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Cal Jepso

A member registered Nov 11, 2020 · View creator page →

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I was excited to try this one out because it looked cool, but when I tried to play it nothing seemed to work right. Most of the buttons don't do anything, and my sword disappeared as soon as I entered the dungeon. Also, there were areas where there was no visible wall but I couldn't walk through anyway (not just the obvious backface-culled walls; like one area with a big arch that looked like I should have been able to walk right through and another area with a fence and a doorway).

Super clever idea, well done!

Cool game idea, but honestly the part I liked the best was the music

Can the title use words like "of", "and", "the" etc. and not count them in the initials? I.e. --

 Land of the Twelve Golden Donkeys

The Lost Temple: Gods of Death


Am I missing something?

Cool game with solid presentation, but I was really confused on the actual mechanics. I guess other people who played it understand, but I still don't. Maybe a better tutorial and/or clearer feedback what's going on?

Yeah, a tutorial is one of the things I wanted to put in, but ran out of time.

Really nice looking game with some really cool gameplay ideas. Loved the music and UI. Probably would have enjoyed the actual game a lot more if it wasn't constantly lagging or glitching out. Not sure if the problem is just my computer, or the game itself, but even if it's just an intense game to run, I would recommend for a game jam making something that can run problem-free on even low-end computers. For a 48-hour game, though, this is amazing! I wish it had run smoothly on my computer so I could have played it all the way through.

Loved the music! I mean, everything was good, but I especially wanted to compliment the music on this one.

Fun and great looking game. I also really liked the music. Gameplay-wise, there didn't really seem to be a way to lose that I was ever at significant risk of. I assume you lose if all your gang members die, but there were always so many people ready to join that there didn't seem to be much risk of that happening, so there wasn't really a feeling of challenge. Also, when you have a big enough group, there's often literally no way to have everyone jump at the right time to avoid obstacles, so you're forced to lose members. Overall, though, great job!

Really beautiful as far as the graphics, sound, and overall presentation. Would be nice if there was more stuff to do, though. Also, if more stuff actually happened in the game, you could use it to explain how the character knows that a random floating light is actually a companion spirit or whatever it's supposed to be. I know, probably way too much to do in 48 hours, but if you made a post-jam version, maybe some kind of enemies or obstacles that the light saves you from so you have some reason for thinking that it's alive and looking out for you.

Seems like a pretty loose take on the theme, but a cool game idea nonetheless! Apart from just generally more polish, I think the biggest improvements you could make would be increasing the character's jump height so you can actually land on stuff, plus better tutorial/explanation of how stuff will affect the environment

Was really confused on the second level, since it kept restarting after I apparently beat it. The rope animation looks nice, though, and I love the backgrounds. Could really use some audio, though.

Not sure how the rope is supposed to work. It seems like winning at this game is mostly just luck, rather than skill. It's an interesting idea, though, and if the rope mechanic was implemented in a different way, this could be really fun!

There are health packs hidden inside some of the crates. If I'd had more time I would have made it clear the crates are destructible through an animation and sound effect.

Would be nice if the controls were listed somewhere (in-game or on the game's page). Also, some way to quit the game without leaving the page would be nice. Nice job otherwise, though.

Needs a mouse sensitivity option; looks and sounds cool but I keep dying because the camera is turning way too much

Okay, after a lot of hesitation, I decided to make it public. I don't know if it'll do any good, since the export settings aren't a part of it, but whatever.

Liked the game, good level design (what I saw, anyway, I didn't get very far). My one complaint would be the controls. They felt a bit unresponsive. Platform games like this generally need really tight, responsive controls. Otherwise, though, good job!

Cute and fun casual game! The cat was adorable! This could be developed into a full mobile game, if you wanted to. My one issue was that I quickly maxed out all the upgrades and then there was no point to gaining more fish, but that didn't detract from the experience at all.

I don't think anything in the GitHub repository would have anything to do with it; I made the game in Godot, so it's probably something with the export process. All I've got on GitHub are the scripts I wrote, none of which have anything to do with export.

Fun concept, but lags like crazy, at least in the web version, which makes the game basically unplayable. I would try the downloadable one, but I'm on Linux. Maybe add a graphics quality slider or something? Also, maybe instead of just restarting when you die, bring up a menu or something that lets you quit to the starting screen. Overall, though, from the little bit I got to experience, a really nice and fun game.

Interesting concept for a puzzle game. Simple, pretty fun. Maybe the 3d level select screen isn't necessary, though... a game this simple shouldn't lag so much.

I can't full-screen this game, so every time I press space the page scrolls down. Makes the game basically unplayable, which is a shame.

Cool little game, would be nice to have a bit of enemy variety, though, as well as making it more clear when you take damage

Thanks for the feedback! It's awesome to see someone really get into my game  Yeah, I'm going to see if I can figure out the whole save game/load game thing in Godot.
