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A member registered Sep 30, 2016 · View creator page →

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Thanks! That means you got through the forest, which was probably the most- frustrating part. I know the "metronome" is a little off,  you have to press your button between beats. I'm going to try to fix both that and the forest area in the deluxe challenge. 

That was pretty fun. But I swear, if that water pipe breaks ONE MORE TIME...

Fun little game, great sense of humor. The freezers didn't always trigger, though.

Aww, look at Gooper. He is such a good Gooper. Gooper can Gooper around the sentries. Gooper can Gooper through the lasers that turn him into Gooper Glass. Gooper is sooper dooper!

It's quite a fun little game.

Great game. I'm excited to see more of the second level four.


We had several games in this same vein of "program the btys to solve the puzzle" (including mine). What's really interesting about yours is the heavy leaning towards the sim genre. As a result, the fun is a slower burn, but that's really enjoyable too the right audience.

OK, I just unlocked the ending and felt all the chill vibes. This game should get featured!

Thank you.

I'll for sure be changing it after voting closes. 

(2 edits)

Thanks! You guys definitely did it better, but I'm glad it gave some fun!

I'll definitely fix the tile setting for any future releases, and yes, I do need sound eventually.

By the way, Level 7 of Packing is slowly driving me insane.  :)

Thanks for playing! If it's any consolation, you don't HAVE to move a placed arrow to finish any of the puzzles. 

Hey, Mr Afroduck!

Thanks for playing.

I agree the arrows shouldn't reset, but I couldn't think how to implement it.  But it just dawned on me, so I'll make that change if I do a future release.

It doesn't need explanation, but it does need lots of study. Which makes it a very meaty game.

(2 edits)

Original, polished, and zen. This is one I might come back to just for the fun of it, especially if you add new puzzles in the future. Just curious, have you ever played an old game called "Star Wars Pit Droids?"

You kept dropping hints about "what happened last run" and "I know how much you hate doing these, but I can't thank you enough," to the point where I was expecting a big twist. And then the game looped. Which is actually the perfect twist. 

If you make a larger release, please consider reinforcing that twist with elements that encourage replayability, such as a high score/best time tracker, optional pickups, random level generation (ambitious), maybe even a "Groundhog Day," "escape-the-loop" sort of narrative.

This is really good.
2 things I really liked:
1. The look of your assets, objects' arrangement in 3-D space, the ship's movement, and the stretched field of view worked together to give a 90's retrofuturistic feel.
2. You made a palpable power curve. In the first level, I thought the enemies were too hard to kill. A few upgrades in, I realized that was the point, and it started getting easier to clear occasional enemies, but even then, only with careful targeting and persistence.

2 things I'd change:
1. I had a problem of the text appearing all scrunched together and couldn't read the HUD.
2. You developed a strong theme of self-determination on the game page. If you showed the star map at each checkpoint and plotted the course the ship has taken so far, I think it would help to reinforce that theme in-game.


Oh my gosh.

Thanks! It was supposed to be a tiny bit disorienting, but I agree it was a little too much. I'd probably add some landmarks and fiddle with the controls if it went to a full release.

(1 edit)

No... It couldn't be...  My old name-esis? I'm shaking my fist and angrily shouting your name to the heavens right now, although of course, I won't type it out of respect for your privacy. Is it really you!?

P.S. Those pingus are relentless!


oh, no! I'm saying it was an unexpected bit of quality and polish, given such a short dev time. 

Oh, the polish! I actually thought to myself after getting the second power core, "Surely, they didn't have time to make the enemies respawn." And then, BAM, more enemies!

Ohmigosh! I'm running then I'm screaming then I'm laughing then I'm married.

Also a huge fan of the visuals and the core mechanic. Looks like you have to play in fullscreen to make the spacebar work without scrolling the screen, just so other players know.

Okay, YES. Crazy Taxi meets Katamari Damacy is the perfect value proposition for a great game, and you've pulled it off amazingly! SLIGHT framerate and camera clipping issues, but hey, 48 hours, after all.

I cut them for time and used handwritten notes for context instead. I tried to gray out the notes, but I know they still look interactive. Fun fact, though, the arrows match the landmarks' real-world location relative to the pool! Thanks for playing!

Dang. Salty! Very fun to play.

For such a simple design, I'm surprised how much I enjoyed this game. High fun value.

(1 edit)

I love this game! What are the chances of a commercial release a few months down the line?

Hey, I loved your game! I thought the UI design of the symptoms and remedy book were especially masterful.

I don't know how to leave a rating for the jam, but I like your game!

Not half bad. Pulse-pounding, but well-balanced. I've been trying to make a low-res FPS, so this is super-cool to me.