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Angel Phenix

A member registered Jul 19, 2017 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

j'aime beaucoup l'écran titre. Ça m’étonne vraiment pas que tu aies "cet âge" quand je vois le style, ça fait plaisir ! J'ai énormément joué aux jeux d'Atari ST / Amiga 500 et ça fait plaisir de retrouver, autant cette "musique" avec la chip de ces années-là, et surtout, le titre qui fait une vague de haut en bas, ça fait plaisiiiir.

Pour le jeu, j'avoue avoir été très agréablement surpris de voir les changements graphiques de chaque nouveaux niveaux. Je n'avais vu que l'écran titre avant de lancer le jeu et ça m'a très surpris, autant de voir les graphismes de départ qui faisaient limite ASCII pour finir en 3D bien lisse et propre, bien joué.

Pour ce qui est du gameplay, je pense que laisser l'occasion au joueur de faire du gauche-droite sur une zone relativement petite pourrait facilité un petit peu l'esquive de débris, notamment pour le mode difficile où ça commence à faire beaucoup de danger !

En tout cas, félicitation à toi aussi, pour quelqu'un qui touche à Godot depuis si peu de temps, c'est impressionnant de voir le passage 2D à 3D, spécialement lorsqu'on s'y attends pas. Et je suis tout autant impressionné de voir qu'il n'y a pas "trop" de projectiles qui bloqueraient entièrement le joueur de tout mouvement, c'est ultra bien équilibré.

Jeu qui promet beaucoup de belles choses lorsqu'il sera peaufiné et ré-équilibré ! Le jeu est déjà relativement planant dans cette ambiance zen avec pleins de petites énigmes à résoudre par-ci par-là, je trouve ça très détente, ça me rappelle beaucoup de jeux comme The Witness et Memorrah. Une très belle réalisation de la part de l'équipe en tout cas.
En ce qui concerne le jeu/gameplay en lui-même, j'ai quelques choses à dire, par-ci par-là :

- Tout d'abord, sur la seconde île (en partant de la droite) il est possible de by-pass totalement l'esprit pour accéder au fragment au dessus de l'île. Je ne sais pas si c'est fait exprès, mais il est possible d'arrêter le cube en plein air, et donc, de monter sur le petit rocher, sauter sur le cube, et atteindre le fragment. (Cela dit, ça n'avance pas beaucoup puisqu'il faut quand même aller libérer l'esprit, je tenais juste à le faire remarquer. )

- Il y a aussi un problème d'équilibrage. Non pas que le jeu soit "trop difficile", mais le gameplay me fait beaucoup penser aux vieux jeux des années 90 où les joueurs devaient par exemple sauter sur des plateformes "à l'aveugle" ou alors, après atterrissage, se prenaient forcément les tirs d'un ennemi qui avait été placé là pour ça. Ce genre de gameplay n'apporte rien de satisfaisant au jeu puisqu'il enferme le joueur dans un problème sans solution. Il y a donc ce niveau avec les flammes, que j'ai réussi à passer sans trop de problèmes, mais qui ne demandent pas un certains reflexes ou "skill" de la part du joueur, juste du die-and-retry. Ce qui, pour un jeu "d'énigmes" calme et posé, la fou un peu mal je trouve. :D

- Encore pour l'équilibrage, le niveau avec l'eau qui monte et les rondins de bois : Je pense qu'encore une fois, ca demande au joueur de die-and-retry pour sauter pile au bon moment lorsque l'eau arrive à la bonne hauteur.

Les joueurs aiment également beaucoup le sentiment d'avoir réellement accompli quelque chose. Et bien que je me doute que la version gamejam ait été faite rapidement, je me permet quand même de vous proposer de changer la couleur des boules d'énergies blanches lorsqu'une île est terminée, pour le faire signaler au joueur et qu'il le voit d'un seul coup d'oeil en étant sur l'îlot central ! 

Pour ce qui est du gameplay, agrandir légèrement la zone de vision du joueur dans la phase 2D pourrait régler tous les problèmes énoncés au-dessus. En effet, bien que le feu ne soit pas "esquivable" a part en attendant sur le côté, en laissant le joueur "voir" à l'avance qu'il peut attendre d'un côté ou de l'autre. Ca règlerait aussi le problème des plateformes qu'on ne voit à peine arriver, si ce n'est en sautant en avance pour voir quand elles arriveraient. Cela dit, je peux concevoir que cette partie était faites exprès pour rajouter de la difficulté au niveau; N'étant pas punitif, ca ne pose pas de problème à mon avis.

Et pour le niveau avec l'eau qui monte, bouger légèèèèèrement les rondins de bois afin de rendre les sauts relativement plus facile afin de ne pas pénaliser une méconnaissance du niveau en premier lieu, et surtout pour redonner ce côté "Tu as réussi parce-que tu as le niveau" et pas "Tu as réussi parce-que tu as assez recommencé le niveau" si tu préfères (à la limite rajouter une difficulté où le joueur devrait faire un saut d'obstacle par exemple.)

Tout mon respect pour les petites répliques de films cultes glissées par-ci par-là, j'ai beaucoup aimé le "Que trépasse si je faiblis" :D
Sinon, niveau gameplay, pas grand chose à dire, si ce n'est une ou deux modifications "visuelles" afin d'apporter de la clarté autant aux mouvements des ennemis qu'à la façon de se déplacer soi-même :

- Rajouter une zone "rouge" sur le terrain qui montrerait l'étendu de la vision des ennemis serait, je pense, un énorme plus à la compréhension des niveaux. En effet, tu t'y es très bien sorti niveau "installation de gameplay" et "tutoriel caché" avec le fait qu'on tombe très vite sur un ennemi qui nous poursuit, cela dit, sans effet visuel, ça rends le dernier niveau un peu plus compliqué à assimiler. Une zone rouge autour d'eux, qui prendrait place uniquement sur le sol, et non pas sur les murs, montreraient le danger imminent et faciliterait la lecture du niveau.

- Pouvoir éteindre ou descendre le son du personnage lorsqu'il se déplace pourrait également être un plus. A la limite, j'aime bien partir du principe qu'un "problème" peut ne pas être supprimé mais simplement "changé". Pour rendre la chose plus personnelle (puisqu'il n'y a pas de tenues, pas de modification du personnage, etc) tu pourrais te permettre de rendre disponible plusieurs "sons" de déplacement. On ne dirait pas, comme ça, mais inconsciemment, le joueur aura dû choisir un son et se sera approprié le character sans même y réfléchir !(modifié)

- Peut-être dessiner la zone de déplacement du joueur. Etant un joueur de Jeux vidéos depuis les années 94-95, j'ai toujours tendance à me baser sur le fait que les déplacements n'iraient pas plus loin qu'un ou deux murs, alors qu'ici, grâce à l'algorithme, ca permet de faire plusieurs tournants tant qu'il voit le chemin où il peut aller. Je pense qu'une petite modification des niveaux précédents pourrait permettre aux joueurs de se rendre compte de la zone très étendue de déplacement possible (Je ne m'en suis rendu compte que très très tard dans le jeu, mais ça peut venir de moi !) 

 - J'ai également trouvé relativement "douloureux" de devoir toujours cliquer et de ne pas pouvoir rester appuyé sur la touche afin de donner l'ordre de déplacement au personnage. Cela dit je peux concevoir, connaissant Godot, que cela poserait quelques problèmes niveau utilisation de ressources ? 

 - Rendre l'utilisation du zoom arrière et du déplacement caméra "obligatoire" dans les niveaux précédents le 4 pourrait directement donner l'indice au joueur que c'est indispensable pour apprécier le jeu entièrement, je pense. C'est comme résoudre l'énigme à l'avance, prendre le chemin, et espérer ne pas tomber sur une tuile en route, espérer que la solution trouvée était bien la bonne (Sur quoi tu pourrais t'amuser à jouer et mettre des obstacles qui n'y étaient pas à la base afin de l'obliger à repenser son plan !) 

 Bref, j'aime beaucoup l'atmosphère qui a été donné très rapidement avec peu de choses, particulièrement lorsqu'on passe dans les portails ! Le déplacement est fluide, la conversation des ennemis les rendraient presque mignon/agréables, même s'ils te font exploser en 10.000 morceaux par un simple toucher ! J'ai beaucoup apprécié le jeu, particulièrement le niveau 4, lorsque j'ai réussi à me rendre compte que l'utilisation de la caméra et du dézoom pourrait être bien plus bénéfique que ce que je pensais ! Félicitation à toi pour ton jeu, et bonne continuation !

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Je dois dire que je suis très impressionné sur le game design de ton jeu ! Je pense voir une grosse similarité avec le jeu Ibb & Obb, je sais pas si tu t'en es inspiré, mais le gameplay est très similaire ! J'aime énormément le shader graphique appliqué à l'écran et, par-dessus tout, la jouabilité rapide des personnages qui respawn instantanément après la mort / La traînée de pixel derrière les personnages qui donnent vie aux graphismes et qui rends le mouvement encore plus "fluide".

J'ai quelques remarques cela dit, bien entendu. - Tout d'abord, le fait que la musique ne boucle pas sans arrêt est très dommage pour l'immersion dans le jeu. J'ai exploré les niveaux de fond-en-comble et je me suis retrouvé plusieurs fois sans musique, du tout, ce qui est un peu dommage pour un jeu de ce genre, je trouve en tout cas ! Donc simplement finir la boucle proprement pour qu'elle restart serait déjà un grand plus.

- En ce qui concerne la game design, il n'y a presque rien à dire, mis a part une difficulté un peu trop accrue en fin de premier niveau (disons que les obstacles auraient paru plus "logique" dans un autre sens, si tu préfères) ainsi que quelques collectibles qui auraient pu être placé pour rendre les niveau plus "lisible" quant aux chemins à emprunter ou pas. Cela dit, tu t'es très bien servi de ceux-ci pour certaines parties du niveau, en général, alors j'imagine que tu as bien compris le principe.

- J'ai également trouvé deux petits bugs, rien de bien méchant : Je les report, au cas où tu voudrais en faire un jeu plus poussé/plus complet, etc : 1) Lorsque Pinque arrive "presque" à hauteur pour atteindre une plateforme, il arrive qu'il se retrouve "coincé" dans la plateforme. Il y a bien sûr toujours la possibilité de sauter, de se déplacer, et je ne sais pas si c'est intentionnel (Peut-être qu'il saurait s'accrocher aux rebords et que je n'ai pas lu ça dans le tuto ? ). Donc, on a l'impression qu'il se tient sur une plateforme "invisible", au bord des blocs. 2) Lorsqu'un des deux personnages meurt en même temps qu'il touche le sol, la poussée s'effectue quand même au respawn des deux entités. Ça aussi, je ne sais pas si c'est fait exprès ou pas. Il est souvent dit que c'est des bugs qui ont fait les meilleures "features" de certains jeux, alors qui sait, tu pourrais peut-être t'en servir dans le gamedesign, en placant un point de sauvegarde, en obligeant un des deux personnages à mourir tout en touchant le sol, propulsant l'autre sur une plateforme bien trop haute pour lui ? Peut-être ? I don't know :D

- Je ne sais pas si c'est moi qui ne voit pas comment faire, mais lorsque je termine les niveaux, je ne suis pas renvoyé où que ce soit, et j'ai l'impression de n'avoir que le choix de quitter ou de recommencer le level. J'imagine que c'est un choix de ta part, mais ça perturbe en sachant qu'en général, lorsqu'on fini le niveau 1, on s'attends à passer au niveau 2, autant automatiquement que par l'appui d'une touche !

Sinon la musique est parfaite, pas trop rapide, pas trop lente, elle fait bien synthwave comme ce que le jeu nous fait ressentir avec tous ces néons, ce shaders, etc. Félicitation, j'ai pris beaucoup de plaisir à compléter tous les niveaux !(modifié)

Merci à toi, j'ai passé beaucoup de temps sur ton jeu ! Le niveau 2 est absolument génial d'ailleurs. j'aime énoooormément le game design du jeu, là où tu as décidé de placer les dangers de mort, l'obligation de revenir parfois sur tes pas, de revoir des parties du niveau sous un autre angle. Félicitation, vraiment.

I'm quite sure the first point will come with time. I can only imagine.
For the second one, I don't see why you think that the time is moving too fast.. ? I went for several sessions of game already and the time felt pretty.. fine for me :D
Stats bar would be great too, just like health in other games ! :D Or at least an explanation in the tutorial where we know which state of health is good or bad

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Good to know, thanks for the heads up

Now that's next level

( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

The only use of scrap metal i've seen really usefull in the long term is for the little lights on the ground. You can spam them, I have around 700+ lights on my world to guide me with my vehicules.
As for rocks.. Unless pavement becomes useful (I mean, if you can at least build things on it) and it takes lots and lots of rocks to build, I don't see how @cairn4 would be able to utilize it :D

Yeah, I tend to never use any water to make food because I don't think it's actually worth it.If you have lots of Water Collector you'll be totally fine for the water. My gf already told me several times that It'll be great to be able to put the orange fruit trees in the greenhouses haha
I'll be honest, even when the seed drop was lower I did a good 170+days without having any problems whatsoever in the "food" department. I had 13 Greenhouses which were constantly giving me herbs and roots. It wasn't always working since I played a lot more than I expected but it did its job by giving me food for the days I was busy getting my 50 GTRs =D

TL;DR : Water should be a problem at all if you're planning everything. Having the possiblity to plant orange fruits in greenhouses could be great.

I never encountered any problems with water to be honest.
Sure it's harder to keep up but it's the purpose of the game too : If you think you need more water : Build more Water Collectors, that easy !

Same, hah

Note that if you're referring to this sentence : "Two water bottles should give 4 ice, which means 4 oxygen bottles. Which is.. Quite high when you think about the fact that a single oxygen bottle can give you a full gauge of oxygen when you were at 0."
I don't think the "reality" of things is the problem. I don't even really think it's a problem to be honest. It's more like  a balance-side thing.
When you really think about it : What do you need to craft a single bottle of Oxygen ?
1 ice + 1 metal plate.
The ice is litterally everywhere and the metal plate is quite common too. 
The fact that the metal plate is used for a loooooot of different recipe makes it a little bit harder to manage than water and that's why I talked about the "water/oxygen" ratio in this part of my post.
The fact that a single stack of ice can give you a full oxygen bar seems pretty OP. Not talking about "real facts from the real world" but from Mewnbase's world where Oxygen is one of the most important thing to manage.
I think I'm gonna give it a try, going for a full gameplay only with oxygen bottle to see where that goes and if it's really balanced or not because right now when I'm three screens away from my base and popping a single oxygen bottle to get full oxygen back it seems.. Overpowered (To me :D)

Sorry if I wasn't clear about that ! And I guess different players will have diferrent point of view on what's balanced or not ! Thanks for replying though ! :D

(4 edits)

I'm not the dev but from what I've seen, it's a bug.
There's no way the fact that the water collector gives "free water" is intentional.
As for a little more insight :
A single Water Collector gives +1 Water per seconds.
For now, I'm going at +10 water per seconds with 10 Water Collectors.
It can only be a bug since the water is almost absolutely useless right now. I have 250+ ice patch in my storage waiting to be used and I already made 50+ Oxygen Bottles..

I think it could be a good idea to increase the rate of seed drop while harvesting greenhouses, or at least having 2 seeds per drop instead of 1.
Right now I have 15 greenhouses and there's rounds where the 15 plants doesn't even give a single seed which is.. Kinda sad when you think about it. Big farms are useless at this state of the game.
I don't think it'll be good to have a really high drop pourcentage as it will be way too overpowered and will defeat the goal of the game to "explore".
For now greenhouses are more like "bonuses" if you ever need to craft food.
Since you can at least survive for a good 150+days without having to go really far from your base (Stew giving 1day of food) not sure why you really want to take water out of the Water Supply, since you actually put the water in it in the first place. (Unless you want to abuse the Water Collector + Water Supply bug :D)  It's pretty much the player who has to manage properly their drops if you want my opinion. If the ice/water was being wasted after being in a storage for several days and you "had to" put it in a Water Supply to keep it fresh or something then I would understand.
Right now you can just stock your water in a storage and use it in a Water Supply if you want to supply your greenhouses in water.
If being able to take water out of the Water Supply is "adopted", then I think it should ask for a certain item for being able to "take back" the water. 
Like "Okay, you did a wrong move putting water in it. Pay the price."

Quite good ideas, I think. It's great to see other players being invested in this game :D
PS : I'm sorry if I can sound rude or anything, It's not my native language and i'm trying my best to give good arguments !

Edited the post, adding 6 suggestions.

Now that's some really fast work ! I'm glad I could help and I hope these issues won't be a pain to be solved.
I updated the post to delete the fixed bugs so you'll be able to have a "Real-Time" bug list as long as its not fixed.
I guess you can already edit it since you're the developer but if you want me to delete things in it because you're not planning on changing it, just let me know :D
Great patch dev'!

[Edited the post.]

(1 edit)

You're apparently not the only one. If you downloaded the game from you shouldn't have any problem whatsoever

Topic on False Positive Virus, Answered by the Developer

(1 edit)

Posted on (DD.MM.YYYY) : 26.07.2017
Updated on (DD.MM.YYYY) : 27.07.2017

As I did for the bugs I've found on patch 0.36, I'm gonna do a rundown of things I think could be good for the future of the game.
As you guys expect : It's only my opinion and nobody "has to" agree with me. 
I came up with these after players a good amount of hours on this game.
As I said on my last topic : My native language isn't english as you already probably can tell and I'm sorry if my writing or use of the language is bad, I'm trying my best !

============== Suggestions ==============

1) When you right-click a consummable item on your inventory without having it selected : It shouldn't "select" it.

I find it quite unsual for me to have to scroll the mouse middle button to switch to my previous item (or using the 1,2,3,etc keys) when all I wanted to do was to use an item and continue doing what I was doing. The problem is, when I'm mining like crazy to get lots of GTR, I have to spend a lot of time doing several things. I have to keep my oxygen level at a certain level to use my bottles and I have to avoid starving. Since I "have to" right-click on the item to consume it : I think it would be great to avoid selected the item if you right-click only (Say you have your shovel selected, you're starving. Right-click the food on your inventory. The selected item is still the shovel but your character just ate his dish)

2) Stop the interaction with the modules as long as it got an air breach.

I.. Actual find that quite logic. Since you interact with the module to stop the air breach, your character isn't interacting with the module to "use" it. Just to repair it. Problem is : When the chest modules have an air-leak and you click on it to "repair" it : The chest opens up on your screen. It doesn't do it with the airlock though. Which is great because it's the way it should be, I think !

3) Use the shovel to craft the jackhammer.

I know it sounds quite dumb when you think about it just by reading this sentence but I found it quite odd that your shovel could do something that your jackhammer wouldn't be able to do. I get it, the jackhammer does his own thing, just like the shovel. But since you can interact with the jackhammer to get some things, just like the shovel : I think it could be great to have them combined.
At least, if the shovel isn't used to craft the jackhammer : Making another tool, combining both items could be really good for the long run. It's painful playing 10+hours on the game when you constantly have to switch between two tools which "seems" related (To me ! :D)

4) Water dispenser adjusted ?

I don't know if it's intended or not, just like in my other post, but I found that the water dispenser actually "waste" water using the ice or the water bottle.
Let me explain : Each Water Dispenser can store up to "200" amount of water.
When you use an ice item on it, the water is :  30/200.
Since the water bottle is 2x the ice item, when you use it, the water is : 60/200 (Which is perfectly fine, as it takes two times more ice to make a water bottle)
Problem is : 
    - 6 Ice = 180/200.
    - 7 Ice = 200/200 (Instead of 210)
The problem isn't that big when you think about it, using ice. You litterally "waste" 10 water but that's just 1/3 of a single ice item which is.. not that outrageous, I have to admit but :
    - 3 Water Bottle = 180/200.
    - 4 Water Bottle = 200/200 (Instead of 240) (and yes, using 3 water bottle + 1 ice wouldn't waste water, but players don't really know that you can litteraly "waste" items. It's not normal in a game :D)
If adjusting the water dispenser is too much work, at least adjusting the ice/water bottle amount of water would be great. Having it to 25 for the ice and 50 for the water bottle could be a good thing. I know you'll need more water to keep your farms up, but since the game now has a water collector, I don't think it can really be a problem.

5) Electricity consummation priority.

Being on another planet means the little kitty probably knows what he's doing. Don't you think the little Kitty would have found a way to prioritize "important" modules before the less-important ones ? 
I mean, when you have 8 plant modules, 12 "basic" modules and 4 air dispenser, you really don't want any of your "basic" modules to get electricity if you don't the right amount to supply everything properly. 
I think the game should prioritize types of modules so the electricity generated, even low, would be given to the good modules instead of playing the russian roulette every night. 
Classifying the modules would be (I think, correct me if I'm wrong) an "easy" (relative) way to resolve the problem. Like.. Giving it a "level" of importance so the electricity knows where to go !

6) The possibility to throw the full stack of item on the ground.

Sometimes you will have to throw things to the ground. Sometimes quite big stacks of things you don't really want. Problem is : You have to "unload" your inventory one item at a time. Say you have 90 rocks on yourself, you're out of your base and you want to throw these rocks on the ground because they're not that usefull. You'll have to click 90 times on your throwing key. That's.. Yeah.. No. :D

7) Having "Nav Light" giving a bit more luminosity.

I mean, I don't want it to be an epic spotlight that you can actually see from miles away but right now, the nav light are litterally useless unless you put a whole stack of it. On my last run, I made 170 nav light to make a "road".  I don't know if it's intended to have so little light so you HAVE TO build a lot of it for it to be really effective but that's really tedious to do.
It would be better for the player (in my opinion) to have the nav light producing a bit more light. You can even update the recipe to craft the item since the metal scrap parts aren't usefull anyway. Double the items needed to build the light as long as the light is really a light source and not just a little red dot you're not even able to see if your monitor doesn't have the right setting ! :D

8) It would be great to have different "types" of games.

I'm not talking about a whole different game, I'm talking about small little tweaks in the actual real "game" that can make things more interesting since there's not a lot of content for now (I'm a little harsh on this, I played this game for a good 30+ hours already.).
I was thinking about playing on the "weather" side, to start.
Like the "Rain Forest" mode :
     - No ice patch on the ground.
     - You can only get water from rain.
     - When it's raining, Solar pannel doesn't produce any electricity (I'm not quite sure it's already the case).
     - Double the drop of seeds.
=> The player will have to build GTR (which produce 5 elec. instead of 10 for the pannels) and have to build several Rain collector if he wants to be able to maintain a good farm. 

Or like the "No Oxygen" mode :
     - Unable to build Air purifier.
     - When building modules, there's no "oxygen" in it initially.
     - No farms whatsoever (Well yeah, no oxygen = no growth).
=> The player will have to rush things to get oxygen bottles as soon as the game starts and be on the constant move if he wants to survive.

The game will still have the "goal" to survive a certain amount of days. It could add difficulty and goals to reach when the game is already done since the "no limit" mode can only entertain you (me, at least) for a good 120+ days (Which is already really high to be honest :D).

9) Change the "initial" position of the items dropped when recolting things.

When you use Greenhouses and Rain Collector, you have to be on the bottom of the modules if you want to be able to get your items (You can't build module at the top of it and praise the lord that the items will come to you. You "have to" build the modules at the top of whatever your base is to be able to reach all the items everytime.
Since I already encountered this problem when recolting on Rocks and things outside, I just thought about the fact that the items could be dropped from the "middle" of the tile and not the 0,0 (x,y) position of the tile.
Right now, when you destroy something (Rocks, Herbs, Fruits, etc) you can clearly see that the items are "popping" from the 0,0 position of the tile and that's why it's difficult to recolt things being at the top of the GreenHouse and the Rain Collector. Since the items can go in every directions, they can go wayyyy farther away from your position without you being able to reach it unless you do a "détour".

10) The possibility to drop/build things on the pavement.

Pavement's great, don't get me wrong. But it's more of a bullet in the foot than a real advantage when you build your base. You cannot do ANYTHING on the pavement. You can't place things, you can only run on it. It's great if you have two bases apart from each other and that's.. The only actual case I thought it was great. 
For now, Pavement can't even handle a "Nav Light" on it which is quite ridiculous if you ask me !
Anyway, you could add a little mechanics out of the pavement. Maybe reduce the chances for airleaks if there's pavements below the buildings. Something like this. Anyway, it would be great to be able to do something when standing on it. The fact that we can't even drop a single item on it with the "throw" command is quite fun but man, that sucks if you've build 450+ pavements around your base haha.

11) A way to change water bottle into ice.

For now, the Rain Collectors are a great way to get Watter Bottles. The only problem with this is : If you want to have a good amount of water, you really have to build a lot of rain collectors.
Just for the story : It's 2 Water Bottles per "rain". Which happens like.. 1 time per 10-15days, which means 2 water bottles for a good 12-13days.  Either we'll have to see rain more often or we'll have to be able to collect way more than 2 water bottles for it to be really effective.
Anyway i'm disgressing : For now, the water bottle has no real good use (The root stew isn't that great) unless used in a Water Supply. Which means you put a lot of items and effort building these things only for it to be effective in water supply.
If you want the Rain Collector to be effective, it could be great to be able to "freeze" this water so we could use the ice to get Oxygen bottles.
Just by adding a "freezer" mechanism, you won't have to tweak anything. Two water bottles should give 4 ice, which means 4 oxygen bottles. Which is.. Quite high when you think about the fact that a single oxygen bottle can give you a full gauge of oxygen when you were at 0.
This way : No need to change the weather intensity/frequence :D

Since it's only suggestions, I can just stroke the text and explain why it wouldn't be implemented as it's only here for discussing purposes. I know my points aren't that great, I just found that some things needed some tweaking to be "just perfect" (again : "for me."). Thanks for reading !

Just my thoughts about it :

1) This one should probably be implemented (if you ever really code it, I mean :D) on a different "game mode". Like there's the "mission mode" and the "infinity mode". It could fit in missions (Teraform several planets seems like a really cool mission to me, even if I have to "lose" hours to start fresh on another planet. Especially if it's a different biome, discovering things I don't know yet. It's still really rewarding !

2) Now this one is really a good idea. Just because the fact that it would be possible to have access to certain things in a gameplay, and totally other things on the others. Like : Being unable to build GTR and using only "renewable" energies. Using only several Biofuel because there's not enough components to build a solar panel or something else. I don't know, just throwing that out. It seems like a really good idea, especially if it's not only the "visual" of the game that changes. Seems kinda hard to code though.

3) This one seems good if the amount of resources are perfectly managed which would be quite difficult, I think. Still a really good idea, since it adds content and visual variety wouldn't be a bad thing to a game like this where you ultimately play a lot of hours.

(6 edits)

Posted on (DD.MM.YYYY) : 19.07.2017
Updated on (DD.MM.YYYY) : 27.07.2017 : v.0.37 Available

First of : I'm a big fan of this game already. I played lots and lots of hours. Way more than I thought was possible seeing the content of the game for now. So, you know, cheers to Steve Forde for this game and thank you for the awesome sets of hours I've played. Second : I'm really sorry if my english is bad by any way. It's not my native language and I'll still try my best to avoid dumb mistakes so your eyes won't bleed "that" much. Third : Steve, I'm really sorry for all the things I'm gonna list right now. I know developping a game can be frustrating since when you get some content there's a lot of bugs coming to you ! I'm just trying to make the bugs note easier for you to read so you'll be faster. Consider me like a.. Beta tester, I guess.

============== Real bugs / Unintended things (I guess?) ==============

1 ) There is a possibility to have infinite oxygen with two modules.

Take two modules. Put it on the ground so it'll build automatically. Step on it when the jauge isn't full yet and watch your character "appear" inside the module when it's built.  Thing is : A module is created with oxygen in it. Which means you just have to build the module, step on it (no need to get an entrance), change "room" (go to the other module) and you'll consume the oxygen created when built.  Want to come out ? Right click. Repeat this step : You don't even need a base to survive when it comes to oxygen !  Just two simple modules. And it's working with every module in the game.

2) Sound and Animation doesn't stop when you click on the ESC key.

Now this one is not game-breaking. It's nothing much to be honest.
Mine something with the shovel or the Jackhammer then press ESC, you'll hear the sound again and again and again and aga... If you're attentive enough, you'll even see the character continuing the animation over and over again. Which is quite normal since the animations doesn't stop when you press this key (Even if the game time does)
You can do the exact same thing when in the buggie. Ride the vehicule, when in acceleration, press the ESC key and the acceleration sound will continue like the other sounds.

3) "Badly" linked modules are upgrading the oxygen amount.

I know it sounds awfull but I don't know how to formulate my sentence in another way. Let me explain it to you :
In this game, buildings placed on the ground serves as a "link" to one another.
If you put a module, a solar pannel, then another module (In a line, so the two modules are not directly connected), the three buildings are considered "linked" on an electricity level. Which kinda makes sense.
The problem is, it's "linked" on the oxygen level too. 
Where it makes sense to link things, if a module alone (closed) is placed in front of a solar panel : The two are connected. But if you place the second module in front of the solar panel (the other way around, like I tried to explained), the two modules, not being connected to one another shouldn't upgrade the oxygen level like it's connected.
It's probably not a bug so I might just wait for Steve's response and delete this "bug". It just doesn't make much sense to me.

4)  Power Switch working like it's intended ? Or not ?

I'm actually just asking the question because it goes with my "3)" bug reported. 
When you link things with the power switch, then deactivate the circuit : Sure, you don't use any electricity to power up the modules on the other side of the Power Switch but you don't have the oxygen either.
It's like you totally got rid of all the modules at once. Like you displaced them when you right click on it. 
It kinda makes sense that the "total" oxygen is cut off if you turn the switch off. What doesn't makes sense is that the maximum oxygen is going up, even if it's only linked with a "POWER" switch. Just like with a solar panel, a GTR, a repair drone, etc.

5) Electricity is not needed on the water supplier.

Now, I have to be honest, this one's a little tricky. I found it only because I didn't have the electricity generation needed to maintain my whole base. Let me explain it a little more clearly :
It was the night, I turned on two of my buildings to craft metal plates. It got rid of my water suppliers which had water in it. (When I say "got rid" it's just that these weren't getting electricity anymore)
At this point, I thought it messed up my water amount because the water displayed on my screen when in the base was actually going down, just like when the plant is getting water. I was thinking my water went nowhere, until I realised that : The only thing that needs electricity is the Plant module. Which.. Doesn't really makes sense to me.
Either it should be the water supplier (The building needs a motor to send water, meaning it needs electricity) and the plant is just.. A plant module. (I would understand that it needs electricity too though, since it's on another planet and the plant has to be maintained in a certain way to be able to grow.)

6) Really Difficult to enter the buggie by clicking on it if you have a "placing building" selected in your inventory.

I know there's a keybinding to enter the vehicule, don't get me wrong. But since I always play "the fastest way", I tend to just let my fingers on the WASD keys and click on the vehicule.
When you have something to place selected (Pavement, Buildings, etc) you actually had a loooot of trouble to enter the vehicule when clicking on it. 

7) Repairing manually is.. weird ?

 [Fun fact(ornot): When I started, I thought you litterally had to get rid of the building, then place it again to "repair" it :D] 
I know It's redondant but again : I don't know if it's intended or not :
When you want to manually repair something (By left clicking on it) it takes the time the module normally takes you to interact with it.
I know this sentence can be quite weird so let me explain. When you want to open your base entrance (if it's not the automatic one) you have to click on it. When you click on it, there's a delay, a jauge getting completed. This "timer" is applicable on the repair too.
When your entrance has an air leak and you want to click on it to repair it : It doesn't repair it instantly like the normal module or the "chest" module. It takes some time. Same thing for the Medbay. When you use the Medbay, the delay is quite long. Well, to repair it, you have to wait this exact time too, like you were using the medbay.
(To be honest : It kinda makes sense that it doesn't need the same repair time depending on the module so...)

8) When you activated your torch, being real close to a rock, the light pass through it.

This "bug" happens only if you are "under" the rock, facing the north direction. When you do it in every other directions there's absolutely no problems but when you come up close to a rock being under it, you'll see the beam of light having the same behavior than normally.

9) Water being used by being "wasted".

This one is quite difficult to explain in depth so I'm gonna do it the fast way, hoping it'll be understandable.
The plant modules needs oxygen (electricity, since it comes from air converter) and water (coming from a water dispenser is better than manually placing it so I'm gonna assume we're talking about a water dispenser).
The problem is : if the plant module has a seed, isn't getting any oxygen and is connected to a water source : The water will go down without the seed growing, even a little bit.
I don't know if it's intended or not but if it is, you should probably warn the player beforehand because I probably lost a good 150+ ice patch on this bug :D

10) Cargo Container / Indoor Storage cannot store items that are already in there if it's full.

I think this bug is quite known right now so I won't really explain it.
If the "chests" are full, already containing an item you want to deposit to stack it in : It won't. Telling you the storage is full already.
To resolve it, you have to click on the item to stack it on yourself before putting it inside the storage again.

11) Cannot craft items if your inventory is full.

If i'm not mistaken, this bug is known already too.
Have a full inventory, try to craft (I tried with "Indoor Storage") and it will say that you cannot get another item on yourself while the item isn't even crafted yet.

============== SOLVED ISSUES ==============
Solved from patch v0.37 :
- The healing animation on the buggie is bugged.
- Rootseed in a Plant module have the "wrong sprite".
- Repair drone doesn't need electricity to work when placed.
- Repair drone sounds when activating.
- Repairing an auto-airlock by stepping in it.

Gonna Edit this post if I ever find something new or if something's been fixed.

I don't think the game is quite finished yet to think about a co-op mode to be honest.
Though I'm at my.. 45+ hours of game on it and I already thought several times that it could be great to actually have some players to play with (Sharing tasks, etc)