Good, the Puzzle/levels are well designed, and the dificulty go increasing organically.
For the presentation the main problems is it lack cohecion( look to pokemon Pearl and diamond remake thats what i mean), itself the graphics are and images are welll made, but they don't work toghether simply the small diferneces in color and style distract to much, it's more a question of trial and error i improve for itself. If you could use a limited color pallete(<--here are premade ones, are mostly for pixel art but can be used in other programs like gimp) you can avoid it a little, and when make background elements like the tiles,. go testing the characther over them to see if are cohecive, other trick is use less details in background elemets or inteactive one.
for the counter side animations are good.
With concept and use of the limitation, is solid but i lack something that make stand out.
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