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Amorphic Mark

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Yes, I do, the username is always “audermarr”

Hello Diamond, 

Thanks for offer, I’d be glad to be part of your project! 😀

You can PM me in order to talk about its major details

Hello, I’m AuderMarr and I started to take my first serious steps in musical composition during the last few months after experimenting privately on my own. I would be really eager to score a little third-party project in order to acquire experience and help enhancing programmers’ visions through music.

If anyone is interested, this is the link to my SoundCloud page:

Thank you very much, Fallen Muse, it means a lot!

I’ll always strive for creativity rather than being too “conventional” in this kind of projects :)

Oh, thank you!

Thank you for the feedback!

I honestly think it could actually fit in the right game (with more polishing); after all, there’s virtually no limit or boundary to what should make a game OST :)

Thank you very much my man!

Thank you so much!

I’m glad you liked my approach; the crystalliser beneath the main instruments it’s actually just a simple virtual rack of single reverbs, delays and filters to which I sent the piano signal. As another user pointed out, I should’ve been more creative with their modulation throughout the composition, but unfortunately I didn’t have much time…

What a lush ambient pièce, contemplative and almost hypnotic! The production is also so crispy and definite, I love it. The integration of ethnic elements like the shakuhachi is executed so well.

This is nothing short of a little masterpiece. I really don't have much to say because it's all basically perfect. The space-like synths blending with the bubbly sounds particularly hit a soft spot for me!

This got fully green flags from me: the choices for patches and sounds merge brilliantly, the style blends all the best influences possible from the greatest Nintendo classics with your own personal twist. Chiptune and hard rock go incredibly well together! Wonderful job!

This style reminds me so delightfully of Aivi & Surasshu's work for Steven Universe and that is a giant plus in my book! It give a perfectly immersive dremy vibe, just lovely.

Thank you so much!

It’s perfectly OK if you don’t like those harmonic contrasts of mine, I admit sometimes they get out of hand… Maybe it’s my fear of sounding too “canonical”, in melodies  and progressions, I don’t know.

I’m evaluating yours soon, too. :)

Oh, thank you so much for your appreciation! 

You definitely got the point about it being a sort of dream-like sequence: more precisely, I envisioned it a sort of prologue to the story unfolding in the game, where the protagonist melancholically reminisces what happened to her.

I will also evaluate your entry as soon as possible!

Thank you so much!

It reminds me delightfully of Aivi & Surasshu’s work in Steven Universe, only jazzier in some points. Great vibes!

Thank you so much!

You have no idea how much you've captured me with the blend of those "floating" but rhythmic atmospheres and the alien theremin-like sounds; they tickle my brain in the right spots! The only "flaw" (which really isn't) is that it's too short for me, I'd really like to hear more.

But don't worry, the full point score is all yours!

Oh, such nice and well done South Eastern influences! No useless frills, just immersive, flowing melodies that submerge you wonderfully in the magical water world you aimed to depict. As an aspiring composer, I definitely should take all of this as a good example to take notes from on how to execute ideas like in a simple but elegant way. Great job!

(1 edit)

Thank you very much for your kind feedback.

Unfortunately I was on extremely borrowed time while doing this and I regret not varying the sounds or the effects more. But since I didn’t have much time, I decided to try and set the track like a sort of old fashioned piano concerto with just piano, violins and cellos. Some volumes are also a bit messed up.

Colourful, not-trivial harmonies you got there! This has the hand of a professional over it, you can really feel that. The choices for instrumentation are a perfect balance between orchestral and ethnic, and I really like the ever changing scenarios throughout the tracks, they definitely manage to tell the story in a punctual way. 

Among the absolute best I heard so far!

Hello! I would love to have a constructive feedback on mine, too:

Obviously, I’ll evaluate your submission, too. :)

Works like this sometimes makes me think deadlines for these jams are too narrow. 

In just three minutes you managed to do something more emotional, technically and musically greater than some of the actual submissions. You definitely have talent, as The Symphonic Squirrel said!

You’re welcome! ☺️ 

The first track is an absolute solid start and it’s very nice, quite nostalgically reminiscent of a vintage kids computer game. 

The first seconds of Life Attacks with that organ got me hyped but the arrangement and the quality of the instrumentation doesn’t do justice to the extremely good composition you tried to go for: the guitars sound like drills flattening and burying everything, so I suggest to deal them back a little, EQ them and try different guitar sounds for the most intense parts.

I Remember, instead, while it sounds a little too sparse for my tastes, it certainly has a tender childlike vibe that neatly wraps up the story.

With more polishing work this project could become way more better, keep up!

Thank you very much, man!

Great combination of “organic” sounds and 16-bit ones! The minimalistic approach you chose for most of the tracks really paid off and manages to create a somber vibe fitting with the game setting. 

“Not Anymore” goes down incredibly hard and it’s a banger, but because of his rich arrangement and its epic sound it sticks a little out like a thumb among the other tracks. But the composition is neat, so it balances out

I’ll definitely do that, thank you very much for the advice! 🙂

One can’t possibly leave low ratings for this project. It’s brilliant and executed masterfully to minimum details. Love how you went for a lo-fi production with a lot a radio static like effects and electronically consumed atmospheres, since it expresses very well the mistery and the horror of the story. It definitely fits the look of the imaginary game you have in mind.

Thank you,

Yes, the tension sustained throughout the track doesn’t get a real release because it was conceived like this: I imagined it as the musical background for a prologue cutscene playing before the game with little room to relax tension, in opposition to a more extensive soundtrack.

Thank you very much!

Darn it, the strings were indeed rendered a little late. I was afraid they would sound a little too unauthentic with a faster attack… But now I can’t even fix that anymore. I wonder if that’s allowed, but I think not…

Here it is!

They shouldn’t have added that joking bit about the possibility of uploading photos of someone’s own cat

Very pretty and well composed, it would be exquisite if used in an animated movie, too.

With my OST I had to take a different approach by composing that sort of mini piano concerto thingy in a single continuous track for an imaginary prologue cutscene, because I didn’t have much free time to figure out out a whole mini-soundtrack for different stages, alas. :(

That’s exactly what I’ll do, too, since I left out some details regarding the sections.