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A member registered Apr 07, 2021 · View creator page →

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What a great puzzle game! Your assets, sounds, and music are really good, and I enjoyed the take on the theme. Hopefully there'll be more levels added in the future. Great job!

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Thanks for the great feedback! We're hoping to add more variety post-jam, including an upgrade system for the bathhouse, a range of customers, and a day cycle. Hopefully we'll be able to adjust that difficulty curve too. Thanks again for playing!

Thanks for the positive feedback! The difficulty curve is definitely the first thing we're set to adjust after the jam, so hopefully it didn't start off too bad. At present, each customer has two requests before they leave, but making this less consistent should prevent a pile up for Granny.

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Thanks for your comments! I've not heard of the furnace/log issue, so I'll definitely look into that after the jam. Being able to fill/empty a tub whilst holding an item isn't a bug, though. The only thing that it prevents is the player being able to pick up another item, but it's definitely something that could be explained in better detail with a proper tutorial. Hope you enjoyed it anyway!

A really good concept, and some of the later levels were quite challenging (in a good way!). I really liked the pixel art, especially the stags, and the choice of music was good too. Good job!

A really solid, and strangely addictive, game! I love the simplicity of the controls, and congratulations on making all of the assets and sounds yourself. I also really liked that the status of the balloon is displayed visually on the balloon itself, creating a really clean UI. The only problem I had was the spawn rate of the rockets, as trying to fill the balloon, vent steam, and dodge was quite tricky later on. Looking forward to seeing if you take it any further!

Well done on putting together a chill game with an interesting story in the span of the game jam. Reading below, it's great to hear your plans for progressing the game, and I think there's some real potential here for a really solid experience. I think some degree of extra challenge in the later levels would be cool, such as obstacles on screen or a fuel gauge for your beams. Otherwise, well done for making all of the assets yourself, and a great start with Unity's  animator!

A simple puzzle platformer with a really solid set of mechanics. The level design was well done, and the introduction of new elements and puzzles was well paced. With a little bit more time, I think theming the visuals could have been cool, just to add a little story. Otherwise, a good job!

I love the concept for the game, and it's clear to see the direction that you were planning on taking it. Unfortunately, it was hard to navigate the level because of the slow movement, but I found jumping and moving in the air helped a bit. Hopefully that's something that you can easily fix, as there's a real solid foundation for a clever puzzle platformer here. Good job on getting a game turned around for the jam!

A really good puzzle game that plays well on the jam's theme. I also loved the text messages along the side - it really helped to add some personality and humour. Regarding your questions for feedback:

1)I thought they were a good balance of easy/hard, with a good difficulty curve as the game progresses.

2) I didn't spot any bugs/glitches whilst playing.

3) Everything was intuitive and logical.

4) I really enjoy the minimalist style, and all of the assets fit the game's aesthetic really well.

Kudos for including music as well. The only improvement I would suggest is maybe having the assets lock to the grid when moving, just to prevent any fiddly overlaps, and a current/needed room temperature gauge would save having to click on the door periodically. Otherwise, a very solid and enjoyable game that I would love to see more levels for. Great job!

A really solid game with an easy to understand mechanic. Well done on making all of the assets yourself, and I love that the game started with a kind of tutorial to ease you into it. Adding a little more variety to the gameplay would help to flesh it out, like maybe adding pools of water that need to be crossed so you have to be a certain size beforehand could be cool, but time constraints in a jam are very real. Could be something to expand on after if you have the time? Overall, great job!

Well done on putting together a complete level with a core mechanic, and I can definitely see where you were looking to take this game. Jams can be tricky with the time constraints, but there is a solid foundation here for putting together a good game. I like the art, and the lighting effect was well done. Overall, good job!

Fun game, and the link to the jam theme is a clever one. As has already been commented, the game is a tad tricky due to enemy movement speed, so maybe reduce that slightly to allow more tactical gameplay for players. Otherwise, great job on creating all the assets and putting together a solid twin stick shooter!

I've been looking forward to playing this one after seeing the art teasers in the Discord channel. The art is absolutely fantastic, and definitely helps to create a great sense of atmosphere across the greenhouses. I also think your choice of music is fantastic, and the whole game feed really well into a chill aesthetic and experience. As has already been commented, I do think a tutorial or phased approach to various mechanics would have been great, but time constraints in a jam are very real, so I can understand why it's more of a 'play and learn' kind of experience. Overall, a fantastic job, and I'll definitely be following for potential updates to the game!

A really fun game! Nice work on the animations, and I love that the button prompts reappear above buttons and enemies to remind you what to press. Collecting all of the ice-cream cones was a real challenge, but it definitely gives it some replayability. Great job!

A good game with solid potential to be built into something bigger if you wanted to. I love the idea of the spells having different effects and there's definitely something moreish about wanting to get a higher score each playthrough. Good job!

Super fun concept with a really good difficulty curve. I love the fact that you brought some backstory into it, too. Great job!


Thanks so much for the feedback, and it's really great to hear you enjoyed playing. The difficulty curve is something we'd have liked to adjust with a little more time in the jam, but it'll definitely be the first thing we tighten up after it's over.

A really cool game! Love the art and music design. The simple mechanics keep it from getting over complicated but provide enough need for strategic thinking. For a better difficulty curve, I wonder if having the cost to heal at the shop increase slightly each time you buy it might help. Otherwise, a really promising game concept.

Cool game! The lighting and shadow effects are fantastic, and the music is great. I found myself starting again to try and beat my high score quite a few times, which is always a good sign. Thanks for creating it!

Nice little platformer that definitely improved after the ability upgrade in the second area. Not going to lie, the powerful demon definitely made me jump when it made an appearance. Overall, a nice little game jam game.

I came across this game through Ludum Dare, and what a great take on the theme. I had a blast putting together the mystery and interacting with everything, and it's amazing how much you managed to accomplish in just 48 hours. Congrats!

Nice game! The balance between fun and challenge is right on point.