminds me of of those "animated shows based on books" things on tv, honestly i really like it, although the sound design is odd, theres a random woman scream i dont quite understand

(3 edits)

i dont get it, like what do you exactly do, playing it and all i see its just interactables that dont do anythin, ok found the computer, is it just a typing game? emails are nearly unredeable, but yeah at the moment this seems like just a typing game with a bunch of useless things sprinkled on it

bugs: interacted with a printer and got stuck