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Angela DeMille

A member registered Jun 03, 2019 · View creator page →

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Fourth from the end is indeed a CG from one of Sayori's endings. It's from the Alter storyline where Kyou keeps Sayori's alter personality around for the entire story.

I deleted it, sorry ^^;

The latest update should still be mostly compatible with your old saves. Usually it's only a problem when I update the game engine which hasn't happened in a while.

Ahh, thanks for pointing that out! I've fixed it for the next release :)

There's over 30 currently, and I hope to add a lot more by the time I'm finished writing this!

Yes, the new story content for this version didn't require any changes to the guide from last time so it's the same one as before.

No plans, but there's still a lot of story to write so who knows~

You should be able to install the new version over the old and keep your progress :)

Sounds like you need to explore Nozomi's storylines some more~

Simply tap/click the lens of Kyou's penlight on the title screen four times to get a prompt to unlock all the CGs.

Ah thanks for the spot! Sayori's hair really complicated this scene, but I've made some changes to how the image is layered for the later parts of the CG which should fix the issue for the next release.

They're all work in progress :) I hope to get a lot of them written out someday :)

Also no, there is no hentai version :p

Kyou realizes on the fifth day, when Hiroko greets him on the way to school, that her acting more robot-like was going to cause problems because her parents have started to notice her behaving strangely, so he mentions wanting to tinker some more so she and the others don't get discovered. Ultimately in the (original) epilogue he ends up having them behave like their human selves for the most part, save for when he deliberately activates their robot modes and such.

Muy bien, no estoy segura de qué más puedo hacer para ayudar. :(

Si tuviera un registro del error podría tener alguna pista. ¿Tienes acceso a una PC? Eso lo haría más fácil, ya que puedes buscar el archivo en tu computadora (usando el 5to de los pasos siguientes), pero si no, esto es lo que hay que hacer para encontrar el registro del error usando solo tu dispositivo Android:

1. Abre la aplicación de Files

2. Abre el menú en la aplicación de Files (esquina superior izquierda) y elije configuración.

3. Activa "Mostrar archivos ocultos"

4. Regresa a la pantalla principal de la aplicación de archivos y selecciona Almacenamiento Interno.

5. Elige "Android", luego "data", luego "com.angelademille.penlight", luego "files". Deberías ver un archivo llamado "traceback.txt". Debería dar algo de información sobre por qué el juego está crasheando.

Si copias el texto y lo pegas en una respuesta aquí, podré al menos ver por qué puede que esté fallando.

Entonces ¿el juego no muestra un mensaje de error? ¿Solo se cierra después de la primera pantalla?

No he oído de nadie más con este problema. Lo único que puedo sugerir es que desinstales el juego, reinicies tu dispositivo Android e intentes instalarlo de nuevo. Tal vez probar también con una nueva descarga, en caso de que la primera se haya corrompido de alguna manera.

Fuera de eso no estoy segura de cómo ayudar. :/

Hola, lamento oír que estás teniendo problemas. Entonces ¿dices que aparece el mensaje de "Penlight es una obra de ficción", pero no funciona después de eso? ¿Y en qué plataforma estás jugando? ¿PC, Mac o Android?

Ah, I wonder if something's stopping the game from running. You may want to try whitelisting the .exe on your antivirus software, or disabling it temporarily and see if that lets you run it?

Unlikely I'm afraid. Certainly not in the forseeable future. When the game is eventually finished a fan translation may be possible.

I'm happy folks are excited about the new stuff I'm trying to write! Most of the fans are on my discord server these days, but I'm happy it's still getting attention on itch and elsewhere. I appreciate your support ^^

I'm really happy you enjoyed it! As for the skip issue, yeah that's going to happen a lot. Any time I change or add a line of text your game will treat it as unread text no matter how minor the change and stop the skipping so you can read it.  It's an issue that will persist until I actually finish writing the game I'm afraid ^^;

You can force the game to skip anyway by going to the preferences menu and selecting "Unseen Text" in the submenu, although you risk skipping past genuinely new writing if you do that.

I'm so glad you liked it ^.^ As for your problem, I've tried to find it myself, playing it both in English and Spanish, and asked my regular readers to look out for it, but so far nobody else has seen it so I'm not sure what's going wrong in your copy of the game.

All I can tell you that the point where the CG is meant to unlock is on the line right after the CG, when Kyou is standing in the corridor.

Haha, welcome back! About the update, you need to download the whole game but it *should* pick up your saved games from the previous release. Although there are sometimes complications... Kinda comes with the territory for an in-develpment game I guess ^^;

Oh, neat! I noticed the game was seeing some traffic from reddit this month.

Anyway, I'm so glad you liked it! I really enjoyed putting a lot of this stuff together and I've no intention of stopping :) Also, you might be interested in joining my Discord server if you haven't already. There's a lot of discussion about the game on there, and I frequently look at the ideas people have about ongoing storylines~

Yes, I'm aware. It sucks that a small perk for my supporters got leaked, especially with how unnecessary it was, but there's not much I can do about it unfortunately. Also the reception to the game on that site is more or less what I expected :p

Glad you enjoyed the game, though! The villainous stuff could stand to see more development, although the relative speed of developments probably won't change much or at all. The idea of Kyou being made to crossdress/genderflip has been floated about before, and it's a fun idea. We'll see if anything comes of it~

Yeah, looks like a false positive to me. I asked around on my discord server and no one else seems to have encountered anything, and the .zip package was checked out on VirusTotal and found nothing untoward. Not to mention this release has been in the wild a couple of days now, downloaded to a couple hundred people, and no one else from the wider community seems to have had any sort of trouble with it. I'd say we're good~

Thanks for your comments! Nozomi's route is the one I'm least happy with because the game's expanded so much since it was written and it doesn't really do what it needs to anymore. So, there's a major rewrite in the works and the "Kyou nearly kills his dream girl because he let his curiosity get the better of him" scene might not even survive. I know you're not the only reader who had a problem with it. But anyway, although there won't be anything too explicit (Penlight kinda set out its stall as being not that type of game) I'm expecting to add a lot more to Kyou and Nozomi's story as they explore their needs amidst the growing realization of the penlight's true abilities~

Working sexual tension into the other girl's routes is more difficult (the interplay with Sayori's alter may be as good as it gets), but it might come up in one of the many variations of both of their routes. I still have a lot to do before this game is finished!

Wow, I'm quite flattered that people are into Penlight enough that they're basically writing fanfic about it ^.^ But ehh, yeah you've already identified the problem with this: You don't have a way to distribute it as a mod without also packaging the rest of the game with it, and I'm a bit iffy about that for the same reasons you cite. If there were a way to distribute just the modified script as some kind of fan-made patch, that'd be one thing, but yeah, I'm not comfortable sanctioning a derivative version of my game. Even done with good intentions it's going to muddy the waters a bit.

So, not against modding in principle, but unless there's a way of doing this without redistributing the entire game I'd ask that you refrain from doing that.

I'm glad you liked it ^.^ As for your question, all the greyed-out choices are things I'm considering writing for later updates so none of them can be accessed yet. That particular path is one I'm hoping to write soonish, though!

Oh, thank you! Seeing comments like these make my day ^.^

And yes, the unavailable choices are just there to show what I'm thinking to add in future updates~

Thank you so much for your thoughts! I'm really happy that the consensual stuff is being appreciated.

I absolutely want to write more full routes and I have a number of ideas for them. I hope to make a start on one after I've fleshed out the choices of the existing routes a bit more. Penlight isn't even close to being done in my opinion, and I intend to be writing for it for some time to come~

I gotta say, it hadn't occurred to me to explore the possibility of Kyou being on the other end of a hypnosis session, and now you bring it up it feels like an oversight on my part not to at least mention it during the cafe scene or something. 

Hey, thanks a lot for the feedback! A lot of your thoughts seem to mirror my own with where I think the game is at right now, so I hope the changes and additions I'm making to the writing are going in the right direction~