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A member registered Jul 14, 2020

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Very warioware vibes - the scaling did not work properly for me, so I think I missed out on some of the context and content of some games. However, trying to manage everything at once was a bit chaotic! it would be nice if there were some sort of penalty/reward system (a health bar that goes up for success, down for failure), since I personally found the one wrong move=death system a bit strict, especially when figuring out what to do in each game, but personal preference. Good sprites too! It may help to have more intuitive key mapping for the games (i.e. qwe for the top 3 and asd for the bottom 3), since you already have to juggle the games, what to do, when to do it, and timers.

The game did feel very chaotic at the start, with trying to figure out how to get around the house and grabbing the multiplying trash all at once - the carry limit was a big help in that. Once I figured out the house layout and patterns, it became easier and I was able to find a rhythm - however, I can see how this could be expanded on easily with more levels or gradually introduced variables to mix it up later. The game felt (and looked) good to play, so even once I settled into a pattern it was fun! I'd like to see more !

Took a while to figure out the controls and how to start the game - possibly my fault. But once I played the game, it was fun! I did enjoy the forced switched perspectives - however, since it was fairly easy to predict the spider's patterns and there was nothing else to navigate around, it was not as effective as it could have been. It was also easy to fall into the same pattern of circling the field. The eye indicator and blue circle indicators were very helpful and effective at conveying information though!

I very much enjoyed this game - both thematically and gameplay-wise. It was easy to feel overwhelmed, but not in an unfair way - it always felt as though I could make it by trying a little harder. The aesthetic and design are great, the gameplay is fun and makes you juggle a lot (prioritizing, reading, executing each task, etc.), though I did laugh at how the signature boxes quickly became a relief and insta-click despite their "dire consequences". Very fun take on the theme - both out of control as a game and a character who is out of control of their life!

Fun concept! I would have liked to either be able to see obstacles more in advance or have more responsive controls (i.e. the obstacles accelerate faster when clicked). As it is, if two obstacles were too close to each other then I would have no way of knowing that the frontmost one was blocked until it was too late. The game felt pretty in-control due to the pace and the predictability of the character movement - even though I didn't control the character, it would only mover forward straight. The obstacles being the same shape and orientation also made it easy to fall into a pattern once I figured things out. Finally, having instructions available before the game start and more readable would be helpful - I died at least 3 times trying to read what the words said initially. Overall though, good effort, I'd like to see it expanded on!

Fun game! Good concept overall - I did like that the gravity switching was timed and could be planned around. Perhaps a shorter timer on the gravity switching would be nice (there were some puzzles where I was unable to do anything other than wait for gravity to switch), but expanding on the level design could also give more things to think about. I didn't ever feel unfairly punished by the mechanics, also. Thanks!