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A jam submission

My Name Is Omar - SoundtrackView project page

Submission to the OST #7 jam
Submitted by fosterstonemusic — 4 days, 5 hours before the deadline
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My Name Is Omar - Soundtrack's page


CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Correlation to theme#1833.7353.735

Ranked from 34 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

Metroidvania, puzzle-platformer (GAME)
Piano, electronic, dubstep(?), orchestral (MUSIC)
Runtime = 12:24

The game "My Name Is Omar" is set within a cyberpunk-dystopian future where secrets, from as small as resource boosts to full-on areas, are hidden within the main world environment (see the map on the project page).

The game follows the protag Marie who is investigating the disappearance of her brother, Omar, who'd gone to uncover secrets of the city. This leads Marie around the city (metroidvania style) where video logs, puzzle pieces, and hints to in and out of game puzzles are discovered. Eventually she discovers that Omar has turned into an unrecognisable cyber-freak by an anti augmentation cultist group as punishment for having cyber body modifications. She's put against the now monster Omar, and has to end his life.

Each track in the game I wanted to be a strong story-telling component, so in a few tracks there's hidden puzzles + secrets that you can figure out for extra lore. Also added some descriptions under the youtube videos for the musical explanations since that'd be way too much to write here.

Message from the artist
I'd recommend listening to only 02, 03, and 05 if you're low on time those are my favourites :)
ALSO I didn't use the picture prompt, and secret explanations are in the youtube descriptions
Check the project page for more lore, info, and general stuff


Inside my world

How does it fit the theme?
I've integrated the word prompt through the creation of the different groups in the game, where each group will have a vastly different area representing their faction.

Through music, I chose to have a mainly piano/ orchestral oriented theme as this contrasts nicely with what many people generally associate with the cyberpunk genre. This creates an extra-musical narrative that further strengthens the clashing groups of the city whilst also expressing how, inside Marie's world, the only thing important to her is finding her lost brother. Additionally, the final boss fight against the now unrecongisable cyber-Omar switches from typical synthetic and electronic instrumentation to soft piano heard throughout the rest of the game to symbolise the vastly different world-views of Marie (symbolised through orchestral) and Omar (cyberpunk instruments) at that point.

Link(s) of the submission on streaming services

Number of tracks



Soundtrack use permission

Yes (CC BY-NC)

Any non-commercial project

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What a unique mixture of styles!! I love it! 

I think you have a very strong point in terms of melodic development and you knew how to accompany them as well.



Awesome cover art, awesome orchestral dubstep fusion, awesome entry! I really dig the instrument choices! I wasn't expecting the dubstep but it was a very welcome addition! I like how they are used to showcase different world views in a cyberpunk world.

Great work, thanks for sharing!


The city sleeps - Hey... I've been interested in you since the very first track. Sounds... mysterious?)

Bright Lights Kept Us Up - So... It's time for an insanely fast and beautiful piano part combined with flutes... cool! I also really liked the end of the track: the melody gradually becomes slower and simpler, until eventually it fades out altogether)

But You Would Always Laugh - I will always laugh... This track evokes a strong atmosphere of nostalgia for something fleeting and happy... This abrupt change to 1:23 took me by surprise and forced me... Cry? Damn, how did you do that?)

These Trees Scare Me - Sometimes trees scare me too... There is a sense of anxiety, beauty and some scale of the location in this track, heh

Not anymore - EPIC TIME! And damn, I LOVE this track and its effects... I can't even say anything more... It's just cool!

Heights Are Freaky Why Are We Here - Heh, it's an insanely hilarious combination of staccato (Is it staccato?), sad violin melody, emerging percussion... In a word: it sounds like fun)

P.S. You have an interesting and creepy world for this soundtrack, huh. I like it ;)

P.S. Have you drawn a map of the world of your game? I love doing this! Cool!


Hey thanks for the listen, really appreciate this long of a comment it really stands out! Also yeah that's a prototype map, I loved the idea of the game so much I figured I'd try to turn it into a real game with my sister so that these pieces have somewhere to go. Kinda surprised you picked up all these emotions too, cause basically everyone you described is exactly what I was going for!

ps don't worry I think you're the 2nd person I know about that's cried to that track hahaha

psps. yea that's all staccato in the last track, that percussion is supposed to be adaptive to only come in during combat but i didn't know how to convey that so just plopped it in a bar somewhere


Heh, then I'll wait for the game!


you've got such a great mix of genres in this OST!!! i love how the first four tracks set up a mysterious scene with wonderful orchestration and subtle synths, and "not anymore" swoops in with a whole different idea that doesn't detract from the vibe you've built - it helps make the track feel like a climax point! you ended with such a fun track too, but it truly made it feel like the journey was done by that point which is great.

great work overall, super impressive! keep it up!!!


Pretty good early on, but the harsh Synth coming out of nowhere was really jarring. 


Can you help me understand what you mean, cause based on the contexts of the tracks (as in where they're played and narratively) I can't think of anywhere that's jarring


Let me start by saying: Beautiful artwork. The orchestration of "Bright Lights Kept us up" is truly stunning: the piano harmony is very relaxing, and the solo violin sounds truly melancholic. From the story you described, I expected a completely different soundtrack, but what you composed was not only unexpected but also very coherent. It's lovely how the piano is almost always the foundation, with other solo instruments carrying the theme on top. The fourth track is essential for changing the mood and is well-suited for a platform game. Without it, the OST would have been too static, so great choice. Everything is well-written, well-mixed, and the timbral choices are spot on. A fantastic job, well done, and good luck!


Hey thanks so much for listening and this well-written comment, i really appreciate it :)


Very good piano writing, dynamic and invigorating. The arrangements across the board were great. I would have loved to see more variety in the instrumentation from track to track. Thoroughly enjoyed my listen. Great job!


Good stuff man!

This album has so many well put together piano arrangements that are all very complex for the time limit given which is impressive. I like track 6 the most. The use of piano, pizzacato and percussion worked so well.

Overall, this was a very good project. Keep it up!


Cheers, that first 5 day grind was worth it lmao


Nice mix and composition dude. I like this !


Its so impressive to see how you conveyed such strong emotions with such a light touch, the way you managed to convey curiosity, adventure, serenity, and more intense feelings like anxiety and discomfort all with this similar instrumentation style for the first 4 songs, changing it up for that bossfight!! (which by the way!???? so cool!?????) I would love to see this all in game because I think the way you handled the more adaptive nature of a metroidvania was so fun!


Actually this jam kinda made me want to develop the game and learn programming lol, thanks for listening and glad you liked the songs!


oh PLEASE do!!! Im ass at metroidvanias but i would happily try this


Great music and a unique cover art and story to match it? Yeah I think you nailed it lol


This is a great OST, nice work! Piano parts and chords selection are beautiful)


Nonsense! A complete OST that feels whole in a week with this much creativity and work? I have no words everything is insanely high level. Amazing work!


we grinded 5 days straight for this, burnout is crazy though


I mean it shows! You guys are crazy good and absolute mad workhorses!


Real nice harmonies! Loved the piano in "But you would always laugh"! In a general way, the piano parts are great!


It's nice to find MVM people in here!

Gotta add I didn't expect to listen to a soundtrack that is a metroidvania in itself! Had me going back and forth when I realized there were secrets. This whole entry is so thought through, it's actually genius! The music's amazing too, you nailed the emotions of the characters so well. Radical change of mood when Not anymore came in, and I went wow. I knew your skill from the Pixel Notes Fest, and here it is again haha. Great work, I enjoyed myself!


wow didn't expect to see anyone i recognised here lmao, thanks for the listen! Just sat down to listen to yours too and i'm blown away by it, especially "Ascension" the ambience in the beginning is amazing


What you really nailed here is the piano compositions! They are great. I would love to hear them played live!


The entire OST is amazing, but that final boss theme is to die for :D You can bet my heart would be pounding like crazy with that playing, haha. I absolutely adore music that shows a divide between entities within the music itself the way you did with that piece! I know it's not what you stated as the game genre, but I could easily see it also being a perfect fit for a boss level in a story-driven rhythm game :3


Love the piano arrangements you did for the tracks, really stood at to be expressive and complex.  Think the piano you choose suits the idea at hand, has the felt-texture and a lot of organic noise to fill the space in.    

The dubstep was definitely suprising, but I like how you fleshed out the main melody within it.  Only nitpick would be the cheering part, I understand the narrative, just needed some side signal from reverb to make it flow a bit better into the mix.  

Overall very nice experience!


Really beautiful piano sound on this, just the right amount of warmth and clarity.

Great melodies as well! I was also not expecting dubstep to suit the general theme but it does for sure. Great job blending the two.


Each piece of music has different characteristics while revolving around a unified theme, which is wonderful!

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