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A member registered 73 days ago

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This game will help you feel less alone... in a bad way 馃槀

WOW awesome graphics and gameplay, it's simple yet efficient. i didn't liked that much the sounds maybe too harch for me but you can cut it so that's fine, it only misses a cute little 8bit music, but frankly GGWP the game is really cool my favorite right now

Minimalist and really enjoyable, i really love the caracters' design,  nice mechanics too i's a 5/5 for me :)

Really nice Graphics,  pretty cool to learn how to type fast on a keyboard ahah, maybe too difficult at first glance, but i loved it! GG

Nice Concept! kinda unnatural to play like this but i liked it. Please  tell me when you'll release the 1.0 ;)

Interresting idea, i don't really see where the Heat theme is but Nice title anyway :)

Cute Game, i liked the death animations, puzzle games are hard to design yours was challenging enough, nice music too Good job

(1 edit)

Really Nice, i reloaded it multiple times to grill my blurred sausage again.

I didn't really understand how to score points but whatever- Long live the Space Barbecue! 

Really like the art and the death animation *o*, the mechanics are pretty interesting! well done

Pretty nice concept! i would have like it easier at the begining. GG

I'm Aliiiive!

I really like the mechanic that you can't chose the jump direction. 
Sound effects are so cheap ahah i love it.

Maybe i would have prefered more speed overall.