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A member registered May 17, 2023 · View creator page →

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Thank you for playing :D

Good work! :D

I liked the light effect and the fact that it keeps a record of your actions.

Good job! :D

I liked the game, it fits the theme very well. 

Maybe a ui to help the player know what is happening with more clarity would be fine.

Good game, congratulations!

The platforming feels good, it was fun and quite challenging.

Great work! :D

Really cool idea. I liked the fact that the music changed to fit each style.

Really impresive game. Fantastic work!! :D

Loved the mechanics!

Maybe add an option to close the pop ups, in my case they stayed in the screen for too long and it was a bit annoying.

Excellent game, congratulations!! :D

Very fun and frenetic.

Very good game, really impressive and perfectly fits the theme!

Excellent work! :D

Nice game!! :D

Maybe a smaller map would be better, because it gets to a point were is very difficult to find the last monsters. Even then great work!!

Do not worry, I understand the time limitations.

In my game I also tried to add many more mechanics and stuff but didn´t have the time.

Thanks for playing my game! Great thing you like it :D

I also had find some problems when I try to comment, what I do is refresh the page, but I do not know why that happens.

Don´t woory, I understand the time limitations :D

Thanks for the music!

Nice Work! :D

I like the ambient. The game is almost a walking simulator and you can still attack after dying, that was quite hilarious.

Also, good dwarfs go out of the map :D

The initial scene was quiet confusing to me, I also got stuck like in the third screen. 

Even then, good job making the game! :D

Good job!! making a game is no easy task.  :D

It is very short, but I liked the movement. In my opinion it doesn´t reflect the theme  of the jam.

Also, you can still win after you lose xd.

Nice game!

Is short but fun. The dash mechanique really improved the gameplay, even though it was hard to use. The dialogues were a good touch.

Congrats!! :D

Great it helped!!

I have been using godot like a year. I am no expert at all, but if  you have any question I will try to answer it if I can.


(1 edit)

Loved the presentation!! Definitely a 5 stars to visuals! 

The platformoing wasn´t great though. Good, but not as amazing as the presentation. Also, maybe is just me but I didn´t understood much of the plot, even then, the fact that it has dialogues at all is great.

I think this is my favorite game of the jam so far.

Fantastic job!! :D

Fun fact:

There is a bug where if you spam "E" at the npcs the text becomes a mess. It almost feels like it will summon chuthulu XD. 

It doesn´t matter at all but I found it very amousing.


I am curious, where did you get the music? or did you make it?

Good job!

I liked the idea, the controls feel good(even though I would increase the rate of the gun).

The problem I found is that is not that great fulfilling the theme of the jam. Exploration is disencourage becouse the fuel runs out very quickly and there isn´t much to find while exploring.

But even then I still enjoyed it :D

Very nice game! Congratulations :D

Fits the theme very well, good length, I liked that the jump had a short and a long version. The touch of the key following you is very good.

Some tips:

1-When you use pixel art on godot there is a filter that blurs the sprite. Look how to disable it, is very easy.

2-When you make a platformer look for coyotee time and jump buffers. Simple ways to improve the feel of the controls.

3-Use the limits properties of the camera2d to avoid the player see outside the gameworld.

4-Try to make clear the method about how to advance the level.  Is quite unclear how it is currently.

I hope you find one of these tips helpful for you.

Great work! :D

Nice game :D

I found bugs related to the collitions, some of them  made the game unplayable. But I enjoyed the game.

Good Work!!

I had a bug were the player kept moving in the same direction. I also got stucked and didn´t knew how to proceed.
But still, God work!! :D

I found it very good. Ultra luck dependant but fun.
Good work!! :D

I loved the idea once I understood the mechanics, but the controls were a bit frustrating.

Excellent work!!

Thank you very much :D

(2 edits)

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This game mixes the exploration of a metroidvania and the combat of a turn-based rpg. Explore, fight bosses and find weapons that give you new abilities for exploration and combat. 

You play as a knight who is trying to escape from a dark castle full of enemy soldiers and monsters, defeat all thr bosses to let the knight see the light again.

I made this project using godot, and this is the first time I do something like this.I hope you enjoy the game :D

Thanks!! yeah, balancing the stats was probably the thing I struggle the most with.