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Life EternalView game page

Help the necromancer scour the ruined tower for the ingredients to bring his Lord back to life.
Submitted by Ronove (@earlronove) — 9 days, 6 hours before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score
Judge's Choice#6n/an/a
People's Choice#84.4194.419

Ranked from 62 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

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(2 edits)

I was one of the official judges this year, and now that the results have been made public, and I'm free to do so, here is my score and thoughts on this title:

Overall score: 10

Absolutely charming entry, and probably the best I've played so far. Excellent art assets, wonderful maps, and very interesting and engaging story. Even with just one character talking to themselves for most of it, it was still a good story presented in a good way. Would've liked some more indication of collectables, but still a stellar game.


Thank you for the feedback! I definitely went back and added some indication for collectables since that was THE feedback I got. Now when you play, there will be a ? that appears over stuff you can interact with that's a collectible. Thank you again for playing and I'm glad you liked it! 


Life Eternal

by Ronove

Hey there Ronove, thanks for submitting a project to the 2022 IGMC. I'm Drifty and I was asked to judge your game in round four of the IGMC 2022 game jam. Here's some feedback about your project.

I like the serene, chill and emotional track that the game opens up with on the title screen.

Wow, such fantastic pixel art. It's really amazing how you've synced up the text with a talking bust. It looks great.

This game reminds me of the King's Quest series in some way but I'm not exactly sure why. It must be the pixel art.

The tileset and mapping are detailed and highly customized. It does set an immersive atmosphere.

The white screen transition gets to be a little excessive once you're wandering through the forest. I would prefer a dark screen transition through-out the forest scenes.

As beautiful and well written as it is, there's a lack of actual gameplay and this is more of a 'find the switch' puzzle game.

I do like the the thought of replaying it again and selecting different options so you've done a great job at instilling a sense of replay-ability.

The story and artwork presentation are absolutely fantastic! Unfortunately it's lacking any real gameplay, besides the fetch quest and choice mechanics. Even so, this was a wonderful journey and you've put together a really nice project for the IGMC 2022. Great job, I look forward to your future works!

(I found 1/6 cryptic notes and 2/5 skeleton friends.)



Hey there Ronove, I got your game for judging so here are some of my thoughts. The lovely artstyle you chose caught my attention right away, and set the mood for the entire game. The story itself was told well and gave enough clues for the player without totally spelling things out for them, though I do wish there were more flashbacks to show the necromancer's experiences with the skeletons instead of just being told about it. I wish there were more chances to affect the story besides when talking to the water nymph, since I picked up on the relationship issues quickly and wanted to get our poor boy someone safe as soon as possible! But I understand that with the contest deadline you needed to keep things streamlined to make sure it all worked well.

I did have a problem finding the cryptic notes, they were too well hidden! Maybe it was because I wanted to finish the game before time was up, but I only found the 'don't go to sleep' note in the library even though I was trying to interact with anything that caught my eye. While having them shine or sparkle would make finding them too easy, it would have been nice if there was something a bit more obvious. After playing I saw your reply that mentioned the hidden notes on trees, and I would never have spotted that! There was just so much other pretty stuff to look at on the maps and the one tree I tried interacting with did nothing, so my eyes skipped right over that. Maybe clues like spilled ink in the castle or a knife in/against the carved trees would have made spotting it easier.

Overall, the love and care you put into this short game is obvious, and I enjoyed the time I spent with it. Great job!


Cryptic notes too well hidden!! I've definitely learned my lesson there--give them something unique that stands out and make sure it doesn't blend in like the trees, haha. 

I'm so glad you enjoyed it and thank you so much for your feedback!! 


Well…Life Eternal!

I’ll start with something someone never said…maybe.

I loved the PDF inside! It was a little throwback in the past where you had an instruction manual when you bought a game.

…enough, let’s talk about the game.

Unfortunately I got the bad ending (because I like doing evil things in games) and I didn’t found like one note and one skeleton :( Yes…it’s a weird premise.

Graphics are really good and gorgeous. Music is really nice, especially when you are in the forest. The story is…well… is something kinda simple and classic, but done well. You created a little world for this story and it really shows the effort and passion you put on it.

I can only say one thing.

Sure, games like this are good, but on videogames you can show more of your character and world instead by only text. You got a whole medium, you can fight and maybe the character shows his kindness by not hurting anyone and healing, you shouldn’t make classic RPG battles. The skeletons in the forest are an example. Puzzles and minigames are a way to improve your gameplay and making players more engaging on it. The summary is…experiment more with this medium because you can do more instead just walking and telling a story. I really hope to see your future works and you will surely reach an high place, maybe even winning a prize.

Have a good day!


Well, considering this is not an RPG I'm not sure why I would add fighting to the game, but I appreciate your thoughts on the matter! I definitely agree I could have added puzzles or even a minigame to liven things up, but in the case of simplicity, kept things simple. If I ever do another game similar to this one, I will definitely be adding more to do than walking and exploring to unfold the story! 

And I am so glad you liked the PDF!! I really wanted to do the throwback to instruction manuals from my childhood and I had a ton of fun actually making it!

Thank you for playing!


Howdy! The fighting was an example. My real message was in fact to experiment more with the medium and I am sure you will do great things! I know one month is really few time, don’t worry! Anyway you did a really good job with your instruments! ☺️


Haha, I get it now! Thank you so much!


I'll be pretty upfront: I didn't really like this game. It felt a lot like a visual novel broken up by sections where I had to walk to areas and interact with glittering objects. Not that there's anything wrong with visual novels, they're quite a treat and Higurashi remains one of my favorite games of all time, but I'll admit I'm a simple man and when I jump into a game I generally would like to be able to affect things with my interactions with a world.
Learning that collecting the cryptic notes and checking the skeleton friends didn't affect anything in the long run really took the winds out of my sails, and the only real branch in the story being based on a choice at the very end felt...very anti-climactic.

I suppose if I had to sum up my thoughts of the story as a whole, it would be "anti-climactic". Without going into spoilers, the revelation that the Lord who fights off heroes is actually a bad person who does bad things isn't exactly a far reach to make. And given that the protagonist is apparently quite fond of him, that the ending hinges effectively on taking someone else's word for it and then moving on immediately afterwards feels very much like a rush to a climax. There's no rising action where he slowly comes to terms with what happens, no conflict where he has to second-guess himself, no verification of certain things, just "is that why this happens?" "yeah br0" "damn".

I don't want to seem like I'm just pounding the negative button endlessly, though. I was really impressed with this game right from the getgo. You've got a wonderful introduction that sets a dramatic, mysterious mood right away. The character being verbose would probably turn off a lot of other folks, but I love how much you could interact with and how much he could say about a lot of things. And kudos for making use of self-switches to have a long, wordy first-interaction and then a shorter follow-up on further interactions! The character portraits were also all extremely well-done, and everyone had unique designs, and your mapping game is absolutely on point; shit's gorgeous, is what I'm tryin' to say.

You've got a wonderful introduction, a cool world, some neat characters (I got very attached to the skeletons), and it just...felt like it all fell flat at the end. It felt like nothing I actually did from a mechanical standpoint really mattered.
I really, really don't want to seem like I'm just pounding the negative button. I was actually leaning back in my chair going "do I really want to post this? everyone else seems like they're having fun" earlier. So please feel free to completely disregard all of this.
But a game like this just ain't my cuppa joe, and I felt it'd be good to be honest as to why.

Still, thank you for your hard work. I'm eager to see what you make next, and I hope you continue writing stuff like this for a long, long time.


If you want me to completely disregard your comment, I'm unsure why you posted it. Thanks for giving it a try regardless, sorry it fell flat for you. I did consider making it so you had to collect the cryptic notes to get the choice at the end (the skeletons do change the ending slightly, but by simply being there instead of absent), but given how much I've had to hand-hold players in my visual novel to help them get all the endings which were based on a tally with what choices you chose, I figured in the interest of the contest and allowing judges to see the most they could in an hour, I should simplify it.

Anyway, thanks for playing.


Perfect representation of a short but sweet game. I really loved the presentation and I could really vibe with the themes of the story. May our boy get a boyfriend that isn't a dirtbag.


Our boy definitely deserves a non-dirtbag boyfriend!! 

Thank you so much for playing! I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


A beautiful little game. I'll be the first to admit that the tone and setup wasn't really what I usually prefer, being more of a melancholy solo thing, but I still enjoyed it ok. Not my favorite, but I can definitely see people who enjoy this kind of tone loving this one.

The presentation was by far what stood out to me: there was a clear love and attention to it. The graphics and music matched very well, and even the title screen had care. 

(Ignore this part if I'm wrong!) If the theme was figuring out and leaving a toxic relationship, it was a very sweet message. I would have preferred to have a lot more context and scenes with the sorcerer, rather than only the mc's musings when inspecting stuff. I believe part of my resistance to engage with poking around was that there were only so many contextually "distinct" objects, and most were generic skeletons or furniture/destruction with little visual appeal. For example, if more skeletons in the forest had had little touches like tools or clothes or attention-catching setups I would have been compelled to check them out. That's just my take, though. 

The little reminder of what you got at the end was a cool touch for completionism! My resistance to check stuff after a while costed me dearly and I only left the place with two friends. It's okay, I'll find a bakery near a logging camp to settle down and find a new, better boyfriend XD

Overall this was a neat little thing to me, mostly because the tone is too melancholy to match my specific taste, but I encourage people who enjoy short melancholy stories to give it a try.

Developer (1 edit) (+1)

That was the theme, you are correct! I do agree that more context scenes with the sorcerer would have helped more and I totally get what you mean about making more distinct objects to click and find (the skeleton friends each share a specific look with more bones than the ones that aren't friends if that helps! (lol except for one now that I'm glancing through it again whoops)). Next time I do a similar game to this, I'll keep that in mind. Thank you so much for the feedback!

And thank you for checking it out! I'm glad you found it neat despite not digging the melancholy tone.


Let me start this off with, I love how the game was SHORT.  It still felt complete. 

There's not a whole lot to say of this. It was a pleasant short adventure game. It had a touching story to tell. The character portraits were nothing short of spectacular. The dialogue was well written.

The mapping was very well done. There were some personal quirks I have with it. I think there's a little too much clutter, stuff that stops you from moving. And I wish the flavor text objects were a little more obvious. Very very minor quirks.

I also think there's a little too much flavor text. Plenty of it added to the story quite well, still.

Walking around and examining objects isn't my cup of tea, but that's personal preference and I know a lot of people enjoy games like this. The story it did tell was meaningful and I believe had plenty of personal stuff etched here and there. 

Good job all around! I wish you the best of luck.


You can pry lots of flavor text from my cold dead hands! :P I am glad that you gave it a fair shake despite it not being the kind of game you personally enjoy. And I am glad you did enjoy it despite that! I definitely do see what you mean about the too much clutter that stops you from moving and I definitely should have tried harder with the flavor text object indicator! Thank you again so much for playing and thank you for your feedback! 


I got this game for judging in round 2 for the IGMC. Congrats on making it to round 2! 

I feel you have an interesting premise here. The game plays out more like an adventure game where you have to find the items to complete the quest. At the end there is a choice which decides the endings for you as well. 

Overall this was a nice short game. If I had to suggest anything its that I wanted the game to go longer, but that just shows how good it was. 


I definitely fashioned it with an adventure game in mind! I would have liked to have done more, but in the interest of the contest, I tried to keep things short! I'm glad you enjoyed playing! 😊


I really liked this game... The meaning behind it is deep, the graphic makes the situation sweet but bitter too.

I enjoied a lot this game even in its simple gameplay and short puzzle.


I liked both two endings, obviously they shows different sided based on the choice. 

The graphic was beautiful and well made in the endings too, the music helped a lot feeling the scene. Very beautiful, really. 

Like others in the comments section, I wished to explore more of the game, more rooms, look more around. 

I'm sad it was short, it was a wonderful game experience!


I'm so glad you liked it even if it was a little short! Thank you for playing!

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Finally got a chance to play this. Amazing pixel art and love the mapping. My only feedback is the white scene transfers were a little jarring, especially roaming through the forest quickly. Didn't effect my rating or anything, just thought I'd mention it. Good work!


I have to agree with the transfers, haha. None of my testers mentioned them so I didn't think to touch them, but yeah...I think I might take them out when I'm allowed to update the game again! Thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Wow, what a wonderfully beautiful game! Definitely going to have to go back and find the other cryptic notes -- and to see what happens if I make a different choice at the end! 

Amazing work!


Thank you very much!! I'm glad you enjoyed it!


Very polished presentation. Everything is very cohesive from the sprites, character busts all the way to the UI and windows. Good job!


Thank you so much for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it! :D


Aesthetically, Life Eternal is very beautiful! It was enough to see the screenshot that I know I had to play it. The mapping is perfect, it makes you want to explore the different areas in detail. *__*

The story is short and quite smooth, for my personal preference I would have tried to make the ending choice less obvious but I can understand why you did it, maybe you were afraid that some player didn't understand what to do to obtain them. 

Really, I think you did a really good job! Kudos! :)


Yeah, haha, since this was a jam I didn't want to make the endings too obscure! If this was not a jam, I would have done quite a few things concerning how to get the endings a little differently! Thank you so much for playing and I am so glad you loved the aesthetics!!


A lovely short game.


Thank you!! 🥰


The aesthetics of this game is a huge deal. Very very very good mapping, atmosphere, animated portraits. Everything in this game is visually beautiful. I'm not a huge fan of the genre, but I think the gameplay needs a little more depth. I know it's supposed to be a narrative game, but since it's not a visual novel, I think this game should have something more to offer in terms of exploration. Maybe some puzzles? Dunno ^^

The story is fine. Maybe it's too short to get attached to the characters. However this is probably one of the strongest entries of this jam! Good job! :D


Puzzles may have been fun! I'll definitely take that into consideration whenever I want to make another similar narrative game. Maybe next time I'll say it's a visual novel with exploring elements :D

Thank you for giving it a shot and I'm glad you enjoyed the aesthetics! It's definitely what I worked really hard to achieve.


Finally played the thing. I thought I'd better write a short review of this marvelous game. 

I was impressed from the get-go by the graphic quality of, well, everything. But especially the talking portraits, the smoothness of the words in the textbox, and the overall look of the game. You did it smoothly and cleanly. The graphic aspect of the game is, to me, what stands out above everything. Well done.

The game itself is rather short, and for that I have to congratulate you. You did great given the circumstances of the contest your entry is for. You can actually get both endings within the 1 hour mark, which is perfect.

Gameplay-wise, Life Eternal is quite simple: look for the required items, and move forward with the story. No distractions. Unless, of course, you want to interact with all of your surroundings. Me as a player, I resulted more compelled by just being able to explore such beautiful areas accompanied by calming background music, rather than the fact of fulfilling quests. And that has a solid reason: this is a narrative game, created to tell a short story, rather than overcome challenges, obstacles or to progress in no other way than plot-wise. To me, it works amazingly.

I would change nothing from this game, except the length. I'd love to see more from this world, learn about who were the heroes, what is that town, who exactly is the Necromancer you're trying to revive, what are his sins, what are his feats. Something tells me it's unlikely, but I do hope you explore more of this world you created and seek to expand it in the future.

And if I were to provide some ideas to optimize the game, I'd only say maybe add some hover icons to tell the player what they can interact with. Not a big deal at all. It just would be handy.

I see your game as a potential winner. You have crafted a jewel right here.

P.S: I chose the second option when faced the decision. Perhaps I'll re-visit the game to obtain the first ending, for I ignore which one is the "true" ending.


You are so incredibly kind and I am so glad you enjoyed it so thoroughly! I would love to do more in this world since I think it'd be fun to expand on! I did attempt hover icons, but I wasn't impressed with them and didn't take it much farther than testing, but that is a valid criticism since there is so much people can miss without them.

Thank you again so much for playing and all your kind words. It means a lot to me! 🥰


Intriguing entry! I made a first impression video playing the start of this if you want to check it out: https://youtu.be/nan4TdbjLNY?t=2860


Thank you for playing! The controller buttons DO interact with the message window, but there wasn't a way to put icons in those buttons yet, so maybe if my suggestion is implemented for that plugin, I'll be able to update the game to include the icons to indicate what button to press to access them! Thanks for the first impression!


There's a great amount of polish, care and attention to detail in Life Eternal. Quite inspiring, to be honest. I enjoyed going at my own pace and poking around, seeing what would come next, and on that note... I'd definitely like it to continue. :)


I'm glad you enjoyed it!! I'd really like to continue it as well!


I love the artstyle and music!! The story is good too, and the game overall has a lot of polish.


Thank you! I'm glad you enjoyed it! 

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