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The Chromian

A member registered Mar 24, 2020 · View creator page →

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I have two questions.

  1. Does using GitHub Copilot count as AI-generated work?
  2. If I'm not using an established game engine, can I start writing generic code for low-level features before the jam?

ah nice

did this get cancelled or just delayed for bugfixes

play castlevania symphony of the night or any metroid game and you'll get an example

communism is an economic system, not a political one, and what about china's government is communist other than the fact that they call themselves communist?

ah yes, communism is when dictator

you're on a completely different page than everyone else

calling something communist doesn't actually make it communist you know that right?

china's government is heavily capitalist, otherwise why would all companies do their manufacturing there

yeah, I'll make movement use less stamina

yeah, I ought to turn down the energy usage for a lot of stuff

Good game but a lot of songs I tested it with were unfair, but then again most of the songs I have in my documents folder are boss themes or insanely hard rhythm game mod songs.

sent you a friend request, I'm TheColorRed#3691

I'm a programmer with a good bit of Unity experience, and also a pretty good composer. However, I'm awful at art both 2D and 3D, and my game concept for the jam (basically 3D bullet hell Mega Man, I'll try and incorporate the theme when the jam starts) needs 3D models. So, I figured I'd try and find a teammate. I want someone who can make 3D models of characters. I kind of want it to have a kind of saturated, bloom-heavy style (kind of like HD-2D but without the 2D), which I can implement in Unity, but might need to be considered when making the models. So, if you can make animated 3D models and want to team up, send me your info here. Apologies if this sounds a little too demanding, I usually do this kind of thing on my own.

I kind of want to make some music for my game for this jam before it starts, but that would require it to be considered "general purpose". What exactly would be considered general purpose for that criteria?

This is the same game as your other one but without the interesting gimmick of the bullets turning on you. I don't think you really understand what a roguelike is. However, it's a complete game which is playable, which is more than I can say for some submissions.

Decent game, not a roguelike. Fun, though.

Basically pac man but a roguelike except for not really because no level gen yet, good though.

This game is really good. It's very scaled down and rooms are basic, but the ability system elevates it to be one of the best games from this jam I've reviewed so far.

This game is pretty fun. Quite an interesting change-up.

...This game does not exist. Interesting concept, but literally no gameplay.

The game is confusing, very charming though you just need to add some sort of indicator as to how you do certain tasks.

A decent game. My only complaints are that it's super easy, and the level layouts are a little barren.

Decent game. Incredibly short, though. The procedural generation is quite weak, as it just feels like a normal platformer with a random order of levels. As such, I wouldn't consider it a roguelike, because of the lacking generation and the fact that it's too short for permadeath to make much of a difference. The difficulty is also very inconsistent, with some levels (such as the one with a ton of whatever those flying enemies are) being way harder than others. Also, I noticed a bug where sometimes the music doesn't work. The physics are kind of weird, as well. Overall, though, good game, with nice art, nice (but repetitive) music, and decent level designs.

The game doesn't seem to be functional, it says Mono failed to initialize. I don't think you have all of the necessary files with the game.

It's great graphically and has interesting ideas, but the gameplay is just not interesting. I feel like the terrain generation is subpar, and it just doesn't have enough action. Definitely a roguelike, though, and it could be good if you just sped up the flow a little (better map generation, more stuff beyond just moving around and grabbing items).

Day 7: The game is finally good! Gameplay loop is finished, music and SFX exist, and there is enemy variety!

That may have been my fault, as I didn't explain the exit system and due to a bug the enemies were incapable of damaging you

Very funny, basic but decently fun and quite hard, the scrunklies are quite well animated but the rest of the presentation is very rough, the slingy ones should be made harder because they take forever to throw their heads and are way easier to avoid.

Day 6: Enemy AI works worse but is slightly less slow until the entire game's speed dies to a memory leak. Combat bug has been fixed but there are more inconsistent crashes, exit works now, you get souls from killing enemies (although I haven't implemented the altar where you can spend them quite yet).

Day 5: Got enemy AI to work, but it's really slow. Also added combat (which works ok but has a game-breaking bug) and an exit (which I couldn't test because the combat has a game-breaking bug). Couldn't take a video because I can't show off most of it reliably.

Day 4: Enemies, finally! Couldn't get pathfinding working yet so they don't do anything, but they exist! Also added a new item, started work on a new system, and fixed a bug.

Day 3: Made a lot more progress (still no enemies, hopefully I'll get to those tomorrow). See the attached video.

Day 2: I didn't get too much done today. I got item pickups working and did a little UI stuff, but ran into some weird pointer bug.

With the help of GitHub Copilot, an interview of a roguelike developer, and some heavily modified old code for a tactics game, I got random floor generation (with loot spawning) and basic movement working. The concept for my game is exploring the Gaping Maw, the 88th layer of the Abyss in D&D lore. I'm not trying too hard for accuracy, though.


7DRL Challenge 2023 community » Q&A · Created a new topic Timeframe?

The jam runs from late March 2 to March 12, but it says that it's from March 4 to March 12 in the description. However, it seems like the main restriction is that you have to spend 168 hours on it. Given how I'm planning to submit my game to two jams, and the other one ends on March 10, would it be allowed to start earlier as long as I only spend 168 hours working on my submission?

I'm part of another game jam that this jam entirely overlaps with, if I make my game within the time limit and following the restrictions of both jams can I submit it to both?

You have to use music you have the right to use.


it was supposed to be like a showcase thing

I guess it was a bad idea