that was pretty nice, thought theres a bit of jank here and there its understandable as a game jam project, gotta say i enjoyed it, also the dreamaspect is pretty well done it does remind me a bit of loop dreams ive had
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love the game, im a sucker for western settings, the music is fantastic and the intro, simply magnific, love the character design and such too, but i found a couple issues and nitpicks
first a big one, (image relevant) after the tutorial when you land the last shot on the scarecrow i got stuck in the fence the moment the scenary changed, had no way to get out so i had to restart the game and go through the intro and tutorial again, kinda annoying
the second one is that the ledge collision is quite annoying, i think it should only instantly trigger if you are crouching and otherwise take like a second or so, third one is simply askin for controller movement to be a bit more smoother, specifically the aiming, for some reason the aim helper is VERY BIASED towards props, like bushes and crates, that was really annoying and would mean a high chance for quick shots so waste ammo.
lastly il say i remenber very long time ago the weapon simulation being bigger and more detailed, i am aware this is a change in direction i understand, but as a petty please if posible in the future MAYBE an alternate ui with the bigger weapon simulation thingie, thank you for reading
to do a propel jump you have to sorta time it and jump and shot at the same time, cheese told me someone had a similar problem so idk if its something hardware specific but hope not, i mostly get close to the overheat when i get surrounded and start to panic and just shot everywhere but it is relatively easy to manage, thank you for liking the art!!!
i love the aesthic with like stuff like the heartbeats and just how stuff was stylized, but like, it dint feel like the theme part was done pretty well, i thought it had something to do with the plushies but i realized later than these are merely decorations, so yeah, love it doesnt fit the theme very well
the first word that comes to mind is "delightful", pretty nice busy game, althought it runs pretty slow, the simple design and charismatic artstyle that reminds me of of those "animated shows based on books" things on tv, honestly i really like it, although the sound design is odd, theres a random woman scream i dont quite understand
i dont get it, like what do you exactly do, playing it and all i see its just interactables that dont do anythin, ok found the computer, is it just a typing game? emails are nearly unredeable, but yeah at the moment this seems like just a typing game with a bunch of useless things sprinkled on it
bugs: interacted with a printer and got stuck