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A member registered Sep 23, 2022 · View creator page →

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Hey there! Just for clarification, can you share what technical designer entails?

Hi! If you haven’t found a team yet, I’m interested in hearing you ideas for a mystery adventure game and sent you a friend request on Discord :)

Ok, I tried again knowing the existence of the footprints this time and I finally found the house and won AHAHA

Feedback now that I’ve cleared the game: the footprints are footprint shaped knowing that they’re there, but I think I originally thought they were rocks or just completely did not realize, since they’re colored pretty closely to the trees and earthiness going on. Even knowing they were footprints, I realized after coming across a number that I wasn’t entirely sure if the direction they were facing was actually indicative of the right direction to go since a number would conflict with one in its vicinity, so I proximity guessed the right way to go haha

The game definitely became more challenging after knowing to follow the footprints, in a good way so I wasn’t just randomly leading the boy around the forest!

Interesting infinity runner! Very savanna themed with the jeep noises, and the textures were nice — not sure what the relation is to your cover image for the game, though.

I have to add that I was really unsure if the turtle exploding was because I ran into it (and didn’t realize) or because it was a timed bomb that was going to explode either way and it kinda drove me nuts haha

Unfortunately I have a Macbook :’D but I guess it might be Chrome or the extensions on my Chrome (incognito mode failed)

Very atmospheric music, cute ghosts, and lovely animation!! The lil bounce in the lantern as it lands is to die for, no pun intended!

I think our games are actually really similar concept wise HAHA but I love how you’ve executed it through a grim reaper x graveyard haunt manner :) Great game!

Love how the gameplay differs by your choices! (I’m a big sucker for when your actions/choices actually matter hehe)

The rebel’s route almost feels more of the main game than the normal route since I got much more engaged and had motivation and a clear endpoint in mind with that, while the normal route just felt like a practice mode. Would love to see the normal mode introduce its own complexities so I don’t get tired of the basic matching that I can end at any time :)

Nice lofi vibes, cute guide dog, and neat hidden elements to find! The controls tutorial was also helpful.

The one thing that had me wondering was what to do when I reached the edge… Dog ended up going straight off but no matter how that happened, the human didn’t go with her……so I ended up stopping there but there’s definitely potential!

Curious to see if there’s anything beyond the straight-line experience or how obstacles would come into play here :)

Concept wise, I love puzzle games and mapping routes is always fun, so I enjoyed the idea!

I do wish the UI was clearer and cleaner because I completely leftfield guessed that you have to press the number to select the tool (spent a good while clicking around the map) and a number of other controls—and like the previous comment, the start button didn’t scale right so it’s completely hidden from view unless someone (lol me) cares to random click around the map for it.

The start (presumably) button is a really tiny green button that’s offcolor from the goblin it’s hiding behind—here’s a hint: you can’t really see it unless you fullscreen, although you can still click it even if you can’t see it.

I do wish there were instructions somewhere even if only in the game description because holy the controls took me a solid minute of spamming my keyboard…

Very fun! Definitely did not accidentally get stuck in a crater of boxes….and definitely did not fall through two trampolines positioned in what was supposed to be a catch/failsafe area diagonally and have to restart….

Very slow just-doing-my-thing-rowin’-my-boat vibes! I think it was a great touch to allow the player to toggle whether the hitbox is visible :)

I love the rustic old beige feels of this game! What I love even more than that is that the counter layout reminds me of the Papa’s Pizzeria, etc. series but I’m not sure if that was intentional LOL

Definitely saw some of those bugs you’d mentioned, but it was fun regardless :)

Pretty sure I forgot about the rent due like the moment a customer came in though lmao

Hi! I got an error about “WebGL context lost” so unfortunately I couldn’t load the game, but the music did play through and I love y’all’s choice with the music as I assume it matches that fun outdoorsy vibe from the cover image!



めちゃ飛ぶクラゲとアップグレード機能が好きだった。 楽しかったーありがとう!

Hello! Love the cute cover illustration and all the pixel art in game! My favorite was the pinata :)

Maybe I’m not patient enough but I never did find the house to guide the boy to, but I could keep him alive perfectly fine haha

Hi! I love the fact that y’all made a 2player game :0

It did take me like a hot minute to realize the manual was in the download area (and that there even was one) so I wished there was some sort of mini tutorial or instructions on screen before the game starts to make sure to download the manual. If y’all had more time or go back and polish this, I’d love to see more color in the manual too since I’m a very visual person and it’d make it interesting for the player on the manual side of the game :)

Very cute overall <3