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A member registered Jun 06, 2020 · View creator page →

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That's a really good idea, we'll be sure to do that!


Nice game! The combination of 2d and 3d styles is really cool. Maybe tweak the camera movement a bit, and definitely fix the jump animation (but other people have already said that).


Amazing game! Love the art style, the robots are so cute! Interesting game mechanic with the limited controls. The UI also feels very polished. A minor suggestion, maybe add a pause button as well as the "p" key.


This game feels really polished, great job! The scene transitions, the ending credits animation, all feel very smooth. This game could definitely benefit from a continuation, it has lots of potential! I also really like how you made the fullscreen button built-in to the game, that was a nice touch!


Nice fun puzzle platformer! I personally think the art is a little too minimalistic, but that's my personal preference.

Thank you so much!

Awesome, thanks!


Wow, this was so fun to play and had me thinking! The puzzles are designed really well, and I really liked the teleport animation. The layers concept is so cool, when I first read "layers", I thought it would be vertically, so this surprised me. I was going to leave a comment about the sfx being too loud, but then I discovered the nice options menu, glad you took the time to add that!


This was nice to play! It's actually very similar to a game idea I had a while ago, so it was cool to see it. 
For feedback, it feels way too easy, maybe add stronger enemies that spawn with bubbles. Also, I would definitely add diagonal movement.


Really fun, but I DEFINITELY get why you put "rage game alert!!!" I really like the glowing art style and the music is nice. I think the game mechanic of using yourself to "draw" platforms is really cool. The tutorial is also very helpful. My feedback: the horizontal movement is a little too fast to my liking, and also maybe make it possible to jump as long as part of the player is on the platform.

Nice! Rated!

Thank you!

Level 5 is actually a confusing point for many, which unfortunately slipped through playtesting! We definitely need to add more tooltips/hints to it. One of the game mechanics isn't well explained, which leads people to get stuck on the level: If two slimes of different type touch, they will not combine to form a new color! You will only get the stronger type of slime. For example, if a green slime and a blue slime touch, the resulting slime will still be blue, and the green slime will simply disappear! Because of this, you need to be careful not to let slimes of different types touch, otherwise you will end up "losing" a slime and won't have enough to make the purple one.

Thank you so much! Me and @viv29 we're actually in disagreement over the movement speed, I wanted to have it faster and he wanted it slower. I guess I have the unpopular opinion! We will definitely tweak that. An idea I had would be to have the movement be very snappy, but have a delay between moves when holding down the key, I wonder what you think about that? About level 15, we thought it might be a little too hard, so we've already made changes to it for after the jam! It's really cool that your game is so similar to ours! I would play it, but I'm only playing browser games, sorry! Looking at the screenshots, the art looks very nice.

Thank you! I'm happy that you liked it, good to know that you like the music!

I would definitely play your game, but I'm only playing web games. So sorry! From the description, it sounds very fun!


Great game!I was a bit confused, but it was very fun to play nonetheless! A suggestion would be to have the options for each AI directly in the menu that appears when you click it, instead of being in the bottom left and having to click "interact".


Nice game! I really like the music, it fits the theme well. One piece of feedback would be to make it so any click near the start button will register, since I have to click really precisely on the text.

Awesome game!

Wow! Amazing game! Nothing else to say really. I love the art style and the sounds. It feels very polished. I really like the idea that you pick up as many members as you defeat.

Done, had fun!

Really fun to play! The art is amazing with great animations too! Everything feels very smooth and fluid. My feedback would be to remove the screen shake for when an enemy gets hit, and only have it shake when the player gets hit.


Thank you, glad you liked it!

Thanks for rating! :D

Sadly I can't check on yours, since I'm only playing web builds. From the screenshots though, I really like the art and glow!

If you'd still like to, please check out ours!

Can't believe this was made in only 9 hours! Wow! Something you might want to look into after the jam is that sometimes the player can glitch underground, making it impossible to progress or restart.

Great game, pretty cool that you made a 3D puzzle game! My only issue would be that it feels a bit nauseating for me, probably because of the FOV or mouse sensitivity. It would help if we could change these settings.

Done! Also nice profile picture!

Played! :D

Nice game! I really like the concept of using "yourself" as a stepping stone. It would be really helpful if you added a comment in the description on the game page about the P key bringing up the pause menu, I kept starting the game over until I read about it in the comments. Another piece of feedback would be to simplify the controls for the terminals. You could make it so that pressing z and x while at a terminal switches players directly, without the need for pressing space and E. It would also be helpful if there was a sort of indication to show the currently selected player, not only when in a terminal.

I've rated yours! :)