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Effortless InsanityView game page

Pinball Maze
Submitted by AllEyesOnMe(Ryan) — 15 hours, 48 minutes before the deadline
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Ranked from 24 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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wonderful game very nice concept i enojoyed it 


Very enjoyable game, great visuals and audio to match. Struggled with gameplay initially but got the hang of the spin in the end. Judging from other comments, you're going to work on the overall control which will really bring the game on.


Working on it as fast as I can! IDK if I'll be able to finish before the judges get to mine but I'm trying to. So glad you enjoyed it though.


The gameplay is very interesting, creative, and fun. I like the old school arcade inspiration on this. The sound and visuals are very great too.  It's a bit difficult to predict where and how fast the ball going to move, though. But overall, you did a great job! :D


Nice game!  I had fun with it. I think perhaps if the ball was a bit heavier or less bouncy the player would feel more in control of the game. Also the first level could be easier to ease people in to it. I didn't notice any bugs or major issues, so well done. One time the pink cloud things pushed me through a wall but it ended up helping me.


Yes, the pink enemies don't actually hurt you, they just push you around and hinder (or help) you. Thanks for playing!


This is a very interesting concept. I liked the visuals and sound design. The gameplay was solid and challenging. Nice job!


This game got a pretty creative premise. I managed to finish the first level after a lot of spinning. The movement of the enemies and the ball does feel a bit unpredictable, but it does add to the challenge. I haven't really got many chances to use invincibility as I kept forgetting to press it at the right time. 

Overall quate a fun game with a pretty cool look and creative gameplay mechanics.


Really working hard over the next week to make the player feel a little more predictable. Glad you enjoyed it though.


As someone else said a bit further down, the pinball would control more responsive if it would be bit less floaty. Still, I like the old school design approach mixed with some new elements for a fresh arcade feel!


I'm actually working on the Unity port right now. Hopefully by the end of the week, everyone will have a much smoother experience and maybe in a couple of weeks, a demo!


The visuals are cool, and the game is enjoyable. The only flaw was a bad frame rate on my PC, but overall it is a good production, good job :)


I'm not sure if the Unity port will help with that or not. Let's hope so.


I really like the visuals on this, its nice to see an older style game, good work :)


Agreed. As stated before, I have 40 years of deep classic gaming roots. With a health dose of the current as well. ;)


That was a fun game. The pinball mechanic feels great to use :D The movement is a bit weird but you get used to it.

My only advice is making the ball fell more heavy and precise to control. That way the game will be more responsive :D

Overall i enjoyed my time with the game and would like to play the ported unity verion :D


Me too! xD


I loved the game. I played this game for way too long. The visuals and the music are very nice. The controls are so smooth and feels nice. Great job!


Wonderful, so glad you enjoyed it!


For the time you had I think you have done a great job. I think you should push it on. A little more precision on the feel of it and some more variety on the levels and I could see myself hooked into this game. Great work


Fantastic! I begin the Unity port this afternoon and then, as much variety as I can cram in after judging ofc.


Fun game, reminded me of the good old days of gaming. 

The movement drove me crazy a bit at the first lol but once I got the hang of it I managed to maneuver properly in the level.

awesome work, keep it up.


Yes, I have deep roots in classic gaming. almost 40 years of it to be exact! Glad you enjoyed it.



Even though it’s not my kind of game, I had a lot of fun with it. This weird idea of pinball with maybe pac-man and a maze it’s pretty unique! The feedback that I can give you it’s to have some kind of instructions and don’t use the ESC key to quit… I tried to pause, and well, lol.


The escape key will soon be rectified with a pause menu. I was frustrated beyond belief by my dev environment and it as well as many other things were sadly, not implemented. The play experience should be much better once I port it to Unity. Thank you for the feedback!


This game is creative mash-up of Pac-Man and Pinball-esque mechanics with great audio and psychadelic visuals. After a bit of warming up, I quickly entered a flow-state and sunk a good bit of time into it. I found the pinball mechanic particularly satisfying. This is a really nice piece!


I am SO happy to hear that. I can't wait to expand on the original idea to deliver a few more puzzle aspects and more varied gameplay and enemies. Thanks for the feedback!


A fun physics game.  Simple to pick up,  but hard to master. (At  least for me it was.)
The way enemies spawn added a cool strategic element, incentivizing you to aim for the harder goals earlier whilst you have fewer hazards to cope with. 

The visuals looks pretty and serve the general feel very well.

I enjoyed it and was playing (and dying)  quite a bit longer than I needed to to rate it and can see myself coming back to it again to play some more.  Great entry!


That's wonderful to hear. I kept thinking people wouldn't think it was as much fun as I did but 6 people now have given almost no criticism. I do think the Unity port will fix a lot of the "getting used to it" aspects and look forward to porting it to mobile eventually. Also, I do plan on writing a lot more music and developing more elements to it that will add more variety to the gameplay. Thank you very much for playing.


I enjoyed myself with this game.  It was difficult for me to get the hang of first, as I tended to overshoot the little orb I controlled, but the visuals were pleasing, the controls felt nice, and while the music was a repeating loop, I think it suited the "puzzle game"ness enough of it that it didn't feel out of place or bother me. I think the one issue I had is that the orb's bounce sometimes could be hard to control, but it's minor enough that I could still solve the maze fine enough. When more and more of the enemies started to approach, I could really feel the pressure come on.

Overall, a good game, especially given the short amount of time you had to work on it.


Yes, it was difficult to tweak any physics in Godot. When I port it to Unity I'm going to make sure that even if you bounce hard you can never exceed a certain speed. That should make it a little more enjoyable. I know it's my game but I just have so much fun with the mechanics of it.