There's a tutorial in the main menu screen
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A really short, but fun game which really uses the theme to its advantage. I love the fact that, because the roles are reversed, your character is unable to jump, and as such, must make their way around the level in other ways. It really justifies the idea of the roles being reversed. Other than that, the one thing I would suggest adding would be more levels, which is why I was glad to see at the end of the game that you might update the game following the jam. Overall, a great game, which makes the absolute most of the theme.
This game was so much fun, especially because of how good the AI was, and how quickly it was able to beat you in some games, and how narrowly you were able to beat it in others. Some of the minigames were a bit easy, especially with certain tactics. For instance, in the balloon popping one, I found if you just move one balloon to each corner, the AI has no way of reaching them all in time. The chest one also had some problems for the AI, but none of the minigames had any problems which massively took away from the experience. Overall a really fun and interesting game.
I loved this game so much. I loved the music, the aesthetic, and the difficulty was absolutely perfect, providing a lot of challenge while still being fun, and not stressful. I also really liked the slight pause whenever a building blew up, that was a very nice touch. Absolutely fantastic job with this one.
Easily the funniest game I've seen in the jam, and achieves what it is trying to achieve perfectly. I loved all of the game parodies, especially the subtle forth wall break, and the end video was a nice touch. There were a few things that could have probably been added, like an indication of the publics perception perhaps, but that doesn't really matter when the game is constantly making me laugh without fail. Great game, and I'm very curious how Mark Brown would rate it if the game made it into the top 100.