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A member registered Jun 10, 2019 · View creator page →

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You just need to upload it to by pressing the submit button on the jam’s homepage. You’ll need to upload the build from your game engine, normally as a zipped folder 🙂

yep that’s fine!

Thanks for playing Garrett!

Thank you!

That's super promising to hear, glad you liked the game!

Thank you!

Thank you! Glad you liked it :)

Thanks for playing! Not sure if it's too clear, but you can move the orange block around :)

Wow, thank you!

Thanks for the detailed comment, glad you liked the game!

Thank you!

Thank you! 

Good idea, thanks for playing!

Awesome, great to hear you think the game has potench!

Real nice concept - while the explosions definitely make things feel out of control, it wasn't so out of control I wasn't able to finish levels. Nicely balanced difficulty, and a fun game!

This was cool! Real nice graphics, and I loved the sound design - the music/narration/blips in the background really gave the game a cool atmosphere. Would have loved to have seen more minigames though, so my only criticism is it was too short!

Thanks for the detailed comment, glad you liked the game! Agreed, those could definitely be some interesting changes, and I'd love to explore this concept further!

Ayy that's encouraging. Thanks for playing!

That's awesome, thank you!

Thank you! I was certainly inspired visually by Baba is You!

Thank you!

Thanks a lot, that's great to hear! I aimed to make sure there's plenty of time for each move, but maybe you've found an alternative route! Really glad you made it to the final level though.

Glad you liked it! Wish I made the earlier levels easier for sure.

Thanks, glad you liked it!

Thank you!

Reset button is in the top left of each level!

Awesome choice of setting! You never see games set in NZ, so really cool to see it represented here. The idea of losing wheels is interesting, but I still found it relatively easy to control the carriage after losing all four wheels. Maybe a bit of difficulty tuning needed, and maybe some obstacles in the path but otherwise cool game!

Nice job! The shooting felt pretty good and I liked the powerup mechanics (not knowing what you'll get was an interesting take on the theme!). Would be good to see some more obstacles in the level to make those powerups feel more impactful, and add a bit more challenge to the game. 

Nice job! The game looked really nice, and the movement felt satisfying. The controls were slightly confusing at first due to the angle of the level, but got used to that quickly. Would have loved to have seen some more challenging levels, as what was there was fun!

Awesome, glad you liked it!

A tricky platformer with an interesting take on the theme! I liked the sense of progression unlocking each layer of the snowglobe, although the movement was hard to control due to the speed of moving forwards/backwards when jumping. 

Certainly not what I was expecting with this theme! Couldn't seem to get past the second screen as it reset - not sure if I'm playing correctly?

Interesting concept, although controls took a little experimentation to figure out. Could be easily expanded with different level layouts etc!

(1 edit)

Haha thank you, awesome to see my game here!

This was super challenging but also pretty addictive! Having to charge up the throw each time made things a bit more skill-based, I like it!

Mine is:

I'm gonna check your out now!

Thank you! I've left you a rating :)

I love it, it's going up on my wall, thank you 😍

I've left you a rating and review on your game :)

This was really cool! Played very smoothly, and was really satisfying having an arrow circle the planet a couple of times before hitting the target perfectly (down to my bad aim!). Good job :)