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A jam submission

Get Down Mr. Slime KingView game page

A bullet hell game where, instead of controlling the character, you control the bullets.
Submitted by BirdieBP — 1 hour, 49 minutes before the deadline
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CriteriaRankScore*Raw Score

Ranked from 30 ratings. Score is adjusted from raw score by the median number of ratings per game in the jam.

How does your game fit the theme?
The roles of a traditional bullet hell are reversed, with you moving the bullets as opposed to the player

Did your team create the vast majority of the art during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the art during the game jam

Did your team create the vast majority of the music during the 48 hours?


We created the vast majority of the music during the game jam

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Very nice game! Love the art and post-processing.


Wow, this game is really unique! It just needs a tutorial though cuz I couldn't get the hang of it at first.


There's a tutorial in the main menu screen 


This game idea is quite difficult to understand/control at first, but it get's way more fun once you've gotten the hang of it. The idea is really cool, and I found it really enjoyable to play for a while (I wasn't able to get a score higher than ~100, lol, I need to get better at playing these games) and the music and art are both super cute and fitting for the game! My only small nitpick is that it's a little bit hard to see what color each of the bullets are, and remembering what buttons I have to use to use to control them. Maybe you could brighten up the color of the bullets a bit more? But then if visibility on the bright background is bad, try adding an outline to the textures? I don't really know what would work, you can figure it out if you want to finish this game. (Oh the particle effects are also really cool, keep it up!)


Yeah I realised that the bullets were super undersaturated after I posted the game, and once the game jam ends, I have an update which makes the colours a bit brighter, and also puts symbols on each of the bullets to help people with colour blindness. Thanks for the feedback!


Really like this idea, it's a difficult game but I really like that you control multiple of the same group at once it means you can just survive by a few pixels some times because you're having to move a few out the way, I appreciate that you left the controls at the side of the screen as It was a useful reference because its a lot of controls to learn under pressure. I wonder how the difficulty would be if bullets blew up if they went head on so you could strategize removing certain ones or only ones that were opposite colours could destroy each other, similar to how the large bullet can destroy others


That's actually a really good idea! I might try adding that and seeing how if impacts the gameplay, and if it makes it more interesting.


The game was good fun, eventually it just becomes impossible with the amount of bullets on-screen though. Nice fun concept for a jam game, great effort :)


Great game, although having to control 3 different colours got very confusing. good job


I'd like to get down on mr. slime king


Oh lord


I love the "reverse bullet-hell" angle! Controlling the bullets was very fun!

I think adding mouse control on top of two hands of keyboard controls was a bit overkill.

I'm not colorblind at all and even I was having trouble telling apart the bullets' colors, they're so desaturated.

Other than that, good work!


Simple concept but surprisingly fun and challenging. I like it. I think the blue and purple bullets are a little bit too close together in colour though. Great music - it's so good I distracted myself by boogieing to it.


Very nice game, but the controls aren't very well clarified. Good job tho!


Idea is really creative and game is pretty easy to understand. Controls are a little awkward with 4 buttons for 1 hand. I can also imagine colorblind people would have some trouble keeping the bullets apart


Oh shoot I completely forgot to consider that. After the jam ends I'll maybe try to update the game with an option to change the colours of something along those lines. Thanks so much for the feedback.


nice game fun idea and the art is nice 


A nice short game with a clear concept and great presentation! I really enjoyed it and liked the death effect!


Good concept ! Gets hard real fast ^^ ! Well done.


HAHAHA this one is a blast love the idea had alot of fun with this



Very fun💚, but it was a little difficult for me because of the controls, at least at first💚

Very fun. Short, but as a foundation I could see this turning into a full fledged game. Only complaint is the z and c controls. I guess its hard to have a third control option. Maybe Q and E? Or let players decide what keys they use.


Yeah, that was one of the biggest struggles I ran into when making the game. If I do expand it I might try changing around the key binds and seeing how this effects the gameplay. Thanks for the feedback!