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A member registered Jan 13, 2022 · View creator page →

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You can play in the browser now. Some corrupt files were messing with me:

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I was probably to fast. I was trying to builld webgl wersion but it keept crashing so have just uploaded latest desktop build

Well, i thought about black orb hitting into obstacles. But it got stuck sometimes or it looked glitchy. So i reverted it and went on the graphics. Ty for comment

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Well i at testing have done around 9 so i tought it was ok. But what i could have done as i think from the feedback: orb moves slower but you get more punished if you bump into obstacles. That is mine food for thought in next games. Ty for comment

Now i need to add that am playing other games and for now, i like yours the most

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And here I am, I a genius, trying to play a shark and thinking why it is not working. ANd then I get it and it was fun. Challenging and great graphics. The only thing I would do is gradually apply movement since it feels too instant.

Fun and simple. But it can be easily exploited with diagonal movement. Since you are using unity you should use the .normalize command in your movement input. 
I found this simple example:

Sound effects made me laugh. Awesome idea and execution! The only thing that bothered me is no rotation at steering but i know, i know it is a design choice. One of the best games i played so far in this jam

Take me a minute to find what I ACTUALLY have to shoot since it is mindless "pew pew" fun at the start. What I would do would move minimap (which is great addition) on top since if resizing it can cower left gun. And I would increase falling speed since it feels way too floaty. Nevertheless well done

It is definitely Quirky :) What i would suggest in future is to make run depending on stamina. So you do not just mindlessly run around and it is more tactical.

Ok. Had a minute to get used to it since the whole world rotates in some occurrences (but you have probably run out of time). For now, i managed 12 and i love it. The music fits perfectly, the world is just beautiful and that rotations actually gives the game a hidden challenge to be aware of how you are navigating. Well done!

Many thanks for your comment. I used that side view because I have never done a truly 3d game till now so I figured this game jam would be a perfect opportunity. And since i was so tight with time I can agree with most of your points :)

Genious xD As literally as it can be