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A member registered Apr 05, 2020 · View creator page →

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(1 edit)

But why?

I don't see that in the rules...


I understand the issue. In fact, we had an export problem related to GODOT, so this version is not the finished one. However, you can still experience the gameplay.

You likely faced the classic problem of resource scarcity. The game starts with one unit of food and one unit of iron. To obtain more, you need to click on the tiles with water or iron deposits. Keep an eye on the resources at the top right.

Thank you for taking the time to test and comment on the game.

This is a good answer to the question I was asking myself. thank you for the answer

This game is :"Wooow" but have too mutch bugs

Well done on the tutorial! You've made a game that is perfectly understandable. The juiciness is cool, and it's fun to play. I can't find anything to criticize. Keep it up!

It took me some time, but I finally managed to finish the rocket (I believe the game is supposed to end after the "space core").

Exploration is a theme often missed in game jams, but not here. The game has great longevity, and discovering new species breaks the repetition.

The music gets a bit annoying after a while, but it's not a big deal.

Definitely one of the best games of the game jam.

Minimalist but fun. I like it

An incredible game with a very simple mechanic and a challenging experience. The only problem is the repetitiveness; once the mechanics are understood, it's easy to devise the perfect strategy. I would have appreciated a few more buildings.

i like the conspte, i had trouble to building up. The game is too fast for me. Bu i like it


A very good concept but lacking variety. The map is a bit small, there's not much room to maneuver.

Well, I had a lot of trouble understanding the usefulness of the crates. I can't stress this enough: if you use the mouse occasionally in your games, mention it. A simple drawing would have been enough.

Other than that, I appreciated the concept, although limiting the range of the crates would have been necessary.

Well done! It was a pleasure to see what you accomplished in such a short time, quite an achievement.

And thanks for the comments you leave for everyone; that's cool.

finaly, i finished the game

I don't pass the 2nd level

hey there! Guess what? I've also programmed on GMS2. I know it's not easy to do pathfinding, so congratulations! Your game is fun and there are some points you could improve.

  • Controls: Having actions and movement shared between mouse and keyboard can work, but having mouse interaction and another action on space isn't practical.
  • I like the idea of building small towers to defend against monsters of different colors. It's a great concept.
  • You should make it clearer to the player that they can create towers by pressing space. Personally, I noticed it after 3 runs. 
  • I love your game! Adding some music would have been great to immerse me more in defending my base.

    Keep up the good work; I really enjoyed playing this game. <3

these boxs are crazy.

Well done for making such such game an ambitious game is such a short time.

This game is incredibly fun to play. The music and aesthetics are flawless. The only point to improve is the diversity of weapons to offer a longer lifespan for the game.

A standout favorite of the jam.

You should give an indication of what your game is about. I almost quit, thinking it was a Tetris clone. In reality, the concept of creating your own path is quite innovative but difficult to implement. Plus, if you make a mistake, you have to start all over again. I was also unsure about the color of the blocks.

Thank you for creating this game.I liked testing it^^

Wow! So epic! The atmosphere is just incredible. Immersion is really the strong point of this game. However, it should be noted that the physics are extremely sensitive. The slightest mistake can be fatal.

Nevertheless, I managed to finish the game after 6 attempts. I don't regret keeping hope. You have made one of the best games of the jam.

I love the atmosphere, but the margin for error is confusing. Sometimes you have to click before, sometimes after. A suggestion: add platforms that require a different type of challenge. For example, one that activates if you press enough times within a limited time frame, or another where the button needs to be held down. Otherwise, the game becomes repetitive and the player won't stay engaged.

I understand the fact that 3 identical blocks destroy it but then what is the point of coloring them. we'll destroy them all if we don't color them

This game looks really great. I tested it for a while, and the AI is super cool. Unfortunately, I have trouble managing the economy, especially after a while when the Vikings attack and kill my villagers. But that’s part of the game and what gives it its unique edge.

The only negative points are the UI issues if the game is in a small or large resolution, and some NPCs and minor bugs, like a guard camp with a negative number of workers.

I really appreciate the diversity of objects in this game. It's only a little hard. Even with quick assets, the game manages to be a lot of fun. Congratulations to you

This game is so hard. It's a endless game?

I like the game system. The fun this game provides is substantial enough to make up for its few shortcomings, such as the lack of checkpoints and the absence of an ending. I thoroughly enjoyed exploring every corner of the game once the infinite jump was unlocked.

With more advanced physics, the game would be incredible. Honestly, it's a game that offers maximum enjoyment with minimal of assets.

Keep developing your skills, and you will become an extraordinary game designer.

a lot of bug but a lot of fun.
this game is lovely

Honestly, I am impressed by how advanced this game is; it's incredible that you finished it in less than 48 hours. Unfortunately, I had trouble enjoying your game. I didn't find it very clear. I think the reason is that English is not my native language, which made it difficult for me to understand the tutorial.

In short, it’s too complex for me. But I'm sure others will really enjoy it. I'll still give it a good rating because I am truly impressed by the technical aspects.

Hello everyone,

First of all, I wanted to say that I had a great time playing your game. The graphics are superb, and the concept is very entertaining. I like the way the character upgrades, and the fact that the 3D model changes accordingly brings me a lot of satisfaction.

However, there are a few aspects that confused me. Understanding the function and placement of each building is a bit complicated at the beginning. The currency is also not very clear, but you quickly get the hang of it. I don’t know why you can paint the stone blocks though.

I’m not sure if the game is supposed to continue after reaching 100% or if I encountered a bug.

Thank you for sharing your game, it’s one of the best!

Honestly, I am impressed by how advanced this game is; it's incredible that you finished it in less than 48 hours. Unfortunately, I had trouble enjoying your game. I didn't find it very clear. I think the reason is that English is not my native language, which made it difficult for me to understand the tutorial.

In short, it’s too complex for me. But I'm sure others will really enjoy it. I'll still give it a good rating because I am truly impressed by the technical aspects.

Hello everyone,

First of all, I wanted to say that I had a great time playing your game. The graphics are superb, and the concept is very entertaining. I like the way the character upgrades, and the fact that the 3D model changes accordingly brings me a lot of satisfaction.

However, there are a few aspects that confused me. Understanding the function and placement of each building is a bit complicated at the beginning. The currency is also not very clear, but you quickly get the hang of it. I don’t know why you can paint the stone blocks though.

I’m not sure if the game is supposed to continue after reaching 100% or if I encountered a bug.

Thank you for sharing your game, it’s one of the best!

we had some problem with our engine. Which forced us to post an earlier version of our game.  Be understanding of the place holders used

"Space Builder" is a game created for the Pjp Game Jam.

It was made in 48 hours by:

  • MAnu: Music and sound
  • MineGeek: Programming
  • UnBocal: Graphics and programming
  • Camélézard: Programming and game design
  • Cocasse: Music and sound

Context: The space colony is being approached by a black hole that will destroy everything in its path. Help the astronauts find a safe refuge.

You must build a path so that the colonists do not fall into the void, while also constructing shelters for them to recharge their oxygen reserves, which deplete outside. Don't forget to gather the necessary iron and food for construction.

Good luck.


  • Click on the + to build a new tile.
  • Click on the deposits to collect iron.
  • Click on the lakes to fish for food.
  • Click on the houses to release the colonists.

Be careful not to spread the shelters too far apart.


"Space Builder" est un jeu créé pour la Game Jam Pjp.

Il a été réalisé en 48 heures par :

  • MAnu : Musique et sons
  • MineGeek: Programmation
  • UnBocal: Graphismes et programmation
  • Camélézard: Programmation et game design
  • Cocasse: Musique et sons

Contexte : La colonie spatiale est approchée de près par un trou noir, qui va détruire tout ce qui se trouve sur son passage. Aidez les astronautes à se réfugier en lieu sûr.

Vous devez construire un chemin pour que les colons ne tombent pas dans le vide, tout en leur construisant des abris pour recharger leurs réserves d'oxygène qui se vident à l'extérieur. N'oubliez pas de récolter le fer et la nourriture nécessaires aux constructions.

Bon courage.

Contrôles :

  • Cliquez sur le + pour construire une nouvelle tuile.
  • Cliquez sur les gisements pour collecter du fer.
  • Cliquez sur les lacs pour pêcher des poissons.
  • Cliquez sur les maisons pour faire sortir les colons.

Attention à ne pas trop écarter les abris.

Oh no explain an informatique problème with my so bad English...

anyway... wen i start the gamme the music are playing. but after a few minutes, the musick stop. I have use a booster and the problème was resoved. 

the problem occurred only during the first run. now i have play again and now it's ok.
I hope i helped you. good luck

Fun and minimaliste! i like to play this game :)))


congratulation for have finish this litel game! 

(1 edit)

yes ( = tanks for the pathc

cool consept! but the game have no end. 

I see you have only have 5 days of experience good game.

cool consept! but the game have no end. 

I see you have only have 5 days of experience good game.

funny and friendly. 

A litel musick problème.

good concept. but too repetitive an to easy