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A member registered Oct 28, 2018 · View creator page →

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Haha, duly noted! Music is clearly not my forte, but I may update the game with a revised 'soundtrack'. Glad you liked the puzzles though!

(1 edit)

What a great puzzle game! Certainly my favorite so far of the jam. It's a simple concept with great levels that constantly had me thinking, "oh, that was clever!"

This might be a bit unrelated, but it's interesting how there's this incredible implicit relationship between a puzzle designer and the player in that the player has to completely trust the designer that the puzzle is even solvable to begin with. Imagine not having that guarantee! It completely ruins the game experience, since if you get stuck, you can't ever be sure if you're just banging your head against a brick wall... Of course, all of the puzzles here are solvable and very well designed, so no complaints in that department, but there were a few levels that had me scratching my head, and so I had a moment to reflect on this weird relationship we build.

Really fun game! Presentation is great, and it's a really nice and polished experience (especially love the pseudo-3D pixel art). Wish there were more levels, but that seems like the mark of a good game since you've left the player wanting more. Oh well, only so much that can be done in 2 days!

Maybe one bit of critical feedback would be that it was a little jarring to be able to grab some items and not others. I think there was a shield and a key at one point or another that I couldn't grab, and while it was part of the puzzle (how do I get this key if I can't just drag it out of the room!?), it did break the internal logic of the game a bit... maybe if there was some kind of glowing effect around them to say that these are special non-interactable objects like non-rewindable objects in Braid which have a green glowing effect around them to mark them as unique?

Overall, great submission!

Very neat! A bit confusing at first wondering how I can influence the fight, but ended up realizing that it's more about the story. I really liked how each character was animated, it really gave each of them very unique personalities that complemented the dialogue. The ending reminded me of just about every DnD campaign I've been a part of!

Glad you liked it! Something about boxes demands they be pushed.

Very neat puzzle game. I love the minimalist design aesthetic. The sound design was great too, very soothing! I didn't realize that you could turn patterns on, so I was pretty lost with what each pad did, so maybe having arrows, jumpy arrows, a portal glyph, etc.. instead of geometric pattern labels may help (based on what I see in the thumbnail).

Mechanically, I found myself setting into the following strategy. 1. Pick a tile that I think might work. 2. See how far it gets. 3. Look at the tiles that remain and pick from those remaining tiles. If you follow this strategy, it seems to always converge to the solution. I think it has something to do with how every puzzle is a linear sequence of events, so if you start the chain mid-way through, only the pads earlier in the chain remain, revealing the solution. If that was the goal, then awesome! If that's not the case though... maybe adding some kind of ability to place certain pads where some may be missing... like start with an incomplete board and fill in the missing pieces to make the sequence work.

Overall, I had fun with it! Great presentation and a really chill puzzle game :-)

This game is a work of art. What a surreal experience.

Very nice! The presentation is wonderful. The mouse click is a great touch. There's only so much you can explore in 48 hours, but it's clear that the mechanics you've designed here have a ton of potential! Also, I love that you can 'End Task' the player character.

Figured it out (I think...)! Just don't press 'E' on that stage. Basically, I implemented the dialogue system in a very silly way where a dialogue box is floating off in space, and when someone needs to say something, it zips off to where they are and populates the text based on who is speaking. I think when there are multiple people and only one copy of that text box, the game gets understandably mad because they all fighting over that one single text box object.

Thanks for playing! I wasn't able to get an error on that screen, so it must be some kind of situation trigger. Hopefully it's not a common bug! I appreciate the heads up. If I get a better idea of what the error is, then I'll try and patch it after the jam.