Hi, Catherine's husband! When you eventually find out about these and want to have a go I think the trick is what you'd expect - go back to centre court once you've returned the ball. Good luck :)
This is good fun for such a rapidly assembled game!
To be clear you've done an absolutely amazing job on this! The tutorial was a big help and you've come up with really clever systems to make it controllable. I try to give one bit of constructive feedback in every review I write, but the game you've made is incredibly impressive, that's my most important comment.
These games always stress me out! I enjoyed this one more than most though, you managed to make the vibe much less pressured and I appreciate that.
My immediate thought for feedback is that a bit more background would be nice - a sense of there being a wider restaurant setting, some kind of character response if you do a good, bad or middling job of preparing a burger. I did notice, however, that you only had about six hours to work in, and you've done a phenomenal job in that time! I'm approaching the suggestion as an 'if you took it further' type thing.
You've put together a complete gameplay loop that with a couple of practice goes makes sense with two buttons. I enjoyed the squeaking sound from the sauce bottles very much. It sounds like a little thing but actually I think it speaks to the level of polish you've achieved in so little time. Well done!
Giving kudos for setting out your game in such a way that it can be played on mobile! Something I should have done myself, simple but useful.
It would be nice to see a scoring system, maybe with some pick ups for bonus points, something to bring out a risk/reward element.
Overall though, I had a good time with it. I like that the character constantly moves so you can't survive just be making little nudges, that was definitely a good decision!
I can only imagine the skill that went into this. A whole lot of systems working together and creating something (to my knowledge) unique.
By it's nature this is a complex game to control. I have to admit I found it a little overwhelming and found the symbols hard to keep track of. Maybe pressing and holding both keys could pop up the ref sheet?
Incredible work though, I never would have guessed something like this could work with two buttons. Huge points for including a true tutorial, for a working AI and for including a Wilhelm scream.
Good on you for seeing the development take on a life of its own and rolling with it. That somehow feels very game jam-y and something interesting came out the other end.
It took me a couple of tries to figure out that the squares are bad and what to do about them. It would be interesting to see the recall button having more impact, maybe if the drones were there to drag enemies into hazards rather than attacking directly.
Sending out the drones was really satisfying though, it made me feel dangerous. There must be some clever stuff happening under the hood to nail their behaviour the way you have.
Thank you for playing and for writing such detailed and considered feedback, it means a lot.
The button mashing issue is the comment I get the most and it's definitely true, I 100% agree. If I were to make it again I would lock the weapons for a fraction of a second if you use the wrong one. Even just resetting a combo counter would make it a matter of pride to use the right one!
Thank you again for your comments, they are appreciated.
Thank you!
I added the regen quite late, I figured the bosses needed something but my implementation is the wrong kind of tricky. Thinking about your comment now, what I should have done is added health bars at the back of the queue instead of the front. That way you would have to keep up the pressure but you would always know what button to press next.
The presentation is top notch here, I was immediately taken with the UI and transitions - best transitions I've seen so far.
Your own description says it though, friends, enemies and interactivity are yet to be added. When they are the fun will really start!
I know the gameplay is a bit different but this takes me back to Golden Axe with the barbarians who are 80% hair and sword. Nice!
This one legit made me smile while I was playing it - it's cheerfully and cutely chaotic!
Almost certainly a time issue but there was some very odd AI controlling the other vehicles. It's not that important and having the moving obstacles definitely adds to the gameplay.
Something that really impressed me is that unlike some other 'intentionally awkward controls' games I've seen over the years there actually is a knack to it and it is possible to do reasonably well with effort. Nice!
Note to anyone finding that the screen is too big: I zoomed out in my browser and was able to play comfortably, try that.
Really nice to see the buttons assigned to two different attack types, I had a go at a similar thing! What I didn't do was manage to get an inventory system working with just two buttons, good work there.
I think someone else suggested a progress bar to see how far through a level you are, I agree. I was starting to think it was an infinite runner but your first screen is the progression map.
The minecart is a fun, action-adventure style take on the autoscroller. If I didn't know it was from the jam I might have guessed it was an Indiana Jones game on the Commodore 64, nicely done.
I saw your note that this was done in 20 hours - damn impressive work! The cuteness you went for definitely lands and it reminded me of the autoscrollers of yore.
If I were to add one thing it would be a slightly larger hitbox for the ballon itself (or increased radius on everything else if you're using a single point). Sometimes I would be a couple of pixels away from a passenger and feel like I'd have given me the point!
That's a nitpick though, overall it's nice presentation and a refreshingly non-'jet pilot fights aliens' take on the format. Good work.
I saw in one of your comments that this was made in just one day. This is a lot of progress for that much time!
The best thing you could do with more time would in my opinion be sound, I think that would elevate it. But 'with more time' is the operative phrase and I still think you've done great for a single day.
Love the clarity of the title, it delivers and I did find myself replaying to get further.
Fun! It will serve as encouragement the next time someone tells me I have a snowball's chance in hell of ___ because I did beat the game.
You're probably aware of this but I think the thing that's missing is the thermometer properly representing your 'life'. That said you have several other audiovisual cues that work well so it's easy to work around.
Nice concept, amusing presentation and I thought really well made levels, especially the gauntlet at the end. I like it!
Thanks, rassoc!
A couple of people have observed that it's easier to button mash your way through the game and I completely agree. In hindsight I should have put in some sort of penalty for it.
The typing game aspect hadn't occurred to me at all so I absolutely love that observation. I can't unsee it now!
Thank you for saving the moon and for your kind words.
The interpretation of the theme is like nothing else I've seen. You have to LOCK IN two buttons out of those available. I wish I'd thought of that.
I think I figured out what I was doing, it made more sense when I saw your not about the bosses, but some more explanation of the mechanics would be helpful.
I hope you'll develop this beyond the jam because it's such a unique concept. Breaking through the time limit you could really have something on the other side. Nice one!
This one starts deceptively simple but there are layers to it. I wasn't expecting powerups to appear!
The powerups are nice but I'd like an indication of what they will do - sometimes I will have a weapon that's working for me and then accidentally get one I don't like as much.
I appreciate the attention to detail of things like the smoothed out red flashes when you hit something and the enemy ships conveying a sense of warping in and stopping suddenly.
I'm showing my age here but I used to play Orbitron on the Commodore 64. I'd press Shift-Lock and fire automatically, you've turned that into a feature!
I always make a suggestion on everything I review, and for this game I think some sound would help. It may not be realistic in space but the sound of an exploding asteroid would be pretty satisfying.
You've used exactly two buttons to fit the theme perfectly and the ship is nicely responsive.
This one is great! Do I detect a Lovers In A Dangerous Spacetime influence? I played with my married friends (pleased to report they are still together but it was close after Overcooked) and wished there was a single player version so thank you!
It may be very deliberate design that you can't but I think I'd have enjoyed the option to turn either way too, e.g. X anticlockwise, C clockwise, X+C change station. However, using strictly two buttons really embraces the theme.
The way you did 'master the controls to start' with the satellite was a stroke of genius. Good game, well made and presented.
For a 'very, very unfinished' game this sure feels finished! I'm hoping you were going for the NES or Gameboy look and feel because that's what I got and I liked it.
I try to make one constructive criticism on every entry I review, that's tough here because I imagine you had a plan for everything. I suppose I'd have to say that it would benefit from something interactive in the levels - friends, enemies, power ups, anything a bit dynamic.
Whatever forced you to submit early I hope you're OK, but you've done really great work in half the time. I wish there was a 'has cats' category because that should always be worth points!
This is one I had quite a lot of goes at because it's just good fun. Nice art style, simple but effective gameplay and definitely a feeling of being a brave knight fighting marauding monsters.
As a suggestion, I'd have half a second, maybe a second of temporary invincibility after taking damage. It's easy to lose 2 or 3 health in one go.
On the other hand it does present a good challenge, it's definitely not a pushover. Great entry!
Totally take your point on that one! To prevent fast tapping what I should have done is lock out your weapons for a split second if you use the wrong one, just long enough that it's faster to look at the colours and attack properly. Unfortunately I only just had that idea so it's a bit late!
Thanks for saving the moon, I'll look at Dungy next.
Wow. At the risk of sounding pretentious there's an eerie beauty to this. Your art style is really something - simple shapes and objects and let the lighting do a lot of the work.
One thing that would make it even better is a bit of an indication of the failure condition. Sometimes I would slingshot a suuuuuuuper long way and be fine, sometimes I would get zapped back when my star was barely off the screen but going in the same direction.
I get it though, everyone here does, it's super hard to make a game in 3 days, especially one this unique and well presented. I hope you'll take the concept further post-jam because you have something here.
This does a great job of feeling like a complete game with a nice, consistent art style and all the music and sound effects you would hope for. Nice touch with the splatter remaining for a few seconds - reducing the speed of the particles to zero?
It would have been nice to have a second button to do a special attack every 10th zombie or something like that. But you did find a use for the space bar so it's on theme.
I had a couple of goes at this one, I like the rate at which the challenge ramps up, well balanced.
How good is a score of 10 inside the suggested one minute? I can't decide how you're doing the animation (inverse kinematics? Multiple animations on the same mesh?) but it has a real charm.
I felt like the hit detection could be just a little more generous and maybe some daft sound effects would elevate it but it's enjoyable just the way it is, I had several goes.
I really like that you've gone for good, silly fun in a Surgeon Simulator kind of way, nice one.
This is another highlight. Everything fits and works and comes together beautifully.
If I had to make one suggestion (and I really had to think to come up with this) I'd take a level out of the 'easy tutorial' first third and instead have another challenge level near the end.
I'm really impressed that you managed to put out something this complete, great game.
I really, really like the concept, this is the sort of unique thing I hoped for from a game jam.
The interpretation of 'two button controls' is brave, I didn't approve at first but the more I think about it the more I think it's valid and really interesting.
I see some little touches that really elevate the presentation, you have sounds and animations where they make sense. This one is a good one.
That was good fun! There's something refreshing about the 'hand drawn on graph paper' look and it all seems hand made too.
I'd add a dismiss button to the tutorial pop ups as they slow things down a bit but that's a nitpick.
There's attention to detail with the humour in specific circumstances and there's real thought in what could have easily been lazy level design. Good work!
I'm not sure what the story is but I take it as an atmospheric thing - and one that really drew me in.
I'm also not sure if it has an ending somewhere, I would certainly play more to find out what's happening. I hear you about real life though and hope you're OK, what you've done in only part of the time is really excellent.
Excellent art design, looks and sounds great.
Undeniably fun to watch missiles zipping round the planets, my apologies to the population of the nearest large planet that I hit countless times.
I only managed to hit one satellite and myself (didn't explode though), the precision needed is very high.
Nice art style and there's something in the mechanics. I like the shooting stars, it adds something.
Nice concept here, I didn't notice it was a timing game at first but this is a different interpretation to anything I've seen so far.
Is there a second button? A means of getting out of the water if you work hard enough would help.
I like the art and setting, it's nice and nature-y if that's a word and makes it feel more like good honest fun
Took an embarrasingly long time to realise that I'm the boy, not the goblin thing, I think because I got pushed off the screen early.
Other players: click the icons in the corners, don't button mash like I did.
Not sure if I'm doing something wrong but I couldn't find any way to progress after beating the first two monsters.