So much good art, I really enjoy the style
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I’m glad you liked it!
The dash can actually be performed in 8 directions (Or, any direction you’re currently moving, if you let go of WASD)
Originally I planned on adding 3 different upgradeable abilities for you to utilize (Including a Light-based attack with HUGE AoE specifically for dealing with the Legion of Swarmlings), though of course I didn’t manage to finish any in time other than the dash(which itself only had some lackluster variants)
The dashable orbs were of course meant to contain the other abilities and upgrades (I even thought to use the homing effect on dashables to make a boss enemy, but of course, not enough time)
Finally, I did look to HYPER DEMON & ULTRAKILL when coming up with gameplay & design, I’m glad you caught that!
I appreciate your feedback !
I actually did implement object pooling on the swarmlings, though since I didn’t know how many I would need I made sure my system could add more to the buffer on the fly, and while testing I set the buffer to 0 and forgot to set it back, so the first few swarms that spawn are actually spawn, then being pooled for later.
The background is actually just 36 polygons as ‘slices’ which I rotated 10’ each. I did this to save time on the background effect I wanted, but unfortunately I wasted a lot more than I’d like to admit trying to get gimp to squish the repeated texture the way I wanted…