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Chris Trenary & Friends!

A member registered Jul 17, 2018 · View creator page →

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This is a really cool idea! The intro cutscene was great and the core gameplay concept is really fun. I couldn't get very far into it because of some technical issues, namely the barrel not moving along with the moving platform and the monkey string not extending at all after a while, but this idea has a bunch of potential and I would definitely play more of a more polished version.

(1 edit)

Thanks a bunch!! The platform shifting a bit when switching was intended to make it so it ends up in the same place in the other room, the ghost of the character was intended to assist with this but I definitely think that some of the rooms should've been built a bit more similar in exact dimensions or the swap should have a smoother animation to accommodate this. As for shift not working, placing platforms in midair isn't possible, but if this wasn't the case when you played I may have a bug to squash! Thank you very much for playing, for the kind words and for taking the time to leave feedback!

Thank you!! That's definitely something I've thought about too, the game as it is now is honestly probably about half the length of what I had planned originally, so who knows, maybe eventually I'll go back to add those extra levels and fix things like the respawning. Thanks again for the kind words and feedback! 

Really freaking cool!! The presentation was top-notch, and figuring out the exact ways the chain worked between the characters was really fun and satisfying. I think certain puzzles could have benefitted from being able to toggle between directly controlling the characters, or just giving you a bit more control of the second character while linked so you don't have to drag him around as much, but overall this is a really cool concept and very well made!

Thanks a ton!! Glad you enjoyed it and appreciate the feedback!

Thanks for playing, I'm glad you enjoyed it!

Haha thank you so much!

Not a bad concept! Reminds me of games like Bit.Trip Void where growing larger is positioned as both a good and bad thing, and spamming the shoot button when I grew super large was pretty entertaining. I'd say my main issue was that because of how quickly you grow and how little of a threat the enemies are, the game gets really easy really fast. There was also a point on my first go where it seemed like enemies just stopped spawning, and I just ended up dying from flying my blob off the screen while trying to figure out what to do. Still not bad though, I see what you were going for!

This is a really neat concept! I was a little confused at the beginning because of the lack of a tutorial and the tree's shadow not behaving like the others did, but I thought the way you used the objects like the water bottle and the flashlight was really clever. Not bad at all for your first jam!

Thank you, glad you enjoyed it!!

Thanks very much for the feedback and for playing the game! Punching would DEFINITELY be the major thing to fix in a future release; we planned to have even more mechanics (one for each face button) but in the end we barely had time to fix the only major attack. Gotta keep our ambition in check next time!

Totally get it! Only meant to criticize constructively. My game's got plenty of problems I wish I could've fixed before the deadline, heh. Jams are a great way to learn things and grow as a designer, and I hope you'll continue to participate in them and hone your skills! :)

Really wanted to love this game, the character design is so cute and I'm a sucker for low-res 3D games, but I couldn't get past the first couple platforms. It seemed like I was supposed to climb up it or lower it to where I could get on, but I only figured out that I could lower it through mashing buttons and couldn't lower it enough, and I couldn't get on top of the platform after climbing up it. There's probably something I'm missing here but the game could do with a more in-depth tutorial if that's the case. :/

I think I see what you were going for here. I really like the darkly lit, maze-like levels, and the insanity meter similar to games like Eternal Darkness is a great mechanic to tie into the theme. I think this game could work better with some minor gameplay tweaks and a little more work done to make the stress meter matter. I didn't really understand why jumping would cause my stress level to rise, and the punishment for filling up the meter just being rising up for a few seconds didn't really make sense to me. Also, the lack of checkpoints discouraged me from continuing through the levels, especially when falling on spikes is an insta-kill. Personally, I think employing some sort of visual layover with a shaking camera the more the stress meter rises would make more sense and make the gameplay more tense, and dying should at least boot you back to the last room entrance instead of to the start of the game. Also, I know this may be difficult to implement, but sound design plays a big part in these types of games, and I think some sort of background noise that grows more chaotic the more the meter fills up would've greatly benefited the game as a whole (I'm lucky enough to have a friend that usually handles that stuff for me, and I would have no clue where to begin without him, so I get that might be difficult to implement if you don't have experience in that area). Despite my problems with the game however, I think you've got a lot of potential to work with here, and I encourage you to continue to develop it past the jam and improve it!

This game's got some of cool ideas! I feel that a more serious loss of control or some sort of more extreme visual/audio cue would help the ship seem more out of control than it feels, but the mechanics of the weapons constantly changing and needing to constantly repair your dampeners and shields to stay alive are both solid concepts. The conflict between the two intergalactic restaurants was also a neat story concept, though I wasn't a huge fan of the writing, heh. Also, for a jam game, I think you could've afforded to make it a bit shorter and have more variety in that shorter time frame to make it more consistently fun. Still, the art and sounds are great, and overall I think it's got a lot of potential. Good work!