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A member registered Oct 05, 2019 · View creator page →

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Overall I really liked the jam, so I don't have any complaints or major change suggestions. 

One small suggestion is to clarify on the jam page what you mean by "polishing". There was some confusion over what qualifies. Some people had a more strict interpretation meaning only bug fixes and very minor changes, whereas I would have prefered a more open interpreation meaning you could add some things like sound effects, particle effects, UI art, difficulty balancing, etc.  Either way some guidance would help.

Thanks, really glad you enjoyed it!

Thanks for your nice comments. Sorry about the crash, I looked at the code about vipers and didn't see anything obvious that would cause that. Do you know if it happened on V1 or V2?

This felt like a complete small game. Well done on putting this together in one week, that's hard to do.

Fun game, nice UI and assets, feels well polished. Only one problem is I feel like the game sometimes puts you in impossible situations, like if all the giants are less than 3 steps away and you get a number 3+ then I don't think there's anything you can do (unless I missed something). You can kind of plan for that, but you still need to get a little lucky with the numbers in the last level. I did beat all three levels however after a few attempts, so it wasn't a game breaking problem.  Good work overall.

You're right, I fixed this in the polished version. Thanks for the feedback.

Great entry, well done on putting a fresh spin on an old arcade classic. Definitely the best story game I've played so far.

Fun game to run around, I collected quite a few zombies and blew up some roadblocks but I was confused about the green bomb explosion thing, what does it do?

Well done on your entry.

Hey well done on making this in a week. I have to admit I found the game really hard, but perhaps it was supposed to be hard. I couldn't get past the room with the large laser bot in the middle after many attempts. I wasn't sure how to get past the section with the wall pushers and lasers in that room, the switch thing on the wall didn't seem to do anything. The room before with the two laser bots would often take most of my health away. Also the force push would sometimes not really move the boxes much, meaning I'd get stuck behind them.

I think these issues could be fixed in the polished version though, so I hope you keep working on it. Good luck!

Well done making all this in one week. Really fun top down shooter. I liked the weapon variety and how each weapon played differently.  Didn't experience any bugs or problems, nice job!

Nice game!  I had fun with it. I think perhaps if the ball was a bit heavier or less bouncy the player would feel more in control of the game. Also the first level could be easier to ease people in to it. I didn't notice any bugs or major issues, so well done. One time the pink cloud things pushed me through a wall but it ended up helping me.

Amazing puzzle game. Loved the beautiful visuals inside the cubes, and the great soundtrack. I got stuck on level 7 with the green cube for a long time, couldn't work out how they operated. I had to read your comment here before I understood. Apart from that I completed all the levels without any major issues. Overall a well designed game, very well done!

Overall a nice platformer with a cool gravity mechanic, well done. I would have liked a checkpoint system because I kept dying near the end and having replay from the start. Also wasn't entirely sure where to go in one or two places, so had to go by trial and error. I did beat it eventually though!

Wow great entry. Very unique game idea and well designed too. I beat it on my second attempt. Would be nice if you could see the path you took once you complete it.

Thanks for playing. There is only one level, I wanted to make more but ran out of time.

Nice game. I liked the level art in the background. The controls felt a bit floaty and slidey, it would probably work better as grid based movement.

Hey really great puzzle game, but quite hard. I didn't realise at first that items carry over between levels. I played it for a long while but kept getting stuck on level 4 because I only had two hearts left at that point. Once I realised I needed three hearts I beat it. Fun game, reminds me of Fidel Dungeon Rescue. Well done.

(1 edit)

Hey thanks for the feedback. I just updated it with a few small fixes so you can bring the moon back now. :)