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Cards Or Die

A member registered Apr 22, 2021

Recent community posts

This is a novel I did not know but I am definitely interested to read it now.  Cool idea. 

Loved the art and quotations on this, really nice strong links to the novel. Interesting game play too. 

I like how this helps us to think about Boo Radley and explore his character a little more. I loved the book.  This isn't the sort of game I would usually play at all but I enjoyed it. Thank you.  

Love the idea of fighting in 'The Hood' and the AR element is interesting too - ties in nicely with big brother. It's a cool idea. 

Any book or game with a surprise debauched sloth has got to be worth exploring. This is so quirky and different. I'd love to see, read and play the further adventures of this sloth!

Love how you could apply loads of different novels and characters to this. I'm really interested to play it and see how the interplay between 'hearts' and the rpg element works. 

Can't wait to play this. Love the theme and the complexity. So much work has gone into this game - I am blown away. This is on my reading list now so that worked!

The themes and ideas from the books are so neatly interwoven here. I love the moving staircases and the short cut - really creative. Fabulous. 

I am definitely going to do this. What a fascinating journey to go on and the illustrations and quotations are gorgeous. 

Love this. I feel like I could just play it straightaway - the instructions are lovely and clear. It's great that it's print and play too - more accessible. The text is really thematic and it looks fabulous.