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A member registered Jul 07, 2023 · View creator page →

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Sorry for the difficulty, it's a bit hard to judge how difficult this game is for other people because I've played it so much while making it that it always seems easy. Thank you for checking it out, regardless. I'm glad you liked it :)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it. Good luck with the jam results! :)

Thank you! I'm glad you liked it! Drop me a link to your game when you finish. I'll be busy for the next few days but I'll try to get to it when I'm able :)

Thank you, I'm glad you liked it! Good luck with the jam results. :)

Thank you! There was a mini game using the shoulder/bumper buttons I had to cut due to time but I'm glad you thought what I was able to create was impressive. Because I play tested so much while making it, most of the mini games feel about equal to me, disregarding some balance issues. Would you mind telling me which ones you felt were longer and harder? I don't know if giving more damage will be the path I take since most of the enemies already have very little health, but I could definitely adjust those mini games post-jam or add a benefit like there being a small chance a health potion will spawn, which you could collect for +1 health.

Anyways, I'm glad you enjoyed it and good luck with the jam! :)

Thank you! The soundtrack was fun to make, especially the bit that made it change between mini games and the main part.

I'm glad you enjoyed and good luck with the jam! :)

Had some creative ideas as it went along. Some of the places you took the concept were interesting, i liked the level where you had to dodge falling bullets by changing the platform back and forth. Some polish with the controls and art would be a cool addition. There are also some bugs. The game unfortunately froze on a level end screen after I accidentally pressed the right click on my mouse (not sure if that's related). I got decently far and didn't want to restart my progress but maybe sometime soon I'll revisit it.

Good job and good luck with the jam results! :)

Thank you so much for the kind words! Good luck on the jam results! :)

glad to hear lmao

Thank you for you kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Good luck with the jam results! :)

I'm a little back and forth but I think I may have found my second all categories 5/5 game with this one? I really like the bullet hell approach. The speed of the pellet feels just right. It feels easy to control and fair when you lose. 

I personally believe that creativity encompasses way more than just the concept- it should also factor how that concept was executed. And, seeing as almost every new level adds a new, creative twist to its formula, I'd say this game is very creative. It paces new ideas really well, as difficult as they may be. And, for me, they were very difficult lol. 

This game was also presented really well. Everything was polished and looked/felt good. I'm a little back and forth on the snake's move sound effect though because it's bass-y nature and quietness kind of made it feel like background noise. That's good because a sound effect that plays that often shouldn't be too distracting or take up that much attention but it also feels so in the background that at first I couldn't even tell if it was a sound effect, part of the music, or just something else. Very nitpicky, I know. There's just not a lot to complain about in this game. 

I personally found it very difficult- I guess that's one thing. I only got past level 8 once or twice (3676 points, let's go!) and that's unfortunate because I did want to see the cool thing at level 15 lol. Although difficulty is just a natural thing that will range from game to game, it's not technically a flaw. But I do think the difficulty curve rises very quickly at lvl 8. I'll definitely keep this game on the back-burner and revisit it later to see if I can get to the fabled level 15.

Some other quick little things I liked: Choosing your own music. It felt like such an extra nicety that I wouldn't have expected it in a game made in a 48 hour jam, but it is really cool to have your own radio, especially in a game that you'll be spending a bit of time in because of its difficulty. The little blurbs at the start of each level. They're short enough to comprehend without taking away from the level, but they add a lot of helpful information- enough to remove the need for a tutorial screen. Smart game design! The small things like not being killed by a snake if you're touching its body and not its mouth or how the bullets don't go through the snake- and the tip screen that explains these things when you die! Gives you a little knowledge so you can go into the next round more confident.

I guess I really gave an essay on this one... Hopefully that goes to show you how much I appreciate your hard work on this! Good job and good luck with the jam results! I think your game has a good chance of going far! :)

Haha yeah you bring up a good point. I didn't test with a switch controller but I wanna do that post-jam because I have one and it's kind of bizarre that I didn't think of using it while making this...

Thank you for playing and good luck with the jam! :)

Thank you for playing! That's some good feedback. I started an update for after post-jam, and having adjustable animation speed and balancing the minigames are two things I plan to look at!

I'm glad you enjoyed and good luck on the results for your jam submission! You have a very solid game :)

Most Flappy Bird parodies seem to not change much, but this one works really well because the core is completely changed. It would have been easy to stop at "Flappy Bird but you can move the pipes" (which is already a solid core for a game), but this game has a different design completely. Having a draggable object for the score as opposed to every time a tree passes is a great idea and adds a dilemma for the players to decide how to solve: Is it worth it to spend my time for this extra score or is the risk not worth it? The voice lines also add a lot and wanting to hear them all adds another incentive to keep playing. I couldn't quite make out what some of the shorter ones were saying, though. The graphics were all nice and fit well- I really liked the small things like the particle effects on the leaves of the tree. 

There are a few issues I had with this game, though. If you drag the tree up from too close to the top, your cursor won't move off screen and the tree will stop abruptly. After figuring out that dragging it from the middle eliminated this problem, I went with that instead, but I think it's something to take note of since it may be frustrating to new players. I also felt that the wasp's hitboxes were really hard to hit because of their movement. An idea for a way to improve this is to be generous with the hitboxes. For example, meaning that you may not click exactly where the wasp is but it still counts as a kill because it was close enough. Same for the player hitbox. If its hitbox was a little bit smaller, then they could still survive if they barely scrape the tree. I don't want to be too obnoxious- it's your game after all- but just throwing some ideas out there as I feel that games that are skewed a little bit in the player's favor make for experiences that the player often comes out of feeling better at.

Anyways, if you disagree with me that's totally ok! You know best when it comes to your own game. You have a really solid game overall and I really enjoyed my time with it. Good job and good luck with the jam results. :)

Thank you! There isn't actually any difficulty scaling as the game goes on, the problem is that the RNG can make certain minigames a bit too difficult and some may naturally be harder than others. It's something that, after the rating period is over, I hope to balance a bit more haha.

Thank you for the kind words and I'm glad you enjoyed it! Good luck with the jam, your game was great! :)

Thank you for playing! I'm currently making an update for after the jam's rating period is over to fix some issues people had, and your feedback is totally valid! I'll take a look at that and make sure it's easy to read.

I'm glad you enjoyed it and good luck with the jam! :)

I think I saw at the beginning, but didn't think about it too much because the original idea for my game would have been just mouse controls. By the time I was actually implementing this concept, it was the 2nd day and I had completely forgotten. I was still going to add keyboard controls, but didn't have time (and I pulled an all-nighter so if I had ample time I definitely would have, but I didn't know if exports would have malfunctioned and I didn't want to risk it).

I found out late yesterday because somebody was talking about it on the Discord and I'm really upset because I would have definitely made that a higher priority if I remembered. I worked every spare second I had on this and I'll be really upset if it gets disqualified. I guess the best I can do is hope I don't get removed and upload the updated version as soon as voting closes when I'm allowed to update it again. Sorry you couldn't play it. :(

Oh yeah I know. My original game idea was going to be that you were the game creating the levels for the player between ad breaks, and then an AI player would try to beat the level but I did not get far with it at all. The AI ignored gravity and collision lol. You should definitely be proud that you're one of the few people that actually went through with putting an AI into their game!

i liked it when the snake was big

Love the idea of switching between two completely opposite worlds and it's done very well. Art also works really well. I like the idea of being able to switch to any level from the main menu, it makes a game of this genre, which often sees people getting stuck at one part, the accessibility to continue on. Maybe a next level button in addition to the main menu button on completion of a level would be helpful. The beginning few levels were maybe a bit too easy and movement could be a bit faster but that's about as far as my complaints go.

Overall, a really enjoyable play. Good job and good luck with the jam results! :)

Thank you! I agree with both of your critiques! I'm already working on making an update (that I will only be able to upload after voting is over, of course) that will incorporate keyboard support. Wish I had the time to implement it beforehand.

Thank you and good luck with the jam! :)

this was so fun! super polished and all of the minigames were fun and were easy to understand.

(1 edit)

Fantastic presentation and feel. I'm a little bit of a fool so at first I thought you had to hit the ship with the cursor to make money lmao. Really fun and polished. Completely forgot it was made in 48 hours because it felt really full. I have a feeling that this is gonna end up with a pretty high rating.

Good job and good luck on the jam results :)

That's ok! You guys did a great job considering the time frame!

After the voting period is over, do you think you could submit a downloadable build? I want to play but I get an error when trying to load the web build.

Very fun! Cute art and sound effects. Puzzles were fun and all enjoyable and the little low-stakes platforming sections between them were really nice. The music was also very relaxing and enjoyable. If I were to nitpick, I'd say the world could be decorated more. It felt a little barebones and some little bushes on the ground or fossils in the ground or something could make the world feel more realized and could also be a neat opportunity for sight-gags or easter-eggs. It's not a major complaint by any stretch of the imagination, though. All-in-all, this is a very solid entry and I had a lot of fun with it.

Good job and good luck with the jam results! :)

Never played an escape game before but still felt the reverse mechanics. It was interesting trying to reverse my thinking and hide clues. Although I will admit in the second level I did click aimlessly at points, when I did find the correct place to hide the item, I felt an a-ha moment, which is a great thing to have in a puzzle game. The perspective of the rooms kind of messed me up a little bit and I felt it was hard for me to get a grasp of where I was in the environment of the room as silly as that may be. Regardless, I respect the boldness of creating such an art-heavy game for this jam in the first place!

Good job and good luck with the jam results!

(1 edit)

Fun puzzle game. Not too hard, even the advanced levels were pretty easy, but I wasn't looking for a challenging experience so I really enjoyed my time. I was a fan of the VHS effects and the simple graphics fit well. I will say that it is hard at first to tell in which direction the VHS tapes will fly from just the shelf sprites. I caught on quickly, but the sprites look similar when rotated so it took me a second.

This game has a very strong "feel" to it, helped by the sprites, the rotation, and the sound effects. Gameplay is simple but fun and the concept is fun. Good job and good luck! :)

Good idea and I like how you made a colored art style despite the original game's black and white one. I don't feel that the flipped concept changed the gameplay from the original but I don't think that matters all too much in a game as simple as this. Maybe adding a difficulty curve so that the game increases in difficulty as it goes along would be cool.

I like how you took the concept one step farther and didn't just settle with "you are the asteroid". Instead, you hurl the asteroids at the ship! The AI was very good and there were not a lot of games that implemented an AI into their game. They were a little too good for me though haha (I was bad at the game). Graphics were simple but effective and sound effects fit well.

Good job and good luck :)

(3 edits)

Thank you so much! I wish I had the time to add an alternate input method but I would have had to make alternate instruction pages and I just didn't have the time. It would be something to consider if I ever decide to update this game.

Thank you, and good luck on the jam results!

Haha I thought that was a to-do list. I will definitely revisit this game when I get a chance, thank you for responding. :)

Thank you for playing! Having all of the menus be usable with the controller is a good idea! I thought it would take a while because I made a controller-accessible menu in another game beforehand and it took a while but I'm realizing now that the game over menu could have been a button press and the main menu could have had a pointer that could be controlled using the controller (although it may have been difficult to make the pointer cooperate with the sliders in the settings menu). If I ever update it, that's one thing I'll add. 

Thank you for playing and I'm glad you enjoyed it. Good luck with the jam :)

Thanks for playing! Glad you liked it! 

( Replaying your game is still on my to-do list, don't worry :) )

(1 edit)

Whoa! This game was so good! The humor was hilarious, the puzzle design was fantastic (I played it 'till the end and stuck through with it even when I was stuck... and I'm not even a fan of puzzle games), the art style and animation felt like a stylistic choice and not simple because it was done in a super short time, wow! This game feels completely fully realized. I think this might be the first 5/5 for everything I've given in this whole jam.

Fantastic job and good luck with the jam results. I think this is a serious contender for top 100. :)

(Definitely following this account in case you make this into a full release...)

Good execution of the concept! The visual effects were cool and I liked the idea of the perspective coming from the cameras, although because of this, the movement wasn't super consistent and right and left seemingly "switched". They didn't really switch but because of the sudden change of perspective, the right and left felt switched. There's definitely opportunity for more with the execution of this concept.

Good job and good luck with the jam results! :)

Thank you for playing! I agree, it's definitely a bit much. My hope was that it would balance out the times when those same minigames were a bit too slow, but I definitely did not find the sweet spot between those two and the extremes became a little too extreme. Very good feedback and I'm glad you enjoyed!

Good concept with really good execution! The art was very nice and I like how the mechanics connect to the concept. Having to slow down near the player to act chill and having to avoid the player (making them an obstacle) but only until you have the required item (switching them to not be an obstacle) is really clever. Although it wasn't intended, I like how the characters' sprites flip out when they collide with a tree or something- really made me feel the "cozy game on the brink of collapsing" theme. My only suggestion is that maybe there can be a few randomized pieces of dialogue so that there are more than just one or two pieces of dialogue that have to be read over and over. Really cute and funny game overall, good job and good luck with the jam results! :)

Really fun and difficult. Hilarious concept. Well polished animation. I don't know if it fits the theme super well because I personally can't imagine a scenario where I'd normally be playing as a fish and not trying to be blown up but you did such a good job I don't even care all that much.

Good job and good luck on the jam results :)