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A member registered Feb 25, 2022 · View creator page →

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incredibly cute!!! <3

wow, you actually learn something! very cool job!!!

Wow, super cool game! I find great that you can walk as an ant on the walls. This makes it more unique

very cool made, the control is comfortable and fun. Audio also fits great. I like the game.

For your first game this is great! Especially the music supports the relaxed atmosphere! Very good selection of assets and well implemented!

I had difficulty recognizing the surroundings and the paths. But the sound is awesome. I love the glowing fish. Super idea, super realized.

Super relaxed. I find the light particularly fitting. All around a really good game. :D

XD very cool! I had real fun. Really awesome made!!!

Supergreat what you have done in the week!

Sometimes the controls were a bit tricky, but all together very impressive! :D

it would be even cooler with some background music. the artstyle is really great though, especially the background.

cute little game <3 I was confused about the things the whole time. XD
Graphics and sound create a nice athmosphere.

The animations are really very nice! a very cool game!

I think you can be super proud of yourself!

That's a great achievement and really something that not everyone can do.
I had no problems with the control and think the game is very good! :D

The control is super comfortable. really just perfect.

Sound fits super to the concept.

I would increase the speed of the character a bit and also the jump height.

But it is very well done for the short time! The story and atmosphere are well balanced.

I did not really understand the control system. XD

Design, animations and sound were very good!
the game also fits  well into the theme!

Just the right thing on a Friday evening.

realy great!

very cool job!

Maybe a little easy in some places, but for a week time a great result. It was fun, looks very good and controls also works great.

Many many thanks :)

Thank you for the feedback! These are great suggestions for improvement. I am really happy about your compliments! :D

Really something different. very well done.

I think the implementation of the theme is really the best of the games I've seen so far.
To catch the points was just a little difficult XD

The design and animations are super cool!

That was an experience. i am totally amazed.

Simply a perfect little game.

Simple but everything fits together.

Very well balanced concept!

I have suffered with the little mouse every time.

XD but a cool game and amazingly much for just one week time!!!!

Very cool! you always wonder which skill comes next XD

very cool, it's super fun!
I think it's especially cool that you can dodge.

it's just super relaxed. everything fits together very well. you really sink into the gameplay

What you guys do is just always cool.

simple but perfect. very cool graphics, sound, control. You just know how to do it.

Thank you so much for your great feedback!!! <3
That really means a lot to us!

thanks for your feedback! we will try to improve it!

yep, I personally love that the most too, thank you so much!

Getting such great compliments from someone who does such great things themselves means a lot to us!!!!
Thank you so much!!!

Thanks a lot!!! A boss would be sooooo cool....

Thank you! the problem with the platforms will definitely be adapted!

(1 edit)

thank you so much! i would love to do that too!!!
Maybe all the nice comments have convinced Kekser to continue !

thank you very much! that makes me very happy <3

thank you so much! that means a lot to me :)

thank you for your feedback!! :D