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This was a fun game.  Great work on the consistency of the art style through out your assets, they all worked well together.  There needed to be a few more sounds/music.

The mini games were fun, but the voice actors were great, nice calm way to watch the end.  Thanks for the play.

I like the art.  The slime character is kinda cute.  And even though I died a few times I wanted to keep playing.

This made me laugh a little, I remember my parents saying those things.  Quite entertaining concept.

Thanks for the feedback, this is a great comment.  The store does close, but now I know that I didn't make it obvious enough.  That's some UX stuff I still need to learn.  The "Store" button in the top right toggles the store, but I think I will make it more obvious in the future.

Thanks for the compliment and for checking out the game.  Completely agreed the balance is a bit off and I look forward to researching that topic more in future jams.

Thanks for the review.  Agreed about the balancing, this is my first game and I spent way too much time on graphics and animation and not enough on the game play.

Nicely done.  Learning the timing on the lungs was hard, but maybe that was part of the theme of storming out.  

Great music for this game concept.  It fit well with the calm theme.  My ship got stuck and I drown, had to restart to build it in a better spot.

Nice work.  The music was great, controls were easy to learn.  Very survivor vampire-esque. It could've used some shark biting noises and cannon firing noises, maybe some additional pick ups around the ocean.