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A member registered Sep 10, 2022 · View creator page →

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Roadblocks... as it turns out, and life intervening. That game's development is on pause until who knows when... do hope to get back to it someday.

Nice! I hope life settles for you soon.

Waiting for the voting period to end to upload 15 minutes worth of code changes. Such is jamming.

If you don't have plans for the d-pad would you also consider adding those as alternate inputs? I'd be super stoked to play this with that as an option

Awesome, I know the feeling, so many things to get right in a hurry. I'll be looking forward to it!

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Controller support yes! But if it's analog stick on a platformer... I'll just use the keyboard anyway. It looks amazing and I would love to check it out at some point when the screen shake is optional. Sorry if this sounds harsh, really it does look great and I do want to play but the screen shake gives me an instant headache. Following you for sure!

odd... maybe my computer is just having a better day.

Hey, nice, running at a clean 60 fps now! Assume a change w the recent update, much nicer to play now!

Peaceful little Zen thing. Nice work.

In case anyone is motivated, here's a time to beat.

My time one the current build. ;)

re played w the boost. I feel like I know what you were going for now. Looking forward to checking out any updates that happen. I think a higher elevated camera angle and faster recharging boost both would improve the ply experience for me

update will happen as soon as the voting closes

ahh I see, thanks!

You must get 5 stars for originality then in my opinion, for writing from a lower level! 

I'm a big fan of zoomed out far... so I can tell where to go and plan ahead, for me that would be better than the minimap idea mentioned below (no time to look at a minimap, I'm catching soap here!). Cool all around idea and awesome movement of the 'character'

So you have to hold in the direction of the ghost mom for some time?

Hey I got it working on a different browser, fun stuff! Sick Jump Man! Wooo. I agree about the air attack thing, sometimes coming down to land and the bat is right there, I could have got him with an overhead air attack!

I found the automatically zooming out camera to be annoying (especially when I hit a wall and it ker-chunk zooms in a lot instantly), though from a game design perspective I agree with Tiger's assessment, it is good to have and most players will like it. I believe I'm in the minority on this one, but for my own games going forward I intend to make the camera zoom automatic by default, but have a manual camera mode option for people like myself. (I just want to see what is ahead regardless of my speed!)

This one is fun, I look forward to any updates you make to it.

Is there a controls list somewhere? I'm wondering if there is any kind of boost or something?

Interesting multitasking needed for playing this which I found to be a unique challenge. I did not find the controls to be problematic as some others did, but I think it may be because naturally for me, I was tapping the buttons rather than holding them, when tapping it seems to work nicely. Do I understand correctly that you designed this without the use of a game engine like Godot or Unity?

I slipped all the way to the bottom of the slippery slope! (Spoiler alert, two gravestones.) I don't understand how I could make any choices. The second time I played through I was intentionally trying to do anything different but I could not figure out how.

Controls have since been changed quite a bit, hoping people will be up to give it another shot after voting ends and I can upload what it is now.

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that is beautiful. thanks for making me cry.  (really)  - burgerdaddy's girlfriend

I tend not to like this type of game, but putting that aside, it looks great and the music feels right for the industrial vibe. I had an issue which you can see similar on martinkozle's post below, where a pending delivery completely blocked my ability to close the build menu. Resizing the window would likely have worked but I didn't realize that, so I waited until I could deliver on it to be able to close the menu. Nice job all in all.

Inspiration from Novena? I love both, thank you for this.

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It is a full game... well that's my opinion anyway.

You mean in regards to the controls?

What are you working in for making this? Sorry if you already said somewhere

I see... I think my brain had already 'mapped' A and D as left and right, and space as enter. I must have read those words but still not got it. Having played a little more now I would still recommend the other keys as also working, so my hands don't have to change jobs when it's time to respawn.

Hey thanks for the update, nice job getting it working!

I was confused when I died in the tutorial.

I had been using WASD, Click and, Space, but then here I had to switch to using the arrow keys and enter...

I ended up going back to main menu to look for control list, since I didn't find one, I did tutorial again before figuring it out. It feels a little odd to have to move my hands to a different part of the keyboard for the arrow keys and enter, perhaps you could have WASD also control the respawn select point and Space also confirm it? If not I think you need some more clear instructions at this part, like the future goblin saying what keys to press.

I've already made some significant adjustments, once the voting period is done there will be an update and it should be much easier in the beginning parts.

For sure, I look forward to playing it

What did you build this in? If  possible I recommend making it browser playable, it seems here on itch almost no one will give your game a chance if they have to download it. (We live in days of instant gratification only.)

I downloaded for Mac, and is says I don't have permission to open the application. Not sure if it is a thing on my end.

5 star 'feelings' category.

I didn't know it was his sons birthday ok!?!?... don't look at me like that...

Hey thanks! That was entertaining and also... informative as to my design mistakes. 😬

This was made for a 50hr weekend jam, I wrote the code and Humane Tiger did art.

FYI... those letters on the screen at the starting are keypress suggestions. Using the dive effect with S or J is key to the game, but perhaps more importantly the letter we forgot...R, to restart, so you don't have to reload the window each time!

Something rather Zen about it. Nice!

Something rather Zen about it. Nice!

If this was like, the finished version w some levels and upgrades or powerups (and I could toggle screen shake) and it was $5, I would buy it.

Hey man this is rad! The screen shake kinda kills me but I played anyway cause its such a classic vibe smasher of a game. I made it to Seafood and then blew up some tanks and stuff for a while till I died. Nice. Credits are stellar also.

Chrome, on a Mac idk if that matters. I'll try it on a friends later on