Hi there! I just released the demo of a game. Brotato-inspired game with unique weapon elements system, nice effects and addicting drawing engine. Demo is a complete vertical slice of what i plan to do with it. Play and leave me your feedback :)
You can watch a trailer bellow.
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Kacper z Anatomii
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If you played the game and liked it please leave me feedback at this form: https://forms.gle/nxCKMBHZ4vHBt7oe7
Thanks for playing! :) I am happy that you have noticed my attention to use of colros! Sound - as mentioned in description - is a little bit awful because these were my first attempts to creating my own sound and music. I used LMMS emulation of real GB sound chip. But lack of knowledge where you land is the essention of gameboy games! Gargolyes Quest is one of my first real gameboy cartridges and oh boy, i hate this game. You jump into the pit where in the end there are spikes, and you need to click jump in time to be able to float for a second and stick to the wall. In here you can also jump just before spikes or enemies, just be quick.
Its soo cool that you made a rouglike type of game! Its really missing soundtrack - next time try making something in LMMS (there is gameboy chip emulation) like me, it will propably little anoying (like mine) but thats better than complete slience :) Neverthless game is really addictive - i really like rougelikes and even being so short - its a good one!
Hej, gra jest super! Bardzo podoba mi się ścieżka dźwiękowa i wizualna. Przyznam że to najoryginalniejszy typ gameplay'u jaki widziałem na tym gamejamie, podoba mi się :) Jedna rzecz której się czepię (bo czepiam się zawsze jak widzę) to coś o czym sam napisałeś, utrata ducha gameboy'a przez upscaling i nie przestrzeganie "pixel perfekcyjności" wyświetlacza. Pixele grafiki nie zgadzają się z pixelami ekranu. Byłby dużo lepszy retro feeling gdyby było zrobione 1:1 :) Ale wszystkie gry na Unity które tu widziałem zrobione są w ten sam sposób - upscaling i brak pixel prefectu. Nie mniej, gratuluję dowiezienia tak dopracowanej i skomplikowanej gry na gamejam, moja jest znaaacznie prostsza mechanicznie :)
Hej, miło Cię tu widzieć :) dzięki za opinię, muzyka była tworzona naprawdę na szybko i to są moje pierwsze w życiu próby tworzenia muzyki, użyłem programu LMMS z emulacją oryginalnego soundchipu gameboy'a. Też uważam że jest zbyt piszcząca i przede wszystkim zbyt krótka. Zależało mi na klimacie gier typu Kirby Dreamland, Gargolyes 2 czy Mario Land i cieszę się że to wyszło :)
Really good game! First - . It drops you without a word in to the open space, but after a while everything is clear. It reminds me of the legend of zelda in space, puzzles, enemies to defeat in real time combat, collecting items. Interesting hybrid. Only the ship battle part was too hard for me, its little unfair how enemy bullets hit you. But i will comeback to finish the game (i suppose that on this planet lays last part and game end when you repair it? And its soo cool that it works on orginal hardware (or emulators only but still, amazing).
Have nice day (or evening)!
Best entry i played so far. Crazy good game. I love the soundtrack, the art style, animations and gameplay! After few first plannets i noticed that upgrades are also cargo we need to deliver. I had fun playing, really clever concept that let's you build long game without boredom. And the catchy music fits this game so well, both themes the planet screen one, and delivery one. Along with animations of start/end level it looks so well. Planet changing screens and shops remind me of advance wars/fire emblems on gba.
I have one objection to graphics. It's not pixel perfect, the particles show with smaller pixels than game - it breaks the immersion of gameboy game - on real gameboy screen it would't be possible. Performance is not really well, (only full screen) on my Chrome / Windows 10 / 16GB ram it works slowly. But i like the art style! Good job!
Graphics is pixel inconsistent (small pixels on player ship, bigger on background elements etc.), it really breakes the visual effect of the game - It do not look like something that would came out on gameboy, i don't feel that specific gameboy soul. But it sounds nice. I like the overal art and gameplay idea.
I think it has more of a soul from early mobile android games than gameboy ones. Don't get me wrong, i don't think idea of game is bad, it could be done well but i don't feel gameboy soul in here. Neither in gameplay, neither in graphics, neither in soundtrack, neither in UI/UX. And from my interpretation of rules, it would be better to improvise some song than use existing one - or use the chords and rythm but make it not recognizable. I like the joke in here with "letting down" but thats not quite what i expected from this gamejam games. Nevertheless good job on finishing it while having holiday - i and propably many more of us here, suffered smillar time problems and project restarts :) Have nice day and good luck.