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A member registered Jun 20, 2016 · View creator page →

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a fun concept that I was absolutely terrible at

(1 edit)

I thought the house was really cute and loved the chicken legs. The game felt unbalanced at times like I was just swamped with enemies and didn't know what to do cos I'd press space thinking I was killing them but then it didn't seem to do anything besides make the house do the splits? The visuals were really small as well as the text and it was strenuous to read. I think it would be cool to also see a visual representation of the house getting powered up like the chicken legs become more buff or something. Also does killing the villagers make the house more of your home? Not so sure about how it tied into the theme.

I liked running around and jumping it was pretty freeing. However, I'm unsure how the game relates to the theme.

the game felt like a meditative experience. only issue was that the arrow keys sometimes confused me because I'd be in the water wanting to move down but then the writing would be what was being controlled by the down arrow at the time 

thank you :)

Loved the art style <3 also feeling incredibly stressed out why is living in cape town so HARD

it is the correct file.

i had so much of fun making beats. wish i could have downloaded the songs i made. i really like this!

I am bad at games so it found this game really hard (or maybe it just is idk?) but i had fun playing it and i think the graphics and sound is really cool :)

wow. this game is beautiful. i like how taxing it was having to move each hand because i felt like it was reminiscent of life. well done :)

i liked the quotes but was uncertain as to the gameplay. but maybe that was the point

this game creeped me out nicely. i didn't expect that ending and wish i got to know more about the figure that appeared. 

whew! after dying 666 times, i finally finished. i liked the art style (death do be looking fine doe). i got annoyed because i didn't know that i could press escape to skip text ,so every time i died which was all the time i kept having to sit through all the text i'd already read through until i pressed escape .  once i figured that out i had a lot of fun  playing

thank you ♥

hello. sorry for the late reply but thank you for posting this :) Will subscribe.


Yeah absolutely. I had such a good time. I was actually wondering what the next band should be and a friend of mine suggested Paramore so we'll go with that 


Hello everyone. I'm literally crying now and not just cos I'm depressed and stuff but because this community has been so lovely and supportive. Thanks so much for contributing and taking time out of your lives to engage with this. I'm gonna record myself playing all the games and upload it to youtube. I'll post here and on twitter when I do. Lots of love. I love how being goth only gets better as you grow up. The gift that keeps on giving jk fuck life.

Hello! Thanks for calling me lovely Hannah. Yeah Slamazotz it's totally okay :) If anyone wants to re-upload something cos it crashes or there's a problem, let me know. Our game literally crashed and I had to re-upload .  It's not a school assignment. Just meant to be for fun and tears 


Wow I might die I'm so excited. 3 cheers to that

I'm super excited to see the things everyone comes up with. Just have fun :) 

Hallo. Size doesn't always matter but I guess like  a team of 4 max?  But maybe 5 if one of them are just making tea.   

Hello everyone.  I've been thinking and maybe making this jam 30 minutes was a bit...eee...of me.  So I've decided to make it an hour. That's excluding the 15 minutes crying/uploading time. Okay it's this Saturday, don't forget! 

Hey teens. Just wanted to check in and make sure that you're thinking about your MCR song of choice  and stuff. I just listened to I Don't Love You and now I'm an emotional wreck. Make sure to have a nice soft teddy bear in close proximity whilst engaging with this sort of content. Anyway, just over a week before the world stops aka the jam.  Also thanks for joining I didn't think many people would join so that's really nice. 

Hello and welcome to the mindscape.  Personally, I think it's best when everyone uses the allotted time to create something. :)

hmm. Im gonna remake this game cos I cant get beyond that cliff level. wot a loser