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Pointlessly Vague Awards Ceremony: Vote for your favourites (or yourself)

A topic by JUSTCAMH created Aug 11, 2019 Views: 716 Replies: 11
Viewing posts 1 to 7
Submitted (6 edits)


You can give your award to yourself, or someone else who really deserves it. Feel free to copy the format used below for yours, and cudos to you if you hand out multiple awards! Also, feel free to contest any award by leaving a comment on the necessary post. 

Each award must be justified and reasonable. No, your game is not the best at everything, such posts will be deleted. Maximum of one award per game. No, you cannot hand out twenty awards to yourself, that is also unreasonable. For each award, provide a link to the game for others to play! You must justify why you are handing out the award.

As the host of this 'contest', I will be handing out three awards, which are as follows:


Award for 'Most Creepy Narrator'

Goes to my game, Tunnel View, voted by commenters. Thanks guys, your appreciation for my strange vocal tones is much appreciated! Every level you'll get a voice line from one of two NPCs, who are in a war to recolour the world, one way or another. Your choices get tough though, as neither of these dudes are mentally stable... If you don't believe me, well just try it and you'll see what I mean. 

Award for 'Most Groovy Boss Fight'

Goes to 1Boss1Battle1Button, by Bryce Bucher. This is seriously such a cool game, and the boss battle is so memorable. You move automatically to the beat, and need to choose when not to move to avoid the boss's attack. He's got heaps of cool moves to unload on you, animations and a killer soundtrack. I strongly recommend playing the game, but if you can't spare the time, just watch this no damage run (not filmed by me, I have no skillz).

Award for 'Most Emotionally Empowering Game About Circles'

Goes to It Only Takes One, by n00begon. Why, well not only is it incredibly powerful, it is incredibly simple. You are simply thrown in, and that's part of the journey. To explain myself any further would be a terrible spoiler, so make sure you try that one yourself. 


The ceremony hasn't ended yet folks, it's time for you to award your own Pointlessly Vague Awards to deserving members of the community (or yourself)! Be sure to upvote your favourites! Read the rules above before posting, violating / obnoxious submissions will be deleted. 


Award for 'Most Memory Intensive'

Goes to Messiers Bridge, by Kevin Ray. How much can you remember in one second? Well this game'll test that. Good frickin luck getting above 3000 score, the levels get ridiculous to remember (but they're definitely possible!) The game gives you a tile based line, then you've gotta follow it; in the dark!


All right, I'll pick it up :)

Award for 'Most environmentally aware'

Goes to  One Earth, in which you have to manage the Earth's pollution levels and research the escape route.

Award for 'Most inspirational'

Goes to Head Ache, in which you are reminded that in the face of trouble you have to stay positive.

Award for 'Best storyline'

Goes to Negative Nancy, in which you parttake in the breathtaking detective story.

Award for 'Most awkward inventory management'

Modestly goes to my entry Backpackless, in which you have to navigate the dungeon with only one inventory slot.




I've mostly avoided commenting on games I did bad fan art for so people would know my opinion of the game didn't affect the art, but this topic is a good place to pick out specific aspects of games I liked, sooo...

*cracks knuckles*

Award For 'Funniest Sound Design'

Goes to Terry Flight, by KDHarrington! I doubled over laughing and wheezing at the sound effects in this game, and I'm not usually a "laughing out loud" kind of person. It was just really unexpected and it added value to the funny visuals as well.

Award For 'Best Crab Racing'

Goes to One Big Desert, by baz! Need I say much more? There was CRAB RACING, and the crabs raced you real good!

Award For 'Most Likely To Make You Contemplate How We're Killing The Planet'

Goes to Precipice, by Nesfero! Piercing question after piercing question. If you answer honestly, instead of what will help you win, it makes you want to think twice about some of the more questionable decisions you make.

Award For 'Most Likely To Make You Feel Like You're In A Scottish High School Graphic Communication Class'

Goes to One Dimension, by Lazertax! This may sound oddly specific, but this game reminds me of learning about orthographic views and how to draw them. I seriously loved it, because my brain goes bonkers for order.

Award For 'Most Stressful Test Of My Multitasking Capabilities'

Goes to Plug, by Flip Table Games! I was incredibly stressed listening to that alarm blaring in my ears, as I am a very bad multitasker. Trying to keep everything running smoothly was a challenge for me, but I like these kinds of challenges.

Award For 'Most Likely To Make You Yearn For Rebellion'

Goes to Only One Way, by AkabaStudio! This entire game is based around the idea of doing as you're told because, as the title suggests, there's only one way to do it. But... well, rebellion is very ingrained within the fabric of this game, shall we say.

Award For 'Best Game To Feel Like A Hacker While Not Doing Any Real Life Crime-ing'

Goes to One Critical Minute, by BWDev! Sometimes, I curse that I'm not a faster typist, and playing this game is one of the "some". However, it did some nice hacking stuff that I liked, and I enjoyed making progress every time I needed to start over. Reminded me of learning to program a fair bit.

Possibly more to come, but taking a break!

Submitted (1 edit)

Haha thank you, awesome to see my game here!

Submitted (3 edits)

After having played some games here are some pointless awards:

Gave me a good laugh: "Only One Download"

Had the most interesting mechanic(does not mean it fit the theme): "Rift Tactics"

was my favorite execution of the theme: "Polychrome"

felt the most satisfying to play: "Flight Of The Electrodud"

Potato Salad: "Party Talk Simulator"

Best card game: "One Card Income"

Best "multiple characters at once": "Quatro"

Best "only one dimension": "Where is my 2nd dimension, gentlemen?"

Best multiplayer: ""

Best "you can only see a part of the screen": "InFAILtration"

I obviously didn't have time to play every game, so I'm sorry if I didn't get to play yours. 

It would be great if you can give these games and their creators some love.


Gonna cry, thanks for giving FOTE most satisfying to play!


Aww thanks for the favorite <3 

No joke yours is my favorite execution of the theme!

(Seriously it actually was)


best personification of a non-human projectile:

My Big Shot

This game made me actually laugh out loud

Submitted (1 edit) (+1)

Tower Defense Genre Twist

Typing Game Genre Twist

Twin Stick Shooter Genre Twist

