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A member registered Apr 23, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is pretty cool! Had to pry myself away from it!

The music is great, the “boops” fit, and it’s pretty. And the undo effect is pretty neat.

It worked! Though I didn’t get far (either shot myself or got hit by asteroid-pairs after shooting them) ☺

Looks pretty interesting. Firstoff: It worked, showing a chat in the browser with other people in it.

When moving to the ?Arcade and then moving back to the ?Lobby, I got an error:

Uncaught exception in task: In fibers.scm: 172:8 4 () In goblins/actor-lib/io.scm: 56:10 3 () 87:14 2 (_ ) 87:14 1 ( _) In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 1676:22 0 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _) ice-9/boot-9.scm:1676:22: In procedure raise-exception: Wrong type to apply: #f

;; === Caught error: === ;; message: #<<message> from-vat: #<procedure connector args> to: #<local-object ^read-write-io> resolve-me: #f args: (write #<procedure 7f8021130b40 at fantasary/web-client.scm:654:10 (resource)>)> ;; exception: #<&compound-exception components: (#<&error> #<&origin origin: #f> #<&message message: “IO access halted!”> #<&irritants irritants: ()> #<&exception-with-kind-and-args kind: misc-error args: (#f “IO access halted!” () #f)>)> In goblins/core.scm: 1124:9 2 (_$ #<local-object ^read-write-io> (write #<procedure?>)) In goblins/actor-lib/io.scm: 149:14 1 (halted-beh . _) In ice-9/boot-9.scm: 1676:22 0 (raise-exception _ #:continuable? _)

… and many more like this.

I tried to participate, but this year my time just ran too short. I’ll try to participate next year (there will be a jam 4, right?).

Thank you for the information! I might actually be able to make time in 22 days — my main next deadline should be over by then.

It works now! Thank you!

Thank you!

I’m not much on discord — don’t trust that platform. But I I plan to continue Dryads Sun, because I still have 3 chapters planned — some with stuff that will be pretty challenging and hopefully rewarding to write. And I actually have a story arch in mind that will be completed after those three chapters.

I enjoyed the jam a lot — both publishing and testing exciting games. Thank you!

This is pretty cool! I drowned very often in Chapter II but liked it a lot! In Chapter IV I got stuck (only hearing sound but nothing changing).

I only heared the creater after the first death in Chapter III, so maybe some sound got lost? (maybe similar to the footstep bug?)

Anyway: great game and good execution!

The browser version didn’t run for me in Chromium and stopped after a few seconds in Firefox. The Linux version failed with org.freedesktop.portal.FileChooser (though the reason is likely my somewhat broken local setup).

I enjoyed listening and playing. It was a quiet break in the morning.

A few times I got stuck in “why doesn’t it continue?” — but others already said that. The music was a nice match. For the voices, it could be an option to record this yourself as audiobook.

In the gameplay I wished for more choices, but I liked it that the choice had such a big effect on the story.

From the plot I felt that the introduction was a bit long — the time to the first choice. This may be due to the digitized voices, though (that are weaker in grabbing and holding attention than real voice actors). The overall length was nice.

And despite that: most of the time the voices actually worked pretty well for me. They spoke better than some youtube-commentary I sometimes run in the background while working.

Since this is a game that needs some quite time, it may be useful to show an estimated play-time, so people can set aside the time for when they play.

The download I see here is still just the link. It looks like you have to upload this: \EQUIPO-PC\Users\\omar no la elimines\Desktop\espacio\espacio.exe

I’m super-happy to hear that!

Do have a look at the about & copyright: that it works that well for screenreaders is to a good degree thanks to Robert Kingett and Random Songbird who tested the interface again and again to help get it working reliably.

Thank you!

(1 edit)

Thank you for your feedback!

Just pressing the number keys works when the game is opened outside the embed — something prevents it from taking focus in the iframe here.

You can try it at

(But I have to refrain from updating until the evaluation is done)

That’s likely, yes. It may not be so easy to do this cross-platform. Though since you’re already using mono, a dedicated binary could be possible. But native audio on Linux is still harder than it should be.

That’s a fun idea. I somehow wish it were possible to build upon the story. Maybe to walk inside the story of the cave and only change parts of the story to shape it incrementally.

I tried to run this with on Linux wine because it sounds very interesting, but got “Could not load type of field ‘TTS.TTS:<synth>k__BackingField’”.

Not a reason to vote it down: it doesn’t advertise Linux support, I just wanted to try, because the description grabbed me :-)

(1 edit)

This is super-fun — it had me hooked instantly when I read the story and the puzzles were fun right away.

The only stumbling point was that I could not try the tones before having to crack the firewall, so the first clicks were random until I found what sound corresponded to which button. The rhythm was sometimes hard to get right, but I guess that’s the point (and I managed after a few tries).

A small tutorial where I click on each tone at least once could help here.

But overall really cool and it left me with a big smile. Thank you for sharing!

Thank you for your feedback!

I have three more chapters planned, but writing always takes more time than I expect :)

(1 edit)

I’m trying v1.3 on Linux (Distribution: Guix), and while the game runs after some tweaks (that I have to do for most proprietary software),¹ I don’t manage to get sound and the game crashes during the intro just after showing what will become The Pile. I created a paste of the log at

¹: This is my runscript for Guix that gets the dependencies and fixes libstdc++ problems, just in case someone else needs it:

GCC_LIB_PATH="$(grep -oE "[^\"]*gcc-[^\"]*-lib" $(grep -oE "[^\"]*gcc-[^\"]*drv" $(guix build -d gcc-toolchain)) | head -n 1)"
exec -a "$0" guix shell gcc-toolchain allegro zlib libxxf86vm libxpm libxext libx11 bash grep libxcursor -- bash -c 'LD_LIBRARY_PATH=$GUIX_ENVIRONMENT/lib:'"$GCC_LIB_PATH"'/lib exec -a "$0" bash -x Neofeud'

On which platform are you running it?

(1 edit)

Thank you! I could not get more done during the jam due to very real time constraints :-)

I hope I can make it larger over time.

Guile is really cool, but it often needs a bit more effort to get something working, because while the foundations are strong, the tools feel like they are tailored to those who already know them. For example I use stty to get the shell out of line-mode (cooked mode), instead of triggering some provided function — though it’s an awesome strength of its own that Guile allows me to do that shell indirection by using #! as inline comment — that way the hashbang for bash starts an inline comment, so I can add a bash-header in a completely valid scheme-file and then exec Guile after some custom operations :-).

Thank you!

I hoped that the curved sword would look like a parenthesis, but I have some more I want to do. Things like lashing out with ((((())))).

I still want to add a quine as  ranged attack:

((λ (x) `(,x ',x)) '(λ (x) `(,x ',x))) 
                                       ((λ (x) `(,x ',x)) '(λ (x) `(,x ',x)))
                                                                              ((λ (x) `(,x ',x)) '(λ (x) `(,x ',x)))

and my paper notebooks has the moves of a C-style who fights with = and ++ and ===; having a vulnerable attack which uses < < < > > > (vulnerable between the angles, because C++ templates are whitespace-sensitive :-).

I’m still thinking about how to represent Haskell :-)

(2 edits)

I got to the minimal prototype stage, but I finally started to build the beat-em-up I always wanted to experiment with :-)

The idea is cool! But I had a hard time finding a timing which actually hit the cars.

I enjoyed this a lot! And the implementation is nice and clean — kudos!

I enjoyed this a lot! I built it from source, though:

git clone ; cd burro; ./ ; ./ ; make ; ./

It would be nice if this commandline were given in the readme.