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A member registered Feb 22, 2017 · View creator page →

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Holding jump really confused me, but fun game

Very cute

I think i have carpal tunnel  from trying to use the tiny arrow keys on my keyboard

Good game, but a WebGL game like this should have frequent checkpoints

Because I'm in love with you! You have no idea how much I want you! contour elevation model from USGS in 1-meter resolution. The contour lines delineate the topography of the area with a vertical exaggeration of about 8 times. A 3D view shows the model in 3D perspective from above with all contour lines visible and color-coded by elevation bands from low to high elevations. The model?

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Nice to see another PuzzleScript game! More checkpoints would be good though

i like the PNG

I can't figure out how to get past the drones 

I just dont know how to make ∞ of them, I got to the hint for that tho 

That's crazy. That's actually messed up.

I was able to figure out my goals but not how to execute

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Works with Proton! just rename the folder/game as mentioned under "Install instructions".

Some of the signs work. Hold shift to sprint. RAM is currency. The nodes unlock your ability to buy upgrades. There is some kind of death mechanic. 

RAM doesn't disappear when you collect it so its tricky 

Very confusing, glad there is a list of known bugs though

Logic gates :)

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Works out of box with Proton. Realistic Tutel coding skill w/o copilot. The true ending was super realistic 

There is a fix, you have to get the first eliv to stay onscreen by moving the thing down, then spawn another, the second one moves 

the bugs that occur everywhere else still occur 

The fix for the first time: 

You have to spawn eliv down before the camera moves, then go back up and spawn again. the other will be frozen but the new one will work. 

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If playing via stream using proton, add this to launch options:

`WINEDLLOVERRIDES="godot-jolt_windows-x64.dll=n" %command%` 

This will let Steam see the dependency it includes. Still crashed later though. 

Game uses an installer - installer and game start with proton, but does not run properly due to the included dependencies not being bundled 

works with proton

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Top -> Bottom -> Left -> Right IIRC, it is just the order the directions are processed 

Is there a way to fulscreen



Silly gme!

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  • Windows: YES (?) 
  • MacOS (Standalone): NO
  • MacOS (Wine): Unknown
  • Linux (Standalone): NO
  • Linux (Steam Play - Proton): YES (But bugged)


  • Keyboard: YES
  • Controller: SOME (Unless you map using steam) 

How do i exit fullscreen smh 


  • Evil does not move in the 2/3 puzzle. To fix this, you need to spawn a ghost evil that stays onscreen, and spawn evil again. the second evil will be movable. For the next part of the puzzle, it appears to become unbeatable due to this bug. 

(Make sure to play the latest version)

wish there was a map shortcut

If you use PlayOnMac it works. 

a bit short but good

i am going to try this later

like the game, but it still flickers for me on turns


ah! is this even a possible game?? it was fun tho

ah! is this even a possible game?? it was fun tho

ur walls dont work lol...

ur colliders are off?