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A member registered 14 days ago

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Screen size issues are our fault. Thanks for the compliment, if only we had the level to create a game like Dredge ahah

we can't play it ? i wanted to test it. It seems cool

That scared me, well done

(1 edit)

The music is too loud for a cave atmosphere. Really cool entry tho. :) good game

I have done 30 in score ahah. Nice game

It’s funny that it’s handmade. I liked it

i want to play it on a game boy advance !

The first time i got snuffed out ahah. Great game !

Really fun, did you use assets?

It's not finished but it's a excellent start ! Keep iterating, it was good

Thank's you !
It was the first game for me and the second game for my friend.
We are currently learning layout and the knowledge we lack for our next game to iterate better !

I liked kicking enemies, good game. The atmosphere is cool


It was hard to survive (or maybe i am just dumb). Otherwise, it was a good game. Bravo l'artiste

Nice, i had a great score 

WOW ! 9/10

that's really the best !

FUN ! i like it