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Fun little game.

I dont know if it was just me, or if my gun actually stopped shooting sometimes, and I had to release and press left mouse again.

Thank you :)

Thank you :)

It spawns 1 coin per second, so if you need more upgrades to pass next round, you pay for it with the time you spend running around. If you dont need as many coins, you can complete levels faster. I see it as a "pick your own difficulty/pace" system :P

Fun little game. I like how you discover more ways to clean up the house by doing the start thing, as in you do trash first, then realise theres a fire extinguisher, and then you find hand sanitizer as well

I thought I built a good shelter, but the wind came in sideways and Marving went flying.
Sorry Marving.

Thank you, I'm glad to hear that :)

Thank you :)

I feel like a bit of audio could do a lot for this game.

I like the amount of enemies and how they spawned in. I did a similar thing for my game, but your execution better and more balanced in my opinion

Controls combined with the camera was a bit wierd. I liked the notebook a lot tho, very pretty.

Thank you.

I briefly considered moving the camera away at one point, since enemy spawns feel very sudden if they come from above you while you're moving upwards, so I may play around with that.

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it :)

Thank you XD

Thank you very much :)

Gobble lost his Kraken fight :(

Would be cool if you could speed up fights, some of them felt a bit slow. May just be me whos a bit impatient tho :)

It made me feel like the main character in a Roblox world 10/10

I liked the soundtrack :)

I like the concept, but the boat is quite hard to rotate and change direction.

I think it follows the theme in a great way, good job.

The game is way too slow for my liking, but the idea and concept is nice, and it was quite relaxing with the music.

I wish there was a "speed up time" or "skip X days ahead" to remove the waiting time.

Thank you :)

Thank you :D

Nice pixel art. The log looks like a background item, and the spikes are *very* difficult to actually see, and you just know where they are rather than seeing where they are after a while. The red indicators and small lights help a bit.

When going back, its impossible to see where you are supposed to land when jumping on the final pillars towards your starting position.

The text being behind projectiles made it quite hard to read.

Its quite chaotic, difficult to figure out what happens, but you still have a sense of control. Its quite odd.

I like the generous hitbox of the boarding area and the sounds. I dont see the "calm" part tho, only a constant race against the storm.

It seems impossible to lose if you put down a few towers and upgrade them, and then it turns into a game of clicking "Skip", watching your few towers destroy all the enemies.

I like how you can place down walls and make your own "tower defense" path for enemies to follow and also the simplicity of the game

Fun twist on Tetris

Takes a tiny bit of getting used to, but after that the gameplay becomes more intuitive and days become easier, until the large orders and many customers come in :)

I like zooming around

I really struggled to figure out how to play, since the instructions with controls didnt fit the actual controls.

It also seemed like i couldnt sell the tea i brewed and it was missing a sprite.

I accidentally dropped things while trying to sell my tea, and they werent on the ground to be picked up again.

such screenshake, very moving story

It could really use some indicators to display how much you need to upgrade your homes, and an actual storm rather than a "YOU LOSE" text. Had to use an auto-clicker to beat the game XD

I like the look, the music and the sound effects tho, except the Minecraft door one.

Glad you liked it

Thank you, I was inspired by Vampire Survivors :)