Wow, the presentation of the game is really amazing.
The only thing i found odd, was the camera movement when turning around while standing on the stairs.
Otherwise, great entry.
Graphics and sound are really solid.
The idea of weakening the enemies by placing a torch is very cool.
The dodge system is also well done, in my opinion.
The game seems to be a little bit short.
Maybe next time you should focus on one special mechanic and work on that one a bit more.
In this game, the light mechanic seems to have more potential.
Like giving the player the opportunity to place the lights more strategically and drawing enemies around a darker corner to a fully enlighted environment.
Thank you for playing and the kind feedback.
As noted below, i am also not completely satisfied with the FOV, but didn't want to take too much time optimizing it, cause i wanted to spent more time implementing the game mechanics.
The transition speed always seems a thing of taste, but since the dungeon is not that huge i hoped it would work for most people.
The combat slows down the game even more, but that seems to be ok for most people since it is somehow the core of the game.
Thank you for playing and giving feedback.
Fire and ice indeed don't matter to the gameplay, i thought giving the skills the names they have now makes more sense.
Potions should always be consumable out of combat.
And if you won't get the right level ups, you will always fail at some point, so there is surely some luck invovlved.