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The Ol' SwitcherooView game page

2D Tactical Falling Adventure
Submitted by SPIRITO — 3 hours, 28 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 46 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
It's a backwards platformer where the princess has to save the knight and go down instead of up.

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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I really liked the concept behind this one. Charming sprites, unique flair. Gameplay was challenging. Could use a bit more variety to gameplay. (Maybe larger and smaller clouds? Flying enemies? Etc.) Also sounds and sfx! Nice work, I hope it gets some continued development after the jam!


It will be getting continued development for sure, I'm currently still working on it, can't wait to get it to a releasable state. Thanks very much for your honest review :D


Very nice! This is a pretty solid experience overall, I think.


Thanks man I appreciate that :D


very nice concept! is this really the first game where you only jump down (hard to belive if it was never done before)? was very engageing and fun! but it was a bit annoying that i always had to look down. maybe you could also implement that you drop through clouds if waiting too long. definetively continue this Project :D


This is not the first game where you drop down but in this style maybe? The camera issue has already been fixed and will be updated soon after the Jam rating period ends and I have platforms that break implemented, I just ran out of time to have them in the game by the Jam's deadline, I appreciate the suggestion and thanks very much for playing!


The sprites are amazing! This was so fun to play too! Would love to see more updates on this in the future.


There will be updates for sure, I am working on it as we speak! 

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed :D


I'm not sure I appreciated being called a bitch 👀 absolutely loved the sprite work, the little knight's helm in particular is really snappy and brilliant. 


If you don't lose, you won't see it :D Jk, I will be changing that when I release the next update It was just a bit of fun for the jam. Why thank you very much for the kind words, although the character art is placeholder at the minute and will be getting an upgrade as well I think, Thanks for playing and leaving a review! :D


Neat idea! I think it has room for adding more stuff. It :)

One thing i notice is there is no reason to not be looking down the whole time so i just found myself just holding up the down arrow the entire time.

But really liked it, keep it up :)


I will be adding a LOT more stuff for sure, already working on it :) Thanks man, I appreciate the feedback, glad you enjoyed :D


The game get me back to the feeling of how I manage to complete the jumping down scenarios of Dark Souls 3 and Elden Ring. The death repeats, but I still enjoy it =)

My advices:

I personally feel that the avatar and platforms moves too fast. And I would love to have more save point qwq. But the current difficulty can also be a feature of the game! 

And I barely use the up arrow, because everytime I make a wrong choice and try to jump up, the jumping height is simply not enough, so why not just pay more attention to downward. 

I wish there could be some enemies added, and those enemies can be tackled with the ability related to falling down (e.g. steping on their head, like Mario). Maybe they can also reduce some falling damage as a reward lol.

Overall, I enjoy playing this game and looking forward to your further updates.


Awesome, I'm not sure how you saw a bit of Elden Ring and DS3 in this but I couldn't be happier with that comparison as the souls games have been my favourite since I was about 13 (I'm 23 now) so thanks very much for that, made my day. 

As for the advice... I have already made changes to the players movement to slow things down a bit, however I don't plan on adding checkpoints as I saw this as being similar to jump king where there is potential to lose all progress with one mistake for maximum intensity, but I have ideas on how the player could maybe rest for a while. I will consider checkpoints though if I feel my current idea isn't going to work out as planned.

The camera has also already been altered to where it makes using the look down less of a necessity and more of a luxury, and I plan to do much more strategic level design so the look up is also useful.

I've thought of adding enemies to the game and I like your idea of risk for reward with the reduced fall damage. The enemies aren't a sure thing yet but definitely up for consideration.

Thanks a lot for taking your time to carefully analyse and review my game, I really appreciate it and I look forward to the day I can release an update for you and any others that would like to try out a more refined version of my game. Happy jamming, take care :D

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Funny idea, and good gameplay! A small nit-pick of mine would be adding a sky background instead of just using a solid color. Great job!

Could you rate my game? I would really appreciate it, thanks!


I plan to add a LOT more art, I barely got chance to do any art which is why it looks so empty, the solid colour was just to block out the sections/levels but I appreciate you checking it out, thanks a lot and yes! I will take a look at your game for sure :D


Hahaaaa, nice! Our team thought of a similar idea too but we didn't go for it since we have no platformer experience. I do think you could make it work, essentially playing as princess peach in a mario game, starting each level off with a bossfight and fighting enemies from behind.


I like the idea man, although I'm merely a solo dev with not much experience yet so I'm not sure about developing a game like Mario, but I very much appreciate the kind words :D Thanks for checking it out!  


Im no bitch bitch quack


But you lost... Jk Thanks for playing man :)


Lol, Is that you Pinkman? Fun little reversed platformer, it reminds me of another one where also you have to go down instead of up, but I forgot the name.


haha! can't believe u got breaking bad from that XD. Thanks man appreciate you checking it out ;)


You should have heard my cry of surprise when I saw the death screen xD

very nice game, I love the art, I just wish there was a bit of sound so that I couldn't hear my friends laugh at me when I die :c

Overall good job 👍


Haha, you need new friends it seems XD. Thanks very much I'm glad you enjoyed it. Also I will be adding sounds soon so if you decide to play again, you can drown out the sound of their laughter. Thanks again for playing :) 


HAHA bitch yourself! fun idea, kinda sad there's no sound or background but eh you do what you can


Hehe, I will be adding all of that soon. Thanks for playing :D


The death screen took me by surprise for sure.


Haha, thanks for playing :D

Deleted 285 days ago

Not sure what this means but I appreciate it :)

Deleted 285 days ago

Omg XD bro I checked google translate for the answers, can't believe I didn't see that, haha.


Can't believe no one's mentioned the death screen yet, that made me laugh out loud haha. Great job and there's definitely a lot of potential areas you could take this if you do shoot for a full release


Haha, I'm glad someone mentioned it, it's probably my favourite part so far XD Thanks a lot, It's a little rough around the edges right now but I definitely plan on continuing development until it feels a bit more polished at least, Thanks for the feedback, much appreciated! :D


Good fun. Really like the take on the theme here.


Thanks, glad you enjoyed :D


Really great idea. The character just feels a bit too fast and slidy for my liking. Also I found myself just constantly having the camera faced down.

But it still is a lot of fun and a great game in general. Keep it up!


I have a solution in mind that i plan to add soon for the whole camera thing, and I will adjust the movement settings a little to make it feel more comfortable. Thanks for the feedback and the kind words! :D


Fun idea, like the sprite work!


Thanks :D


I love the princess carrying the knight haha! Very endearing little game, it was fun platforming around. Wish I could offer you more feedback on the game itself, but its core basis is good! Lot's of things you can add that I'm sure you already have plans to do. Like variating platforms in the different areas & such


I really appreciate it, I will be adding some more variating platforms for sure, I'm glad you like the character! Thanks a lot for the review :D

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